>he can't compile gentoo in 81 seconds
cuck tier
>he can't compile gentoo in 81 seconds
cuck tier
If linux was coded in c++ this would have taken hours.
what a pathetic test
If it was coded in Rust, it would have taken days.
>says the gaymer
Let's see clang vs gcc
that last time I compiled a kernel, I guess it was 3.19 or 3.20, it was compiled in 40-45 minutes
With how much the idiots on this board break their Linux installs Ryzen will save Sup Forums-tards years of time
But you don't need to compile everything when using Arch
You should be thankful to gamers. AMD sure as hell is, because gamers are their primary desktop CPU customers and they make a fair amount of money from consoles, which gives them the R&D money to even make CPUs for workstations. AMD likely wouldn't exist today if not for gamers. There's a fucking reason so much of AMD's marketing is targeted towards gamers.
we use gentoo here
Regardless the gaymen board's over there
pls stay and pls go
Technology does not exist independent of it's applications in the real world. Should the watch threads be moved to /fa/? Should the desktop threads be moved to Sup Forums?
You're only increasing my desire to stay here and shitpost about games because it makes neckbeards like you angry.
>Technology does not exist independent of it's applications in the real world.
Either way, this is the technology board. There are multiple boards dedicated to gaymen. If you want to discuss muh gaems, you're on the wrong board. Period. I don't care if gaming is technology, I don't care if it drives technology, you have a gaming board to discuss that on.
>Should the watch threads be moved to /fa/?
>Should the desktop threads be moved to Sup Forums?
Desktop threads have already autosaged for quite a while, they'd certainly have a more appropriate home in /wg/ or /trash/ than they do on Sup Forums.
And you don't either on Gentoo.
>mfw I'll be able to replace my Xeon distcc cluster with 1 Ryzen machine
people don't use linux because they want to make efficient use of their time bud
it's why they all use like 15yo thinkpads
IDK, AMD includes a lot of claims about gaming in their marketing material about their CPUs. It's clear if you're going to discuss this technology at all, AMD wants you to discuss gaming.
Can't wait for ryzen home servers.
tfw the 8320 and 8350 are still actually decent processors...
I'm more interested on naples. I hope they price it at half of competing xeons too.
Except they aren't. They were mediocre when released, and they're garbage now.
Ryzen is good on release.
They wiped the floor with the more expensive Intel processors for multithreaded programs for years. We're talking about servers, not games faggot.
herro chang
Eah software artisans at apple kindly compuled the macOS for me so it runs faster than ganoo loonix and I dont need 8 core cpus.
>moar coars
nice meme
I like how the desperate shills of AMD remove the 6900K and the 6950K when it doesn't suit them from the charts and then add either one of them or both when it does suit them.
Die.In.A fire.
Literally nobody in e.g. even considers >$500 CPUs anyway, 7700K is the sweet spot and 4/8 will remain the sweet spot for Desktop users.