/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.
Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

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Previous thread: If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or Mac.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

>What distro should I choose?

>What's the alternative for x?
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first for Source Mage GNU/Linux



fuck off cuck

This is your thread:

>open source """movement"""

from the context, by linux they probably mean gnu/linux
>was started by linus torvalds

>linux """leadership"""
>red hat

>also implying we all stand united as one under this ""leadership""" against the evil president "drumpf"

I don't know if I should cringe or rage

Let them. They're normies with a good will.


they're braindead morons

wtf i hate linux now

Fucking disgusting cuck.

Reposting from the last thread that got nothing but stallman bot post responses.

I have a problem. It stretches from Linux to Android and ONLY on these 2 platforms. My file server is based on Windows 7. (I know i know, but remote desktop is great). I'm sharing 2 file shares over the network to 2 Windows based clients, a Chromebook, 2 Android devices, and 2 Ubuntu 16.04 machines.

After an undetermined amount of time of the server being up, all the Linux and Android machines will no longer be able to see the server in their network tabs of their respective file managers. Nor am I able to connect to the server manually using the local IP of my file server and proper credentials. The Ubuntu desktops gives a "connection timed out" error, while the Android devices give an "unknown error has occured" (using solid explorer app with FTP module). While this is happening, all other devices on my network are still able to connect and interact with the server with zero issues.

All of this is fixable by simply rebooting the server. This doesn't take long at all as it's OS is installed on an SSD. But this is a really stupid problem to be having. What on earth could be causing this? Pic related is me now connected to my server from my tablet after a reboot. Can provide server specs if it would help.

I want to cum on her bald black head.

so great that open source and linux stand up against bad things in the world, meanwhile stallman eats toe jam

>not wanting to sit your testicles on her forehead
D I S G U S T I N G ! !

Maybe your machines just don't want to watch any more shit movies.

ubuntu's founders were a 12 year old girl an asian guy and bald black woman and a dead man

I need to make an email account for normie things, what service will most likly respect my freedoms?

So yesterday I did a reinstall 'cause my install was all kinds of fucked up, but in particular, my /var/log/ kept filling up. I didn't bother researching much as I was going to do a reinstall anyway.

On my new, fresh install, I looked at /var/log/ again and there are a few files that look kinda big again:
6,9G syslog
3,5G kern.log

is this, in fact, normal in the first day, or should I investigate further? I haven't used this install for much at all yet, if that is relevant.

the one you're hosting
sarcastic shitposting is still shitposting

you have a ton of errors,and/or you have it on verbose mode

wrong thread you motherfucking



cost $12 a year

best thing about it is that you can upload your gpg public key and it will automatically enrypt all incoming plain text emails with it

since linux is now compromized, why aren't you switching to bsd?

Possibly. Your comment was helpful. Thanks.

fuck off


Do us a favor and kys.

Shuttleworth is a cancer on the GNU/linux community.
>ubuntu has amazon spyware and fuckloads of nonfree stuff
>gets cucked by Red Hat and Poettering, enabling systemd to spread
>ruins linux with corporate backed bullshit, and Ubuntu is still too garbage for normies to use

You're welcome. ^_^

installing freebsd rn

I thank that was sarcasm.

wow we've got fucking Einstein himself here

Oh stop it you

Okay. It seems like it has something to do with iwl3945, and that it can't find the firmware for my wlan card (which I'm not planning to install as I use a better one, so I'll have to see how I can prevent my system from caring about the existence of the intel wlan). It keeps whining about this all the time, odd behavior.

is this apricityos.com/ just arch that looks good out of the box, or does it have different repos/update times?

Is there a faster way than adb push and adb pull to get my files from my computer onto my phone and vice versa?

i just fixed a problem that had been eating my ass for like a whole month and had me considering killing my install

i feel far too good for having just fixed something as simple as a computer problem goddamn i am over the moon elated

i had a similar thing several months ago
seemingly random, sudden reboots

the cause/fix escapes me atm, but damn was it relieving to have it gone

anybody here with a x260
do you by chance run crusader kings 2 and if so does it run well?

oh! i remember now, i had a second ethernet card installed which was fucking up
i've had that card over 10 years, in multiple machines, never was a reason to suspect it, but i was that far out of ideas

I know I'm slow.

## A Virtual Richard Matthew Stallman
## Original from mail~AT~philipnewborough~DOT~co~DOT~uk
## Modified by Anonymous (added eyes).

$other_eye = chop($eyes);
$eyes .= ")|($other_eye";
$the_cow =

What is the best distro for a 75 year old woman?

Ubuntu mate or some shit?

hey guys, do you think Stallman eating his dick cheese on camera advances the adoption on GNU? can we get rid of him already and pick an adequate leader? who will it be?

Depending on how good the computer is. Good computer= ubuntu cinnamon, mate or gnome or KDE.
Bad computer= xfce

it's like a mid-range laptop. might just g owith mate


what is the best distro?

install gentoo

Source Mage GNU/Linux

I don't understand why dependency conflicts are such a big deal.

Now "flatpak" is a thing which attempts to solve it with lots of redundant libraries.

Why can't you just have something similar to flatpak but instead of bundling redundant libraries why can't it just bundle symlinks to the libraries?
This way each application has its own exact versions of every library specified and won't even depend on the major version symlinks we have on our systems already, so there would be no dependency conflicts for having multiple versions of the same library right? But at the same time you avoid having too many redundant libraries like flatpak does

What is better Fedora or Ubuntu?

both botnet

Ubuntu always. Fedora is developed by Redhat who make all their money from US government spy contracts.

yeah but what's better of the two

i'm leaning towards fedora

>linux leadership

I bet it's just major tech companies afraid of losing cheap H1-B labor.

Canonical is a Microsoft partner, which again is part of PRISM. Ubuntu was shipped with spyware in the past too.

Just get Debian senpai.

Source Mage

i dont like the outdated package and aptitude.

I'm going with Fedora.

nice meme

Pray for me Sup Forumsentoomen
I had the nerve to attempt to upgrade 3 gentoo PCs after over a year.
wake me up

Gentoo sells PCs? Where can I buy one?
What hardware did you choose to upgrade them?

you too



Must be the first time i see someone writes drumpf unironically.

pardon me sir.
Just 3 PCs with gentoo.
No binaries of course.
Updating. Circular dependency hell. The usual.

Nightmare mode engaged trying to update kde to plasma on my x200 librebooted freedom machine. Fucking hell.

My friends were like dude why not just use windows what the fuck man why are you killing yourself.

Sup Forums rotted my brain so my apologies


He's right though. I guess if you know your way around (x)ubuntu and the default i3 config you'll be fine pretty fine but I still have to explain the less obvious shortcuts.
>turn off display with mod+esc
>lock workstation with mod+x
>if the physical keyboard layout being German and the default xkbmap being us(intl) throws you off, switch between them with mod+alt_left
>prtscrn takes screenshot of all displays, shift+prtscrn only does the focused window, timestamped screenshot go in /tmp
>don't hit mod+shift+e unless you REALLY want to log out, there is no query
>there is no firefox, use icecat
>don't worry, nano is supposed to look like that, use gedit if you don't like it
>the trackpad is disabled, use the trackpoint or a USB mouse

What would you have to explain to someone who is used to your distro's default behaviour and settings and needs to use your computer?

I went to xfce-look.org and when I tried to install some themes I heard music playing in background.

Now that music is gone.What is that?

Trump has a travel ban, not an immigration ban. It affects some Muslim countries.
Trump's change to the H1-B visas is to force employees to pay equal wages to imported and local workforce, removing the cheap labor attraction.
The media is trying to confuse people into thinking that Trump literally banned immigration on racist grounds. He didn't.


Here is link I can hear music am I the only one?

I am paranoid it is malware or something.
Only my pc can hear it other pc with other distro cannot hear it.


I just ask them "can't you do that on your phone?"
Or hand it to them powered off. Usually, they stop asking.

>driving somewhere
>sis riding shotgun
>get call on phone
>sister too slow, miss call
>finally figures out you have to press the power button instead of tapping the screen to wake it
>"I'll call back"
>"hey what's your PIN?"
>don't even remember the numbers, have to visualize typing it
>"1, 5, 4, 8, 3, 9, 2, 0, 0, ..."
>"Jesus how long is that?" (it's 16 digits which takes me around 3 seconds to type)
>"Wait where are the app names?"
>"Why are the icons so blocky?"
>pull over and call back myself
Normies can't even into phones.

You'll get proper documentation for your system and most of the things you'll learn will work on most other Linux. It's also properly managed bleeding edge.
Ubuntu has to deal with debian inherited bullshit, incompatibilities between packages from debian and Ubuntu repositories, some packages have been removed recently without proper reason, the Amazon integration (that is now optional), outdated vga drivers and so on. I've personally never seen an Ubuntu install that worked properly ootb.

Personally, I'm using arch and considering jumping to nixOS.

>What would you have to explain to someone who is used to your distro's default behaviour and settings and needs to use your computer?
I'd rcommend to switch to a tty to save time.

>can I use your computer to check my mails?
>you can try it
>w-where is the start button?!

>but user how am I going to open a browser, take some screenshots and edit them in a TTY?

Yes, that's usually how it goes. What I'm interested in is the explanation that follows.

suggest me some good cli torrent client
i tried transmission-cli but adding torrents is taking long, like just to add torrent it takes minute


pls forgive me guys, i tried linux but i just cant do it anymore

im going to enlist for the botnet winblows 10


thanks stallman, i tried being free

Good luck.

gross dude, at least go for 7

im sorry kim, gnu/linux just doesnt work well on my x1c 5th gen

For me windows has no benefits other than games. If you're not a gamer and i see no reason to use windows.

Emulation solutions on GNU/Linux are godlike.

his hardware might be '2new' for current stable distros

GNU/Linix runs like shit on the x1c kaby lake

the right side of the laptop is always hot

I have windows 7 and xubuntu dual boot.
I know there are issues with installing an OS over windows without special care.
If I update to the newer ubuntu lts will windows freak out?

Since /desktops/ are banned off Sup Forums, where did people go? I miss inspiration and sharing configs. ;_;

reddit or /w/
/w/ does things slightly differently since its a slow board

Why does netflix refuse to allow html5 from linux?
Will changing my html5 header or whatever it's called (please correct me) with the addon trick netflix?

Does FreeBSD support Toshiba Satelites?


Perhaps but I'd rather just use the architecture it was intended for instead of hacking together a solution. I'm not much of a gamer so it doesn't really matter to me. Anyone in the tech business should know how to install and use Linux.


>you can't use photoshop on linux
where does this meme come from? CS5 works fine so I'm assuming later versions do