Ryzen in one picture

Prove me wrong.

Pro tip: you can't

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I don't think you'll find more than a few review sites saying it absolutely sucks, so this is pointless.

First Intel shill confirmed

Learn to read.

good job gaming with that nigger poorfag

Ryzen sounds interesting until you look at the price

Some of the worst value you could possibly get

Small army of Intel shills on here says you're wrong.
Right on schedule!

Hope you're getting paid for all that shilling.

>Cost per FPS

ok then faggot, what's the HPC SKU

they're not even TRYING to sell this shit to supercomputing customers

they know

Yeah everyone should buy i3 since i5 has worse price/fps right?

Retarded shill

Anything more than a 7600k is confirmed retarded and a 6600k is even better value

The difference with Ryzen is, you're paying the same money for less gaming performance. A 7700K costs around the same and performs better in gaming.

With an i3, you might get worse value when switching to an i5, but at least you see an increase in FPS. It's up to you to say whether the lost value is worth the frames. That dynamic doesn't exist with Ryzen.

>Sup Forums - Video Games

hello Isaac

The only place amd is behind is max fps, and depending on the game and how much smt is fucking with it potentially minimum, but as far as gaming goes, 8 cores > 4 cores when they are close enough performance wise because of how much better the overall experience is.

If you do literally anything else but game on a pc, and that includes internet use, the 8 core wins because of load balancing.

Go back to Sup Forums you poorfag.

When those patches hit Intel fags will be on suicide watch.

>he buys computers to do one job.
Dude moar cores are the future. No escaping that. Ryzen with mature in two years, but will see drastic improvements in gaming in the meanwhile. Over a million units sold and ryzing. Game vendors will be retarded if they don't cater to it.

But user. Remember that since ryzen was launched energetic efficiency doesn't matter anymore, it's just not what hips now. Also remember that back then if you don't buy one expensive top line intel processor you're a poorfag but now then only metric that matters is games so if you get 150 FPS instead of 160 FPS @ 720p in the most recent call of duty with the top line ryzen processor which costs as half of the top line intel processor but that at the same time both loses in games against a cheaper intel processor which at the same time costs more than a similarly priced ryzen processor with similar performance on games than then intel processor then you're being an stupid richfag. In short buy intel if you want to be a cool guy, and everyone wants to be a cool guy right?


Why is fuck-my-shit-up Intel shill wearing an Amada mask?

Because it's easy to say bullshit claiming to be an AMD user. I feel pic may easily be related for example.

The hide their internal anguish behind anonymously posted smug anime faces, like so many.

>The difference with Ryzen is, you're paying the same money for less gaming performance. A 7700K costs around the same and performs better in gaming.

No disrespect user, but hasnt more cores been the "future" for the last couple of years? Not hating, Im running an AMD on my build even, but I'm genuinely interested.

Pic related.

8c/16t is not a gayming chip desu


Try to explain this to Sup Forums kids that don't know about technology but badly optimized, programmed games..

>9% behind Kaby
>When even my old Ivy Bridge is only 5% behind
>Intel has 10-20% higher clocks across the board

Why exactly should I buy Ryzen?

Don't buy Ryzen yet if you only use it for gaming. Within a few months the writing should be on the wall. Besides, if you still want to stick with Intel, the prices will be slashed as response to Ryzen.

Are you someone who wants a CPU for high end games as well as video/photo editing or virtualisation/heavy multitasking?
Buy a Ryzen

Do you want to play games?
Buy a 2500k or whatever discount i5 you can find

Do you want to play high end games?
Buy a 7700k or some other i5 on sale

Do you want to do video editing or photo editing?

Do you want a workstation CPU?

> AMD's 1700x, not even the top model
> Beats Intel chip that has MOAR COARS

I tell you, after Trump won the election, EVERYTHING has just gone topsy turvy.

It fills me with mirth. Mirth I tell you.

>Photo editing


i would like to play gta 5 at 1080p 60fps

By workstation, do you mean Office PC?
If that's the case, the Pentium seems reasonable.

But if it's my programming workstation that runs 2-6 VMs at any time AND needs to have enough CPU and ram to keep IntelliJ happy? I want coars the same way Christopher Walken wants cowbells.

But if this Zen arch keeps on the way it has so far, some of those CPUs might be changed for Zen equivalents. Would be cool.

Not with that reading comprehensions.

what? i am asking you what cpu should i buy to play gta 5 at 60 fps 1080p

>spilling your load over cherry picked benchmarks

1800x is $695 AUD
1700x is $565 AUD
7700k is $474 AUD
7600k is $324 AUD

Where does any new Ryzen actually beat the 7700k in any significant way?

Again, reading comprehension .

>implying those single-threaded benchmarks aren't cherrypicked themselves

multithreaded workloads

>200$ more
>worse performance
>can't even hit post 4ghz oc
ayy emm dee, for the plebs with a workstation I'm sure it's great but for gaymen it's a massive waste of money.

it is 2500k or 7700k? is gta5 at 60 fps considered an high end game?

And I wouldn't buy a quadro for gayymenn, what's your point?

There are no high end games a 2500k will run any and all games at 60fps maxed out with a good gpu.

Unlike you I'm not creaming myself over any of them.
It's great that ayymd put up something that you might consider buying but don't pretend it's more than it is. 9/10 times it's still not worth the 200$ you spend over a "cheaper" i7.

Maybe you shouldn't post your gaymen benchmarks of your quadro if you don't want to buy it for gaymen.

>Unlike you I'm not creaming myself over any of them.

even stracraft 2?

Well, given that most people play that with settings turned down to the lowest, I'd say yes.

>this upset that his 500$ cpu needs to cherrypick benchmarks to beat a 300$ cpu

Probably, considering starcraft 2 is a pretty old game by now. in a 1v1 game I'd say it with certainty but maybe if you're fucking around in 4v4 where everyone is doing wonky shit I'm sure you'll notice some framedrops.

>He needs to cherrypick benchmarks to show his 4 core cpu is better

>buying an 8 core CPU for gaymen

PS4 and X1 use 6 threads anyways... all the lazy as fuck devs aren't really going to even try to properly use more than that anyways.

>muh photo editioningning
:^) stay rectumrustled

Find and compile every single benchmark you can between the 1800x and the 7600k (half price of a 1800x)

And then cry like the faggot you are, faggot

>photoshop proven to be a lightly threaded benchmark
>inb4 video editing is niche

>inb4 video editing is niche
Implying it isn't

>he needs to specify that it has to be gayyymen benchmarks
please stay in

There is no reason to buy 1800x and 1700x instead of 1700 which is $469 AUD

>4cores 4eva

Next year Intel will unleash....


With 4 threads per core... but still a 4 core i7

What alternate universe are you living in?

>cherry picked
>SSL verification

pick one. But it seems you don't know how important it is.

>inb4 video editing is niche

Are you living in a cave?
Gamewhoring is the niche thing now ever since that retarded pewd got rich just by acting like a retard while playing indie games.


The point being that at the same cores and clock speed it can go toe to toe with Intels finest. Once the bugs get patched The extra cores on the Ryzen chips will BTFO of Intel even when the Intel is OC'd to 5Ghz (Those few that can since most only reach 4.8).

>Where does any new Ryzen actually beat the 7700k in any significant way?
In multi threaded workloads and multitasking. Of course if you only look at which CPU can push the most frames in your video games, 7600k reigns supreme.

Doesn't the new engines just use threadpools and scale from there?
Like you know, ENTERPRISE PROGRAMMAN have done for yoinks now?

Literally everything besides office software for employees and students and web browsing is a niche

This is computers 2017

Feel free to show other relevant CPU-heavy benchmarks, such as bcrypt/scrypt or even Sha256 hashing.

>They think gaming performance is all about the highest fps
It really gets your cranium crunching

nah the dumb fag from Sup Forums will post more games at 1080p and act like he knwos shit.

Hopefully, but God knows the next Elder Scrolls will just be a re-skinned Oblivion, ass-rapping two threads while the rest do nothing.

Most Ubi titles are shit multi-threaded games too.

Even then, not everything in a game can easily be multi-threaded.

Some are multi-cored... which isn't the same... Like AI on one, Sound on another, asset streaming on another, gfx on another, etc.

adding threads has a diminishing return...

And if you actually look at the Ryzen v. 7700K, Ryzen had way lower CPU utilization. That tells you the game code isn't optimal at all for it.

What alternative universe are you living in. Unless you're in an industry that actually does that stuff the chances of you knowing someone who actually does video editing that can't be done on an i3 are abysmal

I am "not in the industry" and neither are 3 of my friends who do lots of video editing.

This is tech board and not normie board.

>nerd does fringe stuff
>I swear it's not a niche

I live in a universe where Youtube and Twitch exists.
>video editing that can't be done on an i3
I can game on a Pentium

amd compares 1800x

intel shills totally moving the goal post and compared it with 7700k

not even trying anymore

>I can game on a Pentium
You could, another reason not to get a 500$ chip unless you're in a niche market

you can always point out to the shills

Again, I live in the universe where Youtube is popular and Twitch exists.
>missing the point of the Pentium remark
I guess reading comprehension isn't something you're good at.

>cost per fps


encoding and VMs, compiling Linux kernels.

Codt per FPS? What the fuck shill?

This has gone too far.





>Office PC?
actually excel gets quite a nice boost from more cores

>cost per FPS

You gotta go back to Sup Forums.

>ass-rapping two threads while the rest do nothing
did you miss long term relationship announcement between amd and bethesda?

Bethesda has a lot of good game studio... look at who made Doom with Vulkan.

Todd, is lazy. He'll just re-skin Oblivion and add some volumetric lighting. It'll be, practically, the same fucking engine from Oblivion.

this chart has gone way past even the ones from nvidia

but anyway i mean its pcgamer the site that said 1 week before pascal launched to buy 970 as the best deal KEK