>he's using a solarized theme
this shit is fucking eye cancer, why is it so popular?
He's using a solarized theme
Other urls found in this thread:
what do you use?
I use IDLE on a calibrated monitor (120cd/m2, 6500, costs around €2000)
Nobody's going to tell me that hipster and/or dark meme themes are better than black on white on a proper monitor.
>why is popular stuff crap?
>why is crap stuff popular?
>why is windows 10 popular?
>why is macOS popular?
>why is trump popular?
I'm sorry guys, I phone posted
i like gruvbox dark
Because it was literally designed to be easy on the eyes you fucking autist.
Depressing setup desu
Tell us about your setup.
>he fell for the go meme
What do you hate about it so much?
I don't use solarized but it lookes like it wouldn't burn my eyes after a long day's work. That's like the opposite of eye cancer.
> syntax highlighting
that's just a sales pitch, no science ever confirmed this.
Mac classic just works
Is this Vim? What do you use for auto completion?
Solarized Light is nice. Solarized Dark is disgusting.
So that's why my eyes are bleeding, good to know.
The only thing that is more disguisting than Solarized is inverse themes. Inverse solarized is pure aids.
Ah, so you hate it based purely on aesthetics? Ok, cool, whatever. For me some fonts and color schemes literally make eyes tired a lot faster. And so I appreciate any subdued color scheme with even contrasts. I don't particularly like solarized aesthetics as well, but it's easier on my eyes than most color schemes, that count's for something.
I don't like it much but it's usually the best option of the default color schemes that most editors come with. I'm too busy and not interested enough to rice my own color scheme.
This, syntax highlighting is cancer and the only language that justify it are those where the color of what you type actually matters like ColorForth.
>pass posting
>he thinks calibration is about setting brightness and temperature
>he uses a fixed cd/m^2 value without measuring ambient light
>he thinks 6500K is good for working with text
>he thinks a €2000 fucking Eizo CG has any advantage in displaying black on white over literally any CCFL or GBr-LED backlit display
>http.handleFunc("/", serveHome)
>func ServeHome()
>if r.URL != "/"
Spot the retard
I use Solarized Dark and the font Monofur.
I also have a boyfriend who loves taking me out to dinner and buying pretty clothes. What do you have?
Because I'd burn my eyes out looking at that white background for hours. But use whatever suits you and don't be a fucking autist about it.
lower the brightness on your monitor, dumbfuck.
so many fucking degenerate retards turn the backlight on their LCD up to 100% and then use a dark theme to compensate, literally sucking as much power as possible for no reason.
Real programmers use white themes.
>even contrast
what a fucking horseshit buzz term.
>low contrast pastel text that's hard to read is easier on my eyes
yeah sure it is.
That's the most pathetic excuse. Do you have any idea how low the luminosity on a monitor is? That's like whining that a night light makes print text too bright to stare at.
There's physically no way that the monitor is hurting your eyes, you're just inventing excuses for your own preference.
It's definitely better than bright white or bright green on pure black. Way better.
i'm gonna try this guys
>owning a desktop PC
i like it. how does that make you feel, autist?
Other than the background color, solarized is not that bad. Been using it for a while lately.
>Look ma, no mouse!
Cyanide Sky