Why do girls always have iPhones and never android?
Why do girls always have iPhones and never android?
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cause they use it to do actual phone things like calling friends, sending text messages, use social media apps etc
they dont care about muah ebin rice xD phone wallpaper threads on Sup Forums and look for the easiest way to pirate software through root access
theres a huge difference
They can trade infinite money with their built-in fuckhole so they spend mad money on uselessly overpriced shit
because tim cook takes it up the bum, so they want to be like him
Because women are stupid and care more about how something looks / what's the "nonpoor" device more than men do, unless they're faggots. This is typically why male apple users are homosexuals, or if they're straight they're SJWs fighting against "The Man" while unironically paying $2400+ for 2 year old technology.
Say what you want buy iPhones are better for people who just want a normal phone and have money
Status, android girls are poor black girls.
This desu
>normal phone
are you literally retarded?
Not technology related. Go to /r9k/ or /fa/
girls have iphones
fat numale autists have androids
men have jailbroken iphones
you spelled faggots wrong
>ause they use it to do actual phone things like calling friends, sending text messages, use social media apps etc
There is no difference between iphones and premium android phones if all you do is normie shit. It all comes down to how much of a fag you want to look.
Well, to say the truth is most "black poor girls" I know own an iPhone so...
Why does everyone in anime have iphones???
Because everything about Android sucks and is cheap and makes you look poor and dirty.
My wife has a Nexus 4 (and a PhD)
Why would you post that your wife is ugly on the internet like that?
Because women don't care about stupid overly complicated crap like for example philosophy
why waste time thinking about that crap when it is useless in real world applications?
Android = can't afford iphone
I'm uglier so it's a win for me
it's virtually impossible not to afford any android phone, since some can go really fucking cheap.
Evne though at that price you get what you pay for, if you need a cheap prepaid phone you can get one for less than the 10% of the iphone's price.
iPhone = can't afford Android phone
Women are the ultimate 'normies'.
Those are xperia phones
>believing him
I know a girl who refuses to buy Apple products and has never bought one before, like not even an ipod. Girls like her are rare but they exist.
nope. iphones. same anime...
>it's impossible to be poor
? ? ?
They are daddy's good girls and daddies like to spoil their good girls with expensive shit.
You on the other hand are a fucking fat failure that your dad is ashamed about and you are lucky to be able to buy a fucking Nudroid for your NEET bux.
Because they typical fill all three components of the TITF demographic, a core component of Apple's marketing strategy.
Technologically Illiterate
>mad money
>it's impossible to own 5 dollars
and by not having imessage you'll be the biggest fag of all
Because women are dumb
Higher quality phone with much better software.
Plus girls hate cheap looking Korean shit.
Because most people don't care much about their phone they just want it to work and look nice. They would rather just ask for the "new iPhone" than sift through a bunch of new Android devices until they find a decent one.
Customizability isn't a selling point, freedumb isn't a selling point. Price might be but that's about it.
iPhones are just easier.
>I can click on the icon or run the script to fix my Abeula's dell pc, I'm a hardware engineer.
>girl with an iphone? she's technologically illiterate, not like me.
All of the women in my family have Android devices. Not a single iPhone.
In fact, my teenage niece doesn't even like iPhones, she wants a Samsung Galaxy phone instead.
Why do iToddlers make this shit thread every fucking day and why isn't OP IP range banned?
Women follow men and the herd. If you are a strong man and make a reasonable case for something, your wife will eventually follow whatever you say. But the numale faggots/fat retarded neckbeards here will never experience this in person so it's probably pointless to even post... but I already typed it up so I may as well.
tl;dr: fuck you Sup Forums
>she wants a Samsung Galaxy phone instead
Which is even worse. Why don't people realize there aren't only iPhone or Galaxy phones?
Most girls I've seen have Samsung Galaxy phones or iPhone. I've yet to see one with a non-samsung phone.
Apple is good at marketing and most females are dumb cumdumpsters who will buy anything to look hip and trendy.
my mum has an axon 7
How do you ironically pay $2400 for 2 year old technology?
It's fashionable, the marketing ppl know what they're doing.
Yeah unlike anti apple neckbeard threads, fuck off shill
>giving a shit
I'm in a group with apple fags and when they found out I don't have an iPhone we just switched to using a group message
If you hang out with people, much less professionals, that give that much of a shit you need to reevaluate where you are in life
They don't? I know a lot of girls who use Android phones. If you're talking about the ones that tweet "Wouldn't ever date green bubbles lol". That's just white trash, and mostly just in the US. Then again, most of the US is filled with white trash.
Women are idiots.
so which phone should i get?
Because people who watch anime are sad manchildren.
>wanting google in your phone
>comes on an anime site
>insults anime fans
>feels like he's superior to everyone else
you either have a very low IQ or high depression and you get kicks from talking shit to others.
in either case, you should leave.... coz why waste your life away arguing with """manchildren"""???
my mum has a nexus 5
idk man, the typical apple user I've known is a 20-35-year-old male who is making relatively good money working in IT or related fields
you know, not the super wizardy type, the yuppie type who tweets a picture of a champagne bottle a few times a week and follows every new trend
w/ girls, they tend to go apple if they care enough to spend money on their phone. it seems like either they have an iphone or a sub-$300 android phone - many indeed have that cheap phone.
Do it for the memes? Do you know what irony is? Found the Apple user.
My gf has a nexus 5, never owned an iPhone, and doesn't want to get one because they're overpriced (despite being more than able to afford one). A few girls in my uni classes even have thinkpads. They aren't all dumb....just 70% of them.
I know a girl with the weirdest setup: she insists on using an old Nokia dumbphone (because her old Galaxy smartphone broke down too quickly) and instead always carries an android tablet in her bag to use social media, maps etc (the tablet is even a nexus 7, Sup Forums would've liked her)
>freedumb isn't a selling point
this doesn't seem to be a selling point for anyone, though
or how many people you've heard of using Replicant on an outdated android phone? that is caring about freedom, preferring android over iphone because you heard that android uses linux isn't
girls like jewelry
After being tech master around gf she switched, just got a pixel. Very proud of her.
welcome to the botnet pajeet
Windows Phone user here.
Profile is: Don't even want to own a smartphone, I hate the idea of them, I hate the reality of them. It was literally the cheapest thing in shop.
Ironically the joke is on me, its the best value piece of tech I've ever bought. Four years in it works perfectly.
If I could retire tomorrow though I'd hit it with a hammer.
captcha:tosca teengs
I live in a third world country and iphones are rare, and when I see them, they're on guys.
>mah status: Ima rich and hip bitch
>mah cute rounded-edges phone with a cute lil apple on it
>everyone's talking about iphones, so I must have one
>iOS is pweety, all icons are like cushions which give u a feelgood vibe from just using it
> I don't wanna customise much, too lazy to bother with nerdy stuff
Got me there
because they trick their fathers/boyfriends/husbands into buying it for them