Also, anybody have that image of a quick rundown of the classification of these browsers.
Isaac Morris
cyberfox master race reporting in
pale meme, wetfox, ff niggerly can btfo
google chrome backup, appcontainer enabled for extra security
Ryan Anderson
What's the difference between Cyberfox and Waterfox? Is Cyberfox good on Linux?
Ayden Torres
basically Cyberfox is a properly maintained Waterfox that doesn't have a single dev nagging about how his Intel compiler bugs out during every update he has to roll out
Justin Watson
is this accurate
Benjamin Gonzalez
move all nightly and unstable shit to below-lonely manchild tier and it's accurate as fuck
Nathan Martinez
>no cyberfox-bin in AUR dropped
Joseph Cook
works on windows, which matters
John Hernandez
I use Iridium, but if someone insists on Firefox customization I'd suggest Firefox Nightly with Icecat as a backup
Blake Sanders
I'm running Waterfox. Convince me to switch.
Adrian Thompson
I'm using Pale Moon but I'd swith to ungoogled-chromium if it wasn't for its shitty font rendering
Leo Watson
no this is
Joshua Parker
Swap Brave and Vivaldi and it's perfect
Elijah Gonzalez
Nobody is collecting your data from the browser you illiterate pieces of shit. The collection is done from their websites themselves by visiting. If you weren't stupid shits you'd know almost all browsers are literally identical in data collection once you turn on/off all their privacy settings. But of course the main problem here is not the browser, it's your technical illiteracy and wanting to be handholded by a loonix distro or other without doing anything yourself. Windows power users are much better than you at avoiding the botnet which is the actual red pill you will read here.
Eli Campbell
have you done any research on chrome data collection you brat?
Grayson Perry
t. I'm pretending to be retarded, the post.
Juan Miller
Do you run an illegal trafficking ring through the Cuban embargo to care? Have you even tried to turn off all privacy settings on Chrome? 99.9% of Internet tracking is done via the act of actually visiting a site you illiterate fucks. Google doesn't give a shit about your browser if you visit them or if you visit them without any blockers. The only reasonable benefit of Chrome right now for Google is on Android, because it has no adblock.
Brandon Ortiz
Sup Forums is full of edgelords that think they're cool because they're using third party underrated software.
No matter what you do, nowdays you will get tracked by anything you do.
Jaxson Kelly
>Google doesn't give a shit about your browser if you visit them or if you visit them without any blockers. nice strawman dumb shit, everyone who uses privacy-oriented browsers also uses privacy-oriented search engines
Justin Watson
>Nobody is collecting your data from the >browser you illiterate pieces of shit. You mean this? Get out of my board leddit please. And take your fucking reddit spacing with you :^)
Isaiah Butler
>2017 >using anything but Firefox Nightly
Grayson Wood
I've seen so many people shit on Firefox here on Sup Forums that it's hard to believe that Firefox is currently first on the poll.
Ian Allen
What could you people possibly discuss about? This is literally a "what's your favorite browser lmao" thread
Cameron Watson
The main reason this general was created is to stop all those other browser related threads that popped up every five minutes.
Ryder Howard
Is it botnet?
I've been trying it out for for a number of months, couple of minutes at a time, now it's finally starting to feel comfy. It's getting there. Good customization options.
What's worrying me is it's based on chrome, has anyone analyzed its outgoing connections? I'm too incompetent
Kevin Adams
forgot to post the FUCKING picture, I'm talking about FUCKING VIVALDI