Are you ready to be fucked in the ass by Microsoft's long shaft?
Are you ready to be fucked in the ass by Microsoft's long shaft?
Other urls found in this thread:
*clicks install anyway*
wow that was hard.
>implying you can't turn it off
>implying android doesn't do the same
>implying this is a bad idea for normies
I hate winshit as much as the next man, but you're reaching mate.
No because I use Windows 8.1/7.
>It's optional goy, trust us!
Android is just trying to keep you safe, Windows is just botnet.
Its disabled by default.
>google is less botnet than windows
YEAH? Great then.
Let's see how long it does stay in that way and w32 software stills been supported on WS.
Excuse me, I told you the thread was over.
Please discontinue posting.
Many thanks.
>Implying this thing is in every edition of Goydows 10
>Not cherry picked cloud edition
> I have no argument, let's call them jews
fuck off racist child
Man I can't wait for Sup Forums to once again realize how stupid they are.
Bring your passionate malice back to many thanks
Install POSReady
> POSReady
Interesting, i never knew it existis, thanks.
you get the same kind of prompts in linux if you install a third party repo or a program directly from a .deb or whatever.
>Redirects you to a $200 Windows Pro upgrade
heh, nothin persional, consumer
>I can't understand an argument unless it's spoonfed to me like a fucking baby
Trusting Microsoft to keep optional features optional has never worked.
>off by default
can we stop the tears now?
>Install POSReady
Lolno, I need NFS which only Ultimate and Enterprise have.
It's psssh, nothing personnel
Good to know. Why bother though? I like Ultimate, also I have a legit key since I was a beta tester..
Hey though I have a question. About this on Wikipedia
>Windows Thin PC
Which one is POS Ready? It's confusing. I'd like to get the iso files, as I currently have all the isos for Home/Pro/Ult/Ent x64 and x86
i dont use windows
That's the evaluation build which I'm not sure if it can be activated. Does POS ready and ThinPC have 64 bit versions?
You can use "Kill MySelf" emulators
POSReady 7 have 64 bit versions, Thin PC is 32 bit only
>POSReady 7 have 64 bit versions, Thin PC is 32 bit only
Thank you.
I found the x64 POS ready, someone posted it a while ago, and I saved it as txt:
Win7 Embedded
Google "XGY72" for key, no loaders or the like needed.
I will try to get them.
I dont intend to use the cloud version of windows, so I dont care.
Yes Daddy.
That's Windows Embedded Standard 7 not Windows Embedded POSReady 7
POSReady 7 does not allow choosing of components.
The download link is this one, ignore the 32bit files:
Enjoy watching you struggle, I do. Stay on Windows 8.1 I shall.
Well now I'm confused. Is that 64 bit?
It have both 32bit and 64 bit files
Oh, it's got both. STill, I'd like the standard iso, not eval version. At least on Ultimate DAZ loader works.
>Piece Of Shit Ready
Who knew Microsoft was so self-aware?
None of these isos are eval, it depends on the key you use during setup
The OEM builders get the exact same images
POSReady 7 requires frostrose though
Oh, ok. But if Embedded standard allows you to not install certain components wouldn't it be better?
Which will later become mandatory you dirty jew rat.
enterprises will never tolerate it, most home users won't either. the limitations on what types of code and sizes, etc. are allowed on the windows store make it a massive fucking turd.
Based on what? All the other tinfoil hat wearing idiots screaming shit since windows 7 that never happens?
Well that is up to you, but POSReady 7 ends support exactly 1 year later than WES7
>Enterprises will never tolerate it
There's already spyware and bloatware only Enterprise can disable
>Neither will home users
Guess how many fucks Microsoft gives? You can't prevent the update. They'll give you a link to a $200 "Pro" upgrade when you try to install things.
Yeah Microsoft hasn't done anything malicious like making Windows 10 ignore Registry and Hosts file settings when Microsoft doesn't like them haha
Kill yourselr
What is preventing us all from pirating Enterprise? You are a normie if you don't. I like this raping of the normies.
I don't get it, why should I use it over my Windows 8.1 pro?
Does it have any real advantages or is it just some interesting gimmick?
It is just people who think Windows 7 is better and refuse to modify Windows 8.1 to perform just as well with better under the hood improvements.
I don't think anyone "intend" to use the cloud version of windows, it'll be pushed by default on the average joe and will eventually be obligated to pay for the ability of running classic applications. If someone would intend to use a colud OS they'd be using a chromebook because google cloud features are clearly superior to Microsoft's. Just saying.
No Applocker NFS etc.
Preapare you asshole for Microsoft!
one word
I think the most realistic way this will forced is via a "basic" OEM licence on new low/middle range hardware.
High end and retail copies will support 'legacy' applications fine. Manufacturers will accept it as Microsoft will charge them less to push it (it benefits them in promoting their Store thing).
Whether that would last is beyond me. Depends on the consumer.
What is wrong with installing the same program from the Windows Store?
It's not even enabled by default and isn't aimed towards home desktop users. It's explicitly for companies who operate in-company versions of the Windows app store to distribute enterprise software to employees and want to limit employees to only installing that and official Microsoft software on work PCs.