Tfw you fell for the thinkpad meme

>tfw you fell for the thinkpad meme

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At least you have a cute hand, user.

the only solution to falling for the thinkpad meme is buying an ideapad.

HP laptops are better.

i wonder what borad it is easier to fish on, Sup Forums or Sup Forums

By fishing i mean posting ****bait**** threads that everyone knows are bait but """"ironically"""" reply to it anyway, even if we literally had this thread autosaging 20 minutes ago

Thinkpads are decent I just dont trust Lenovo botnet bloatware


Depends how much bait you have to share. With enough porn you can even bait Sup Forums.

Better toasters?

There is too much competition on Sup Forums, so the average yield is not as high.

>not installing an OS from scratch
>not librebooting

welcome newfriend


>tfw you fell for the thinkpad meme

you clearly never used an EliteBook

ThinkPad? Like a pad that goes in women's underwear? Didn't get apple get flack for that dumb ass name too.

thinkpads are CUTE

Cute OwO

How good is the screen for drawing?

It just works.
I own one, feels nice.

dat input lag tho

In an ideal world of course, but what if you don't want to use decade old hardware?

Then you should march up to NSA headquarters and let them anal probe you directly.

My HP laptop got so hot it physically hurt to use it, and it ended up frying itself to death

I'll never fall for the i7 in a laptop again


some stuff is okay

I wanna get one one of X series sooner or later, as they seem ideal for my day-to-day trekking and most of my existing laptops are too big to be toted conveniently.

Am I correct in my understanding that only the X60, X200 and T400 can actually be librebooted? If so why does the thinkpad general recommend the T420?

Quit being a fucking loser.

Are you also using a phone from the 90's? Jesus sometimes Sup Forums can be the most anti-technology board on here.