There are two types of people in this world

There are two types of people in this world.

fuck you if you do A

fuck you if you do B, I don't want that mess when I extract them in place

Fuck you

Put the folder in the zip so that your OS's "Extract here" function actually works properly without flooding your folder with a billion bullshit whyAreTheseEvenFuckingHere.files

fuck you, I shouldn't get a fuckload of files whenever I extract compressed files

Extract, auto detect subfolder. Best option.

Extra into a premade folder then, inbreds

>imblying i compress my files

macOS Sierra does not have this problem.

>forgetting this

I want maximum inode efficiency bitch


It's retarded to fix symptoms, not the actual problem, that's why, genetic three-ring circus.

This is america, I shouldn't have to do extra work. This isn't communism.

>extract to folder named after archive

>get a compressed file
>have to use 7zip because windows can even open a zip file
>no folder with all folders inside so I have to create a new folder to put all the uncompressed files into

Literally Sup Forums

>what is "Extract to ..." option

>not knowing that you can automatically create a folder by modifying the extraction path

add a fourth option that adds to 50 mb split rar files

you just re-opened a whole new world of autism


Handholding for retardpackers.



"extract here" belongs in the same category as GOTO, "reply all" and "#include ".

YOU belong in the same category as GOTO, "reply all" and "#include ".

>have to use 7zip because windows can even open a zip file
Even XP supports natively extracting zip files


About 2/24 profiles.

>one of the rar files is corrupted


tar -cvfz tatball.tar.gz

zip folders are for people that hate user permissions.

>7zip STILL has no good GUI
>tape archives

>unzip file
>extract here
>dumps all the fucking files in that dir

>unzip file
>extract to here/*
>folder inside a folder

Why can't a fucking archive program ignore top level folders entirely? If I click extract here, I want the files THERE even if there's a folder in the archive. If I click extract to folder, nobody ever in history has wanted a folder in a folder!

"Extract Archive Here, Auto-Detect Subfolder" is an option when right clicking zip files in Dolphin (the KDE file manager). It creates a top level folder only if there is no top level folder.

I believe Mac OS X also has this as default behavior but it's been awhile since I used a Mac.

Define good. If you mean "it doesn't look like a phone app" then you can just go straight to hell and suck 18 billion black dicks on your way there.

I mean actually user friendly. WinRAR is an exmaple

>Extract files to ~/*name of archive*/
Problem solved

>putting in extra effort because some retard doesn't know how to zip in the first place

7zip looks nicer than WinRAR.


GNU/Linux puts them inside a new folder named just like the compressed one. You fags are wincucks.

I do both.


every zip program made after 1995 extracts them to a new directory

No it verifyably does not.

Could be N and $ for all we know.

You're so wrong it hurts. Even my captcha says "STOP"

GNU/Linux has been doing this since before the century change. As the first retard illustrated, what is happening is that you're too dumb to use it properly, because you are not taking advantage of the convenience features in the wrapper. Stop being edgy children who try to look like 1337 haxx0rs by using the terminal of everything, you're not looking cool, just stupid.

Nice filesize user



>90% of this thread on suicide watch

I still think its funny that so few people tried to do it with the gui like a sane user would

Sup Niles

Pretty brutal if true. I'm not freetarded so I wouldn't know. My opinion on the original topic hasn't changed though.

Was that ending a tribute to our kween of koding

No but now I'm ashamed I didn't think of that first

If he had hit the "Extract" button on the archive manager that popped up, it wouldn't have created the "test" folder

Doesn't matter because Ark can do either, or even autodetect. Is there nothing like that on Windows?

>one of the rar files is corrupted
>its corrupted on EVERY mirror


So Sup Forums is proudly a dumbass.

>download file
>theres a .rar inside it

>open the .rar
>there's a tar.gz in it

>if he had done it in an inconvenient way the convenience would be lost, therefore you should use 20 year old text based tools to look like a cool kid instead of just 2 clicks

No shit. Go back to suicide watch now.

>open the tar.gz
>theres ANOTHER tar.gz
>inside is the files
hurr durr if i compress the compressed files it saves space!!


open my zipper

ah fuck
can i do it with my mouth?

hell yea
slap my cock on that pretty sissy slut face of urs user

I'm the first option


i keep getting madder and madder
but i keep updating expecting i dont even know
why do i keep doing this?

fuck dude be careful you coulda killed that guy with such sick burns

according to Sup Forums, they took it out in Windows 10
>Cloud edition

>nobody ever in history has wanted a folder in a folder!

i do when i'm hiding something.

Do you think somoene would really do that? just go on the internet and tell lies?

Do you think someone would really do that? just go develop an OS and remove features?


Demonstrably false.

Windows 10 Cloud is not every other version of Windows 10.
It's also not released yet and won't be for a long while. No one really knows anything about it past the fact that Microsoft has been pushing some optional settings related to it in insider builds. You won't be seeing your Home, Pro, or Enterprise versions of Windows getting locked down to the point of being unable to unzip files or install apps from outside the Windows store unless your system administrator (you or your employer) makes it so.

Does 7z do autodetect? Or autodetect and, if everything's in one folder, rename the root folder to the name of the zip file? It'd be nice if the potential names where listed in the dropdown.

>It'd be nice if the potential names where listed in the dropdown.
They are. It gives you an option to extract to a new dir with the name of the zip file or to extract the contents straight to the dir the zip file is in. For the former option it shows "Extract to \", or "Extract to *\" if you're extracting multiple zip files.

The file structure is nearly identical. You would only organize as A if you've got multiple folders. Otherwise, B.

You are all going to die one day just thought id remind you of that. Also breathe manually.

grandpa is that you?
it's 20_17 you can let go the compression meme now

>or to extract the contents straight to the dir the zip file is in
I know, but there's a chance there's no folder holding all the files and you spill them all over the current folder.
However, if you "Extract to \", and the contents are in a folder, then you get a folder in a folder.


I agree. WinRAR still looks like it's stuck in the 90's

we should update winRAR
ya know make it metro and shit

which is totally not made in microsoft powerpoint and us not into how do UI design

So what happens when you use a properly foldered zip? Do you get a folder inside a folder? If so that's dumb, if not, neat.

The original MinGW project did this shit, glad it's dead.

i only do the first is the folder name/metadata the files are in is important

Less posting on Sup Forums and more KYS.

>Extra effort
When you right click an archive you just click one button over another

>FUCKING scene releases packing a single ISO file in a billion and a half .rar files

Wait... So pedos are to intelligent?

Learn how to write the word "too" please, god fucking damn

if your archive manager isn't smart enough to make a top level folder automatically when dealing with the layout on the right (and to not bother when dealing with the left, ditch it)

>Tfw to intelligent four memes

fuck scene releases
those zips full of 50mb split rar files are pure cancer

With option A, you are forced to unzip into a subfolder (or a subfolder inside a subfolder)

With option B, you can choose to unzip into a subfolder, or directly into the folder

It should be obvious that option B is objectively best.