Comfy edition
/bst/ - Battlestation Thread
finally made it to one of these early
I can see you're that guy who collects screens and probably doesn't use them all.
So why the obsession with ponies? Just to troll us or are you actually autistic?
You posted while I was posting. Are the blankets on the wall just for decoration, or do you use them to keep the room warmer?
They're tapestries, just decoration
>uses the same pictures multiple times
I'm jealous of your cable management and monitor mounting
You'll be glad to know that they help insulate your wall, as well, then.
hello thread
If you look closely they are only mostly the same picture. I just needed an even number.
Nice coaster. Why is yourr battlestation meant for ants, btw?
>tfw still live with 'rents so I still have a shitty BST
Life as a community college student is suffering.
i got bullied for posting the full image last thread since it was like 2.5MB or something, if that's what you mean.
You stand?
cleaned up a little and got a cabinet for my autistic laptop collection
you should get a wooden chair with some cushions
Nah, I mean the tiny screen. Seems like it would be uncomfortably small.
I do.
I can say your area looks well lived in, but terribly, terribly uncomfortable for me to look at.
Clean your lens. Why would a german have a blastic chair for his setup?
I need a bigger desk
My phone camera is broken.
Also, I'm not german. Bavaria is a cheap beer here in Brazil
Your desk is pretty low, how tall are you?
yeah, there's not much desk space left, lel
Here comes someone commenting about Brazil in a negative way.
My hair brushes the top cross-rail fo the desk if I lean forward. My belt hits the cross-rail of the table area. The desk is 72 inches tall. Take your guess.
What's with the cutting on your desk? Also, nice Diablo 2. I accidentally charsi'd my 20/20 storch the other day with a misclick.
Harddrive hot swap bay? Never seen that before.
Pls clean :(
I didn't said anything about Brazil.
I just commented about the beer.
"Here in Brazil."
I was mentioning that someone is going to come by and goof about Brazil.
>under 6 ft
No wonder you have all that weight lifting equipment.
>Average height of men is 5'10 in US, women 5'5.
Sorry you peg your self value on a measurement system based on ancient silk merchant's knuckles and base 12 counting.
Sorry your under 6ft. :>
Anyone have recommendations as to who or where I should buy a desk from
Tired of Ikea
At least my order of Dunhill will be in today so at least I have something, not matter how retarded, to look forward to.
bretty gud but 2proprietary4me
very nice, I like this
dankpad and nice sennheisers
you look really autistic but that's a lot of equipment so I'm somewhat jealous
sort of boring
generic desu
200% neet
purchase a trashcan
low-quality photograph
Just got a wireless receiver for my controller today.
It is comfy.
quality monitor setup
Ayy lmao
I like this, very logical and practical layout for standing
Very comfy. Love the Thinkpad
What's that desk?
I just noticed you have a second computer there, what's it for?
Some elevating desk with a 180x90cm MDF top. I don't know model name or manufacturer.
Just out of curiosity, why is your monitor and keyboard etc. shifted to the left, why not put in the middle of the desk?
Not him but putting it in the middle is retarded. Having more space without a divider in the middle is important in case you need a lot of space for one big object.
Not him but it just feels right to be off center.
Because I write on the right side and take things apart that dont require a hammer to remove pins or roll pins.
what year is yr board?
Ahh okay that makes sense
Glass desks look great......but they make me really nervous. Also I like the mini fridge Thinkpad station
Been a while since I last posted, just got a new desk.
That's a lot of screens
Love this one
Real comfy
Don't you feel cramped?
Bavaria ain't worse than Cintra
Feels comfy, Law student?
Nice Posters
Nice cat
click clack motherfucker
I should get a coffee table from upstairs to put in that room but they are all glass so I am reticent to do that as lately I have been drunken and clumsy.
me too bro, well not as badly as you.
Your local office furniture shop.
Alternatively, build your own.
fucking fan of the fandom
Ayy. How's it going senpais.
Yes, but being surrounded by working computers is a comfy feel. I ran BOINC on a bunch of laptops all winter instead of using central heat. Somehow it was cheaper!
>HURR I'm so progressive
A) that shit is an eyesore in your living room
B) you don't even have the option to sit
C) it's not like you burn that many more calories standing vs sitting
D) this all screams reddit
E) stop namefagging
Also, im-fucking-plying you're getting a proper workout just jacking around with dumbbells every so often while you browse the web. Get a gym membership, snowflake
Is that a fucking thinkpad laptop on top of a mini fridge?
yes, are you visually impaired?
Why so many laptops, user?
where to cop that tapestry or ones like it famalam?
What do you mean you're "tired" of Ikea desks?
I want to creampie you
>A) that shit is an eyesore in your living room
Yeah, he doesnt even have it in a corner. This setup screams "please ask me about my standing desk"
this is pretty much what I am trying to do;
when I have the money
Please give me a r8
nothing really bad to say but nothing really good to say
You were playing Persona 4 a while ago, weren't you?
Chie best girl.
That cable management is on point. Probably a massive pain whenever you need to remove or add something, but it looks great.
10/10 waifu taste. Keyboard and wrist rest look really comfy.
The disorganization kinda triggers me, but at least it's not dirty and full of drinks and food. What do you do with all of those laptops?
Well, the actual desk area seems alright. That chair though.
Is that monitor setup comfortable to use? I wanted to try something similar, but I don't have enough room because of my shelf.
That desk looks so nice but so empty. Still really like it though.
Love it. Cute cat, nice wide desk and monitor setup.
Makes me want to buy speakers. Really like it.
Ayy. That wallpaper looks great with the lighting. The yellow accent from the lamp is great.
Shit, that actually looks great. The case fits really well with the keyboard, and even the
glass desk looks alright, which I usually hate. Massive step up from the older pictures.
Looks comfy, specially that bed.
Is your new monitor the one on the left? It's looking nice, and Megumin is always cute. Would love to see a different angle though.
Kinda messy, specially considering how good those guts look. The white theme is nice. Some cable management would go a long way.
Don't really like how most Mac stations look so similar and kinda devoid of character, but it does look nice and clean.
How is BotW? Don't wanna give Nintendo more money and I gave my WiiU to my brother. Probably just waiting for Cemu to get it to work.
Can't see much at all from the desk area from this angle, but it looks neat. Blue LEDs with warm lighting is always a cool and easy way to get things looking comfy.
X2's coming this week, TADA68 soon-ish too.
Thx baebe xo xo
Thanks bro, i need to buy a bigger table, my PC shouldnt really be on the floor, and yes cable management is a must, thanks bro
Damn yours looks amazing, something from a movie set
>but so empty
It is only empty for now, I was going to build a set of speaker stands next weekend and hope that an amp I would like to buy shows up on Audiogon at some point in the near future. Seems like they dont come up for sale often as they are fairly popular and well reviewed.
>How is BotW? Don't wanna give Nintendo more money and I gave my WiiU to my brother. Probably just waiting for Cemu to get it to work.
Its extremely good. I'll have to wait for the honeymoon period to wear off for a more objective perspective but my gut says its one of the best games I've ever played. The best way I can describe it is the Zelda formula mixed with the world exploring/mushroom collecting of Skyrim with great pacing and a pinch of anime.
I can't take good photos ever.
>Is your new monitor the one on the left?
Yes its the a 1080p 144hz monitor (Acer GN246HL) It's pretty nice for the price.
>It's looking nice, and Megumin is always cute
Thanks and yes she is always.
>Would love to see a different angle though.
I'll consider taking another pic when i'm not as busy.
>Is that monitor setup comfortable to use? I wanted to try something similar, but I don't have enough room because of my shelf.
It takes a while to get used to but honestly I think its better than horizontal setup. No need to move your head as much.
wallpapers please
All of them?
>calls someone else autistic
>standing desk faggot who's setup is autism in physical form, made to impress other autists on internet
Bruh, I bought another pair of X2 for 80usd.
There's 3 more for the same price at the store.
This is ridiculous.
>Clean your lens. Why would a german have a blastic chair for his setup?
Either this guy had some special equipment set up in his room or he is not German because those ain't German power sockets
ok never mind me he already replied
me setup
ye , you kinda need a bigger desk when your pc is almost in the middle under your desk, and you place wires in the space next to it
please yes
thank you