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/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
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C is God
does anyone know how to GET messages from libnotify (using C)?
Doesn't it have documentation?
Make a different thread for C fanboyism
no. everything in computers in due to C fanboyism
Do we really NEED 4 DPT threads?
today is the day we take over Sup Forums
All other languages are C with flakes of shit sprinkled on top.
unless i'm illiterate it's entirely targeted at sending messages to it. i'll probably go look at the dunst source
Any exploits in programs are due to C fanboyism
You can prevent those exploits without using a single line of D or Rust code.
>Any exploits in programs are due to C fanboyism
>don't be afraid to fail, be afraid not to try
why do you care about exploits anyway?
>why do you care about exploits anyway?
Nice try, NSA, nice try
Please go to
Fuck off pedophile
>"the first programming language"
The phrase "the first programming language", on its own, implies "the first programming language to exist", not "the first programming language that a particular individual learns." The author's choice of words is poor.
>Bumping the invalid thread on page 7
Fuck you Ruby, you fucking ponyfag.
That's what he meant obviously
>he doesn't post in the real /dpt/ without all the Rust fuckers
C is shit itself
More like, Chit!
I'm going to program in C!
kys commie
but it's a quine, so it's all cool
Does anyone in /dpt/ actually discuss programming projects or is it all just circlejerking your favorite language?
Also all the C haters out there have clearly never had to program in anything lower-level (a-la any assembly or machine language) and probably don't understand how computers work. No language is perfect but each is a tool for specific tasks and you would all do well to remember that.
You fucking compsci fags are the worst.
I program exclusively in assembly. C is fucking garbage and needs to die already.
is there any good reason to use the assert construct in Java if you already are using unit testing? I guess if you wanted to terminate the program for invalid input to a function, but then it's probably better to just throw an exception.
Fuck off, plebbitor.
Gonna use this to make a website... because my html skills are as old as the first version.
Defiantly gonna be alot faster with xaml and c# for me.
goddamn can gatekeeper kid fuck off already? is it spring break for you or something?
+18 please.
Learn to curse before you come here.
int main(void)
int one, two, sum;
one=1, two=2, sum=one+two;
printf("%d + %d = ", one, two);
return 0;
C is for Cute.
Congrats on your CS degree
Please delete this thread.
a) the old thread hasn't reached its bump limit yet.
b) no Anime image
Guilty! All counts.
That happens, from time to time, but not often enough. /dpt/ ain't no /prog/.
Please go fuck yourself.
a) you're a faggot
b) you're a lonely faggot
Post here output of
ls /usr/local/lib64
I can't believe I fell for the C meme holy shit.
You don't even get strings, you have to implement literally everything any time you want to do anything.
Fucking autists.
>can't believe I fell for the C meme holy shit.
It's a fastest and simplest language. Easy to write big projects.
>no strings
C does nave strings
char s[]="string";
C does have objects, they called file.
ls: cannot access '/usr/local/lib64/': No such file or directory
Will C help me feel like a hacker? I'm serious.
Also, which indentation style should I use?
Any modern distribution should use
>not just using libraries
why not put all shit in /usr/bin /usr/lib64
or ever /bin /lib64?
>Any modern distribution should use
>Will C help me feel like a hacker? I'm serious.
No. Learn assembly for that.
Nowadays, C is an abstract model that does not capture the entirety nor the diversity of machine architectures (and none of the high-level programming language can for that matter). Only assembly do, but it's just focused on one specific kind of machine.
"The longer paths the better for our business."
- Red Fedora
>he didn't newline
How do you differentiate between x86, X32 and x86_64 libraries?
or between GCC and uclibc?
>missing the point
I've done a bit of it. Doesn't really make me feel "hackery".
good. as long as $TARGET isn't gnu i'm okay with it.
What distribution do you use that isn't compiled with GCC?
GNU coding style.
Deprecated, just throw away it.
Between gcc and uclibc? gcc - compiler, uclibc - C library (doesn't exist in most systems due to slow code(used for embedded)).
glibc - standard C library.
It can be compiled with gcc for uclibc, musl, dietlibc.
X32 is a relatively recent development, newer than x86_64. CPU cache is not unlimited, you know.
>GNU coding style.
Never. It's really ugly.
pick one:
I prefer javascript style
int main(int argc,argv[]){
return 0;
uclibc is shit. Use musl instead.
>Anonymous 03/08/17(Wed)08:22:37 No.59299
musl is slow as fuck shit use glibc without locale instead (glibc sucks with UTF-8), so use ASCII.
What anime program should I write to learn C?
Write a program that causes you to stop posting, everytime you try to click post, make your computer turn off.
How would that be related to anime? Or is this a rude joke of some sort? In which case I have to ask what did I do to deserve such treatment?
Write an entire anime using opengl
deprecated, use vulkan+wayland stack instead.
I am not qualified to produce anime.
Are you not japanese?
Just write the backend and hire some japanese people to do the art
the americans season 5 begins
>Are you not japanese?
>Just write the backend and hire some japanese people to do the art
That would be overkill just for the sake of learning C. And what if they're not real nips?
Rust is for niggers
Alright /dpt/, give me a loop that is unclear whether it ends or not.
for (i=0, i
My compiler can tell with certainty whether or not this terminates.
for (unsigned long i = 1; i != UINT_MAX + 1; i = 1
medium: loop variant might fail (e.g. when i = 1)
>e.g. when i = 1 ?
Is it suggesting that it won't fail for other values of i?
it's pointing out that it will not increase the loop condition if i = 1, potentially more.
What's the best language to write software for NASA? Not joking here.
for(int i = 0; i < 100;)
scanf("%d", &i);
>it's pointing out that it will not increase the loop condition if i = 1
But that's wrong.
First iteration:
i = 1;
Second iteration:
i = 1
>with certainty
Yeah, that was a mistake on my part. With absolute certainty.
>my compiler can tell what input is going to be
Technically the compiler can't, but the Compiler Compiler Compiler can. That's pretty much the same though.
>my compiler compiler compiler has solved the halting problem
Where did I claim such a thing? It doesn't implement a general algorithm for solving the halting problem.
>my compiler can look in to the future and predict random entropy and user input, and it does so with ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY
>but it can't solve the halting problem though
I get the error not, it's checking it it approaches a bound (strictly increasing or decreasing), so it's complaining about the wrap around.
>wrap around
That's not the issue either.