Who even uses this dog shit?

Who even uses this dog shit?

>Add hybrid-mode-enable-hjkl-bindings t to dotfile
>Doesn't work despite 30 minutes of fucking with it
Going back to vim. What a waste of time.

Autistic editor hate thread.

Other urls found in this thread:


I fucked around with it as well. Literally couldn't manage to bind undo to a different key. That being said, vim configuration is pretty awful too.

Emacs stuff is hella confusing, but like all lisp things, probably really wizardy, fancy and sophisticated once you understand it.

>combining the worst of both worlds

At least with vim the documentation is correct and what is written also works. You can copy/paste the documentation for this garbage into spacemacs config and it doesn't even work.

>I can't use it so it's bad

I though the same. Went back to my init.el.

Das ist mein Emacs-Texteditor.
Es gibt viele andere freie Kopien, aber diese ist meine!
Mein Emacs-Texteditor ist mein bester Freund.
Er ist mein Leben!
Ich muss ihn meistern, wie ich mein Leben meistern muss!
Ohne mich ist mein Emacs-Texteditor nutzlos!
Ohne meinen Emacs-Texteditor bin auch ich nutzlos!

Vor Stallman glaube ich und schwöre:
Mein Emacs-Texteditor und ich werden die Freie-Software-Bewegung verteidigen.
Wir sind die Bezwinger unserer Feinde!
Wir sind die Bewahrer meines Lebens!
Das schwöre ich!
So soll es sein, bis kein Feind mehr ist.
Nur noch GNU.

Emacs is synonymous with autism

That's basically what the text translated to.

Installed it once.
It didn't even worked.

I've never used Spacemacs, so maybe the configuration is arcane, but Lisp itself is extremely easy to grasp and use, even for someone with very little programming experience.

95% of the forms you'll see are in the form (fun arg1 arg2 ...)

I can grasp lisp fine, but the documentation can be copied verbatim and not do what it says it should.

How so? I use Emacs every day and one of its great strengths is in documentation and introspection. The worst I've ever found was some things not working how you might expect them to, due to historical elisp quirks and arguments for some functions being in an unintuitive order.

I think he means the space macs documentation, which he is then blaming emacs for.

Just use evil mode.

Emacs has incredible documentation, far far better than vim.
I can actually figure things out with C-h easily, and it's wonderful.

Realizing that your editors built in help can help you faster than google, with no internet needed is a great feeling.

Either that, or java-mode quirks, to be fair, java mode is shit.

Yeah, that's true, there are a few languages for which Emacs is just terrible.
However, they also happen to be the languages that no one would use, had they a choice. It says a lot that they only real way to get Java support in Emacs is to run Eclipse in the background.

Vim's documentation is pretty good.
With Emacs I never know how to find what I'm looking for and using google is usually easier. Maybe I'm doing something wrong.

M-x apropos

I use it in holy mode. Works fine desu.

keep on sucking Sup Forums

What is the point of using spacemacs vs setting emacs up yourself with everything spacemacs has?

That's cute, but if only animeOS had a good text editor.
What theme are you using?

Nothing, it's for people who want an EmacsIDE experience without learning the ins and outs of elisp or maintaining 2000 lines and a few dozen packages thereof.

I've gone both ways and really came to appreciate how spacemacs already has other autists who rice the editor for me. Stuff like the leader key having special bindings for each major mode (language) is a big perk that I never felt like setting up properly on my own.

However, I found spacemacs to be really overwhelming at first and went vanilla + custom init for a few months just to get more familiar with the way emacs works. Im back on spacemacs now and dont regret it.

Its Base16 Embers with a #000 background and some other tweaks to make it less hideous when using helm

I can't for the life of me figure out wtf is going on.

vim jus werks for me and any serious shit I end up using Eclipse with some vim editor mode plugin.

also does anyone know how to rebind the evil mode keys? I prefer jkl; over hjkl and K and L for half page up/down. also i disable q because I never use it.

>what is :help

spacemacs is fucking stupid. evil-mode is REQUIRED, and even if you want to use normal emacs style keybindings to edit, IT'S STILL USING EVIL-MODE. Then, everything has new key bindings. So if you've spent a generous amount of time learning Emacs already, GET READY TO DO IT ALL OVER.

Fuck spacemacs.

This was my (brief) impression. I found it much more pleasant to just learn emacs for real instead of trying to pretend I'm using vim from within emacs.

Of all the IDEs and editors I've used, any vi "emulation" mode is always shitty, buggy, and impossible to get working correctly. I believe this largely stems from the fact that Vim is perhaps the only modal editor in widespread use today. Vim's modal nature is what makes it so powerful as an editor, but it is virtually impossible to correctly replicate in a non-modal editor. It's a lot more than just keybindings.

I mean the eclipse one works pretty well.

but I'm struggling to figure out how to mess with this evil mode.

pic related: use evil-define-key. The first arg is a symbol for the evil state (normal is obvious, motion state is where it takes arguments for operators like d, =, c, so forth)

the second arg can be a major mode map. I just use the global-map though.


In Emacs the documentation is the source code, which is correct by definition.

vim is for children

I want to learn spacemacs.

Vim has Vimtutor. What does spacemacs have?

Vimtutor for evil.



They really need to work on that name.

>try spacemacs
>slow as balls
Vanilla emacs with your own custom conf the only way.