What does Sup Forums think of this piece of software which is being released today?

What does Sup Forums think of this piece of software which is being released today?

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I dunno user, is it still 60GB+?

>tfw i have to use windows cause of VS soon

why even live

Only if you install all the features

Mobile dev in c# and c++
Game dev (Unity)
Python tools
Javascript/Node tools
ASP.NET tools
SQL server tools
C#, VB, F#
Desktop c++
Azure dev
Office/Sharepont dev
Mobile Javascript
C++ games
Extensions dev
Linux c++ dev
.NET core dev

The new version is supposed to have a better installer so the text editor only takes 1-2 GB now

dunno, i'm still in denial whether to use the 2013 Ultimate version i got in Uni, or the 2017 community edition


it's fine?

C# is for serving web pages though

AKA bloat. Give me a vim terminal is all any competent programmer needs

>That damage control


It's true? Who the hell uses C# if you aren't either
a) developing for windows phone (lol)
b) serving ASP pages

Well there's mono, but to be honest mono has more stuff than .NET, like builtin sqlite support

it is very good

C# has a bunch of built in SQL crap. They have an acronym for it, but I forget what it is.

Honestly, webdev may be a meme, but the deep end of it is a neat mix of different technologies

Visual Pajeet 2017

Yeah it has a lot of potential.
It also looks fun to learn, so i think i'll try when i'm done with c++

wow what a compelling insight

There's also enterprise software devs

It's out.

Speaking of which

Why are most Pajeets such MS acolytes?

Anyone watching the keynote?
>Visual studio launch
>So far they've done absolutely nothing but talk about a little girl coding
I fucking hate what this industry has become

bye, pol!

Community Edition is pretty solid but has restrictions on what you can produce with it. You'll likely not hit those restrictions unless you're an actual business of decent size, at which point you can afford to pay for a non restricted license. Think the educational dream spark edition has similar licensing restrictions so you're not likely gaining anything by sticking with it.

Windows Store developers?

and who cares about cross compatibility at that point

>C# has a bunch of built in SQL crap
LINQ. It brings lots of functional programming paradigms to the language too. It's also nice that you can use it on object collections in addition to db stuff.

I vomit from the mention of Visual Pajeet 2017. Micropajeet is a shit stain, malware laden, filthy garbage pail company. The OS is proprietary and hostile, not to mention mediocre at best.

I accidentally downloaded and installed it once when I needed to install Microsoft Visio.

Software development is being pussified to attract women and pants wetters. Appeals to emotion are becoming much more common in marketing of development tools.


that's right. I have only a passing experience with it but it looked pretty cool even if it comes with a heap of syntactic sugar

dude, calm down

India still has a caste system. Not legally but certainly culturally. It is hardwired into Indians to want to have as many people working for them as possible. That's what prestige in their culture is based on. So they all want to move into project management and on up as quickly as possible. Microsoft dominates the corporate world so Indians are attracted to it so they can get onto the path of middle management and having people below them to shit on. They don't care about the technology, they care about looking like a big man. They don't even care about the money. It's all about being able to become a manager. Microsoft tech is the clearer path to that.

Companies that want to only pay for development on one platform while releasing a product for many of them. That's the reason why Microsoft bought Xamarin. Unfortunately the end product tends to be a watered down version that's not great on any platform.

Nobody cares? Everyone sane already uses Emacs, vim, acme or other free editors.

I'd rather not have the airplane I'm in crash because the software it uses was written by developers selected by oppression points instead of ability.

Emacs and vim are not IDEs, guy

i still use visual studio 2010 , vs 2017 is slow as fuk

How so? I was under the impression that IDE meant "Integrated development environment", which both Emacs and Vim are.

well good thing that's not going to happen

VS 2010 is slow as fuck too though
Why aren't you using Emacs?

>aren't you using
i use vs2010 for C# and Sublime for PHP javascript and so on, I HATE VisualStudio 2017.
fuk microsoft

>as under the impression that IDE meant "Integrated developm

Just installed it, feels good man

>What is .NET Core?

mfw he'll never experience the most comfy programming environment humanity ever created.

You can choose which components to install in 2017, it can be a lot lighter compared to older versions.

New Community editions have basically all the features of old pros (they lack UML but use Umlet for that), I too have via uni 2013 Pro but switched to 2015 community (and to this soon)

if you are a trashy game dev like me you use it for Unity. period.

yeah thats why i use it lol
it's not very good performance wise but hey, it's what I can afford to use with my lack of time

They seem to understand that they actually need to focus on speed and startup times which is great.

They also made VS more modular, you only install things you need now

Do you still need to sign in to their account to use it?

I am a Pajeet. Nice quads.

I don't know for sure how (or if at all) India's caste system is related to a typical Indian's need to feel important, but what you wrote _feels_ right.

int main() {
printf("I'm codin' nigga!");

return 1 hunna;

Welcome to Google, Tayshawn.

N++ when?

Neat. On the downside it seems there is no out-of-the-box offline installer.

Do you know why the Space Shuttle Columbia was destroyed? No, not software but because of pc culture identity politics putting a woman in charge of a shuttle mission. Using a person's identity attributes instead of their abilities is a rapidly expanding trend that has infiltrated even areas where human safety is on the line.

>text editor
That's still a lot m8.

> tfw Xcode
> 8GB with all features, including all 3D game frameworks

more like few hundred MBs

pls respond

The reason it's 60gb installed is because they steal code from open source projects and shove it into VS without optimizing it.


it never even was 60gb, why the fuck does Sup Forums repeat this meme? VS has a lot shitty things, at least criticize it for real things

My install of 2015 is 11 gb where 5gb of it was c++.

How to crack it properly?
I would like to develop my shits without paying m$ taxes and have to include backdoored piece of code inside my own shits.


>implying any of their code would ever reach production systems

>Visual Studio on Linux when?
Are they really thinking a professional dev will use supermarket OS like windows or osx?

Is unity now part of Visual Studio??

Why the fuck cant the shitskin pajeets commenting on the announcement execute a basic command line argument?

Are indian developers really this useless?



Yes, you can develop games for unity in visual studio

Unity as a company is not connected to ms however

And Xamarin.

>It didn't take Ham long to begin moving up in Houston. Her first job was in Mission Control's back room as a flight controller monitoring propulsions systems. She was quickly promoted to a position on the floor of the control center, then became the group's first female section head. In the all-male bastion of Mission Control, Ham was a true pioneer


As a reward for destroying a space shuttle and killing its astronauts, she was put in charge of the Constellation project that was intended to replace the shuttle. Her dick sucking skills must have been better than her decision making skills. She should be in prison, not sucking up taxpayer dollars as a reward for killing seven astronauts and destroying an expensive space craft.

Don't be racist. Keeping code written by a mentally disabled pregnant black teenage girl out of an aircraft's control software is the type of patriarchal last century thinking that has made the world into the horrible place we now inhabit.

Do they have Python Tools ready? They removed it sometime during the RC builds.

There aren't that many Indians working for Microsoft. All Asians working for Microsoft represent about 29% of their entire workforce. That includes chinks, japs, nams, koreans, etc.

60.7% of Msft employees are white/caucasian.

It's a myth, really. Most likely because lots of Indians work in support jobs, so that's why they're so visible. But go visit Redmond and see how many actually work there.

You'd be surprised that there are more Indians working at Apple and Google than at Microsoft.

Rather be NiggaScript.

makes so much sense. indian arrogance and entitlement is my biggest problem with them. I think the worst example i've of this in the 8 years of dealing with them is a guy getting on to me for smoking in front of a 15 foot trash pile against a wall because it was a temple. sorry, rakesh, i couldn't tell from all the god damn shit and trash everywhere where the temple was. the cognitive dissonance of these people is ridiculous. just go on quora for 10 minutes and you'll see what i'm talking about.

People that pretend to be programmers and can live without IntelliSense should remove themselves from the scene.

Are you literally in need of medical attention? The install is less than 200mbytes. You have to go out of your way and click at boxes to install that he listed.

>they unironically believe if racists use something, they promote it
Sup Forums is memeing itself every time



the reality is any sane person would refuse to work on coding once they know about infinite overworked hours and countless shitty and random problems ranging from bad specification thru shitty systems.

Only turbo autists live to became the top programmers.