Is there something like Word but lightweight, portable and free?

Is there something like Word but lightweight, portable and free?
Basically something like Abiword, but that doesn't suck and isn't abandonware.

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libreoffice / openoffice
or use a text editor


>libreoffice / openoffice
Too slow and bloated.

>text editor
Too limited at formatting. I don't need much at all, but making some text bigger or italic would be nice.

Wordpad would kinda fit the bill too, but the UI sucks and the way it scrolls triggers my autism.

free... hmmm, bean for os x ( is the closest i've ever seen to what you're asking for (free, portable, lightweight, doesn't suck, like ms word). on lignux it's either abiword or libreoffice. on windows it's either abiword or libreoffice.

if you're willing to pay btw (or are willing to upload your university ID if you're a student), write! fits the bill on lignux, os x, and windows.

LaTeX. I currently use TexMaker.

On mac, you have Nisus and Mellel, though I don't like the latter.

Mainly, I just use a text editor with markdown and convert to DOCX/ODT/HTML via Pandoc or Multimarkdown.

Neither Nisus or Mellel are free, though.

never dug nisus in my mac days (didn't see the point of it over neooffice or pages). enjoyed mellel though. was very helpful with huge amounts of footnotes and endnotes especially.

Ok, so nothing free. How about pirated stuff?

>You'll need to log in before you use the app, and two weeks after using it with no internet connection.
Even if I got a legit copy, fuck that shit.


I need it for Windows.

Is there something like Word but with Git integration?

>lightweight, portable and free (as in freedom)?
Not any that also satisfy "doesn't suck and isn't abandonware."

>lightweight, portable and free (as in free beer)?
Just use the online version of Microsoft Word. The feature set is pared down to make it lightweight enough to run in a browse, it's as portable as any browser you run, and it costs nothing to use.

see: bean is free.

I absolutely do not want any online shit.
Maybe an offline web app could work... some JS shit... but that sounds bad.

google drive if you're cool with sergey brin reading your sonic fanfiction

markdown is good if you don't want to do any exact formatting

latex is a bit of a hassle but can give you really nice formatting

i'd recommend getting a decent markdown editor

Word has the ability to track changes, compare and combine revisions, and view multiple edits. They don't make a big deal out of advertising it though, I guess because it's not a tool the "average user" uses regularly.

>Libreoffice too slow and bloated.
What are you doing mang? Use .svg instead of more than 150dpi .png's and it will be ok for 100+ files.

I've used it before when I haven't had access to my Windows desktop. It's really not that bad, and it's the only thing I've found that satisfies "free as in free beer, doesn't suck completely, isn't abandonware, and is still portable enough to use on any desktop." It's not anything worse than Google docs.

Why would you not want to use LaTeX?

>offline web app

clone it and host it locally, works a charm. you can then use pandoc to export to pdf / html / whatever you're using

100+ pages files.

I wish autists would stop shilling this. I used it in graduate school because I was a sperg, but even after mastering it there was the obvious and unnecessary time-sink factor to consider. In the end there is no substitute for a good word processor and at the moment MS Word is the standard for that.

I don't like MS any more than Stallman. I've got my freetarded libreboot X200 at home and it's my daily driver, but for production quality work that pays my bills and puts food on the table for my kids there's no substitute for having Windows VM and running MS Word.

Mellel is good in large docs. Just never liked the feel of it.

Ghostwriter? Markdown to HTML.

They have answered your questions. Your response is to complain.
Explain yourself.

It takes at least 5 seconds to start on a HDD, with an empty document. Abiword, for example, takes less than a second.

I want a simple "what you see is what you get" editor.

why not just use something like retext?
works on any OS with python ta boot.


LaTeX sits at the worst part of the spectrum between "usability" and "flexibility" because LaTeX is a series of macros over the TeX full-scale compile-time interpreter. You can either use off-the-shelf templates for your work and get none of the real flexibility of using the most sophisticated typesetting system on the planet, or you can dive in and write your own macros by hand to format your work in plaintext, complete with all the macro-calls and arguments every function needs to produce legible text and spend more time debugging your essay than writing it.

For most people, word processors like Microsoft Word or LibreOffice are good enough in terms of typesetting systems while retaining some degree of flexibility and still making it easy to just write your essay and move on with your life.

t., mathematician who uses both LaTeX and MSWord on a regular basis.

Fork Abiword.
Code a shit ton.

>LyX is a document processor that encourages an approach to writing based on the structure of your documents (WYSIWYM) and not simply their appearance (WYSIWYG).

probably not

It's a graphical front end to latex.

Now you're just being a downer. There are plenty of things here to check out, rather than dismiss outright.

>It takes at least 5 seconds to start on a HDD, with an empty document. Abiword, for example, takes less than a second.
you are just turning it on and off dont you? you can use nano to do this.

>It's a graphical front end to latex.
Yeah and a 261MB download, which "installs a fully functional and complete LyX setup including a LaTeX distribution and a bibliography manager."

Which part of lightweight and portable don't you understand?
I don't want any Latex shit, I want a simple (also UI-wise) word processor for writing essays.

If all else fails I'll just keep using LibreOffice. It works, it's just slow and big.

Its 3 sec max on my caviar blue ,after that its instant because of caching. You can speed it up even more on linux with preload or something.

If libreoffice is too bloated you should either get a good pc or use markdown and convert that to html or pdf
Or notepad++ if you want a program.
>inb4 le markdown is hard!!!
No it isn't

Lolnope. WYSIWYG word processing is too complex task to be "lightweight". Abiword or calligra words (its shit, but still) it is best you can get.

If you ok with shittons of bloat, then try out onlyoffice, it's free and also closest existing alternative to ms office.

Focuswriter is pretty good for word processing.

If you just need to edit text, use nano.

>I'm a neet freebooter yet too much of a retard to appreciate LaTeX
Consider stop projecting this hard


Fucking horrifying.

i rarely meant KYS as hard as i mean it now. you're a piece od shit.

Oh this is great, I love this type of retard. The circular logic for features and then no features.

>Well I want something to start up quick so remove all the features oh but I need that so go ahead and put it back in but now it's slow again so all of the software out there sucks

upgrade your fucking C2D would be the proper solution

>libreoffice / openoffice
>Too slow and bloated.
Are you high? just check how much space takes MSO even if you only install the equivalent programs: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher and Access.

MSO has more tools (by your logic it would be bloat) but they can be replaced easily or you can use the web version of those.

>Is there something like Word but lightweight, portable and free?
Libreoffice definitely, you can put the portable version on a USB and run it without restrictions. Also even not being free as in freedom try google docs, the best part is that you don't need to install or carry anything and all your documents are available in any place you're. GD is also good if you work to combat Microsoft''s attempt to lock in because almost everyone has a google account and it's much easier to work collaboratively.

Chrome has word processing that can be used offline
Don't know why you can't use libreoffice though, I had a single core netbook that ran libreoffice just fine. If the bloat is undesirable in a layout sense, just use a piece of paper and write your shitty fanfics on those