I've spent ages trying to brute force my way to this account, about 60gb of password lists to be exact. I must gain entry to this account. Will pay in Bitcoin. Price must be negotiated. mail me freekekistan(at)protonmail.com
Grey/Black hat required
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Or we can organize a trade?
I have close to 12,000 active FB accounts with pwds, can provide evidence.
This is why 2FA should be required on every website.
Provide evidence.
Especially on cuckchan. :^)
>you need a mobile to activate your account
>these names do not match
>brute force
Are you 12 or are you really that stupid?
Not him but you can brute force it
hahahhahahahaha you can't brute force a twitter? Dumbest thing i will read today.
There are so many better ways though.
yes i realize this. I am not an expert by and means. Not a Skid but still have much to learn. It's just this one account, It's driving me insane.
Have you tried social engineering at all?
Lol no you can't. Most competent sites do rate limits per IP
You can't brute force Gmail.
Brute force is literally like trying to win a lottery, you need some other info to narrow down your search.
It wouldn't even be worth trying with this account to be honest.
This, get information about your target to generate a specialised dictionary
Of course you can. It is not like winning the lottery at all. Of course it takes luck but its not 1000000000000/1 lol
I've tried, The password is most likely from a password generator and changed often.
Just for clarity. It is my own twitter account that has been taken from me and i want it back. I'm not trying to gain access illegally to anyone elses account.
Stop trying to hack my account ethan for the last time I'm not giving you pics of me in a dress!
Email me, EMail address above.
What is the algorithm and what are you paying?
Actually there's also the U2F standard which is just a standardized version of an RSA key USB. And the emerging Web Authentication standard. There's also free as in freedom one-time code generators on F-Droid.
2FA has reasonable implementations dude.
Well if you know his e-mail, spearphish him, and have a downloader install some malware. Take control of his PC, and keylog his password.
Most competent sites throttle IPS and accounts, so if multiple IPS try the same amount it will start silent throttling you and will say it's an invalid password even if it isn't
>brute force by choice for an attack channel