How do you guys feel about windows ricers...

How do you guys feel about windows ricers? There are pretty good looking windows installs but most of them look like pic related (my setup before Sup Forums and decency)

It's taboo
wincucks aren't allowed to rice

go away pedo

I never understood where the pedo meme came from. It physically hurts me user, please do not.
I guess so, since when someone targets their OS they always resort to "I have a job and can't rice all day"

Simply fuck off, facebook shitstain


owo desktop thread?

>Ricing a closed platform

Why wrestle with an OS that intentionally removed the ability to theme it with it's latest release? It's clear Microsoft doesn't want you messing with what they view as perfection.

cock craving slut


not really. It's more of a thread about desktops not the sharing of them. Why do you have to compulsively post your desktop? Does it fill the time you are wasting by ricing? here's my debian
deserved it desu

Fuck off.

It's stupid, frankly.

There's nothing you can actually "do" aside from cramming stupid things on top of it which makes it look tacky. I remember being a teenager and loving to use Stardock software, back when they were somebody, but it just looked stupid.

If you care about design go with macOS, if you care about true "ricing", just go with a Linux distribution. It's a lost cause to "rice" Windows considering Microsoft doesn't even know how to design it.

it's rude to beg for male attention so much

>time you are wasting by ricing
i changed the wallpaper baka
debian is garbo btw

not sure whether to call it rice or not, but I disabled explorer and all that new school, metro, mumbo jumbo bullshit
if not for dark souls, witcher, dead or alive, and stuff, would've been dumped windows for good

you would get more male attention by posting some loli or yourself in knee socks / panties, just saying

im a lesbian u idiot

>using baka unironically
Those windows buttons do not seem stock my friend and I think the OS logo isn't some shit girl
>debian is garbo
I know but I feel attached to it. I don't care what some faggot on a mongolian frog rape victim imageboard
eh, if that's just a gaming partition that's fine

omg your so dumb

my dumb or your dumb?

men cant be lesbian silly, at best you're a faggot
now post that shaved bitch ass and we might throw you some compliments if it's good

>windows ricing
a masochistic act I tell ya

looks bretty gud tbqh

like ur mom rofl

gross, my mum is "mom hot" not hot hot

wow i just thought you had a thing for your sister but now your mom too? you have a problem man

No it's garbage. Windows users can't rice for shit because 90% of them don't realize that rainmeter is fucking retarded.



It's a pretty stupid thing, most shit is just memory wasting gadgets on the desktop and anything deep requires you patching system files.

I'd rather not throw some random DLLs made by some Abdul in Algeria just so I can have a sooper sekzi theem.

yep just games
when its time to get serious and shitpost only ever use gentoo, although freebsd is a ton of fun as well
>tfw zfs

I used to rice the shit out of my windows but then I got a job and realized that it's a waste of time and efforts. I would rather spending those time gaming, shitposting or watching chinese cartoons than ricing.
Nowadays I just leave it as is and change the wallpaper once in awhile.

Would you call your mother ugly? thats disrespectful my dude
that screenshot had none of those. Hell, blindtest me and I'd think thats a WM
that's pretty decent user. For Sup Forumsentlemen I recommend classic shell and disabling the start menu, then set the taskbar opacity 0%

>two clocks

good thing you know how much time has passed between looking at the top-right corner of the screen and the bottom-right corner

I know but I couldn't help it my dude, this is pretty old. 2012~2013

If anyone wants something like this stupid garbage desktop here's a list:
-Moko's firefox theme
-AHK script to hide titlebars
-a script to hide the taskbar
-a multiple desktops software from a german website (dexpot If I recall properly)
-cygwin running screeny (screenfetch-like script)
-cmd with colors changed printing some text files
-a custom startpage with gif images from fauux
-steam client with the air skin

It's still shit.

that's still admirable user! Just because it's shit doesn't mean I can't enjoy it. also a small correction here.
>-a multiple desktops software from a german website (dexpot If I recall properly)
windows 10 has multiple workspaces baked in
>-Moko's firefox theme
that's a far cry from moko's theme. This guy has classic theme restorer and a black theme over it.
>-a script to hide the taskbar

Look user, this is close to proper Windows ricing
if vortex had non-meme fonts and a good UXtheme installed he could pass for a 10/10 but he's a 8.5~9

forgot pic



fuck you Illya is pure


>not reading more than one line of the OP
ok user

imo no one should read ur posts

>using word shorteners on an asian basket weaving housewifes forum
ok anonita. whatever penetrates your bootyhole.