All these years and it's still the king

All these years and it's still the king.

>not just using mayonnaise

It's not though. The stock paste they pack with the cryorig ultimate is.

You made this thread yesterday and got blown the fuck out. Why try again?

>Falling for the thermal paste Jew

Young now compound literally doesn't nothing

It's just a jew placebo made to kike you out of your money

this thread again

it's ok, but considering the burn in time it's not worth it and there are better alternatives now

>what is Thermal Grizzly Kryonaut

Your Arctic Silver Shitpaste is old. Move on.

Stop shilling

I swear this exact thread happened like 12 hours ago

>not using liquidpro

nah, it hasn't been for a long time.

thank you based Arctic Cooling marketer person

>getting your chip rekt by one application of liquid paste

I change paste and clean my heatsink once a year, For me it seems too risky

isn't mx4 almost as good while having no burn in time?

Fuck gonna have to get one of these tubes. I bought a used Dell computer like a little over a year ago (I never changed paste) and I don't know if the seller changed it.

My temps are not that bad so I doubt that the paste is that old.

Too much of a pain in the ass to apply and remove for a couple of degrees. Just use fucking MX-4 or NT-H1. Cheap, good performance and no cure time.

>burn in time
What do you mean user?

Arctic Silver 5 requires 200 hours to cure, so you'll only get max performance after that

Arctic Silver 5 takes around 200 hours of usage before it reaches peak efficiency. Most newer compounds don't have this.

I leave my PC on 24/7 so that would only be 8 days, not so bad. What are the gains (After this burn in) over lets say another similarly priced thermal compound?

if you get a decent cpu cooler then the thermal paste that comes with it should be quite good

None. It isn't even a top performer by today's standards after that. Remember that AS5 is ancient. A decade ago it was a top choice. These days it's completely deprecated, hence this shitpost thread even existing.

>not using toothpaste
An additional bonus with toothpaste is the smell.


Arctic MX4 basically beats silver 5 (just) and has no cure time. Then there's a hundred options that beat it from other companies.

Plus MX4 and just about every other paste is nonconductive. Why would you risk using conductive paste in this day and age?

AS5 isn't electrically conductive. That's a myth.

What do you recommend user?

>Then there's a hundred options that beat it from other companies
Arctic MX4 beat them or was it beat?
I guess I'll go for MX4.

MX-4 is the standard answer these days. It's both cheap and good.

Indeed. It is pretty cheap.

Shit, I've been lied to.

A hundred other options from other companies beat AS5.

MX4 is a fantastic compound, don't get me wrong. I've used the same tube of it since I first built in 2012 and its done a great job. But as time goes on technology improves and so does TIM.

Look here MX4 should be your baseline. If you want slightly more performance then Noctua NT-H1 has been raved about quite a bit. But for all out raw performance without going the Liquid Metal route, Thermal Grizzly Kryonaut seems to absolutely wipe the floor with everything else, but its kind of expensive. I'm ordering some in the next few weeks, as well as a Corsair ML120 fan to replace my ageing stock Hyper 212 fan. I'm expecting pretty significant temp drops but I'm afraid I can't push much further without switching to liquid cooling and delidding.

Holy shit NTH1 is a few cents cheaper. Get that instead.

>Why would you risk using conductive paste in this day and age
cuz im not michael j fox

You're right man. Always good to get newer paste.

Which one is that?

based Arctic Cooling marketer making things clear for the prosumer