VSCode 1.10 is out

VSCode 1.10 is out.

Why aren't you using the best text editor for coding, Sup Forums? It is open source, faster with each version, and also amazingly well built.

Substantiate your answer

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Notepad++ exists and isnt powered by hooknoses kikes fusion techniquing with poo sculptors.




Because emacs

Already using. Wouldn't be caught without it. You know what I mean?

Well if it is MS posting this, maybe they can answer why I would use it over a normal IDE. I find VS code very limiting

why would I use this over vim or sublime text?


still phones home every keystroke?

no thanks

>mixing politics with business or anything of the likes
It's like people never learn.

Its a text editor with plugins. Not a full fledged IDE.

Don't forget to disable (((telemetry))):

>using an editor made with javascript
slow and absolutely disgusting

I am using vscode. Best source code editor out there

I swear to god this board has been 95% blatant shills for the last few weeks, between intel/and, shitty HP products, and text editors, there are maybe 3 good threads a day

Hello, friend. I know what you mean. Maybe it is because the products have many raving about them. Does your computer install Windows 10? Friendly conversation it is all.

b-but pedophile acceptance is the next step in the progressive agenda!

You may be right I would say. It is popular with so many tech company for reason! My good friend Hiran load up a copy and I like it very much.


Pretty sure it phones home as everything else M$ does.

>no vi mode

Except when it's Milo




>Why aren't you using the best text editor for coding, Sup Forums?
I do though. I'd rather use the best text editor for editing texts, but I can't afford the 100 flurbos.

holy fuck, if this is real how they gonna do that, i mean how they gonna prevent fascist/racist/homophobic people from using notepad++?

He really can't but he knows that people that take the FN as serious as life/death will be triggered like a fatty that can't fit on an escalator, and abandon the software.

>editor written in javascript

Who or what is FN?

What is more concerning is the part where it runs in a browser environment, faking GUI elements with zillions of DOM nodes.

The good guys in France who oppose Soros

Can you actually compile and debug programs in c# in VSCode?

>Front National
>racist party
>good guys
Fuck off, fashy scum.

because I like vim

Ah, Front National... Marine Le Pen

I guess I'll have to uninstall Notepad++ then, but I probably won't because it's too good... I can live without it though

I'm totally against nazis but i support anyone who opposes US liberalism cancer

Couldn't you have googled that?

Reminder that Marine is a massive feminist and zionist.

Because VSCode is shit

Cool, I'm a Zionist too

As long as it's the right type of Feminism that fought for women's rights many many years ago, that's fine by me.. but we don't need that anymore today.

I'm not French though so who cares...

Linux fags completely blown the fuck out. You had one gorillion years to make something like this out and even the evil M$ does a better job.

>You had one gorillion years to make something like this
a shitty editor written in js?

we already got atom familoc.
even then, it's probably better than currycode.

>install VS Code because Sup Forums says it's neat
>look in my user profile
>there's a fucking .vscode folder now

>look in my user profile
Why did you do such a thing?

t. cuckold

>we already got atom familoc.
Anyone who has used both Atom and VSCode will agree that Atom is an abomination while VSCode is actually a usable editor.
It's still an html+typescript meme but it's an alright meme.

No support for C (I don't give a shit about C++), no support for OCaml, no support for Haskell.

VS Code is irrelevant outside the code monkeys world. But code monkeys will like it.

Forgot pic.

>No support

What did he mean with this?

Into the trash it goes. Sublime/Vim or fuck off.

Notepad++ was one of my first text editors, I still use it to this day [spoiler]as a Notepad[/spoiler]

The correct choice is as always emacs. Spacemacs is already set up for you, why do you keep using inferior editors?

>What did he mean with this?
The languages are not listed. They focus on stupid languages but not on the true one.

>i am retarded
The C++ extension includes C support

I don't want a C++ extension. If it's designed for C++ it's shit.

VSCode is targeted towards code monkeys not towards true coders (If you're not doing C, Caml, Haskell, Pascal or fortran you're not a true coder).

>VSCode is targeted towards code monkeys not towards true coders
It's a general purpose text editor with plugins for linting, code completion and debugging.

Stopped reading.

What now, notepad++ developers?

Notepad++ is the horrible.
I really have no idea why anyone uses it.

It's for when you've realized VS and eclipse is shit but you're too much of a retarded winbabby to use a real text editor (vim, emacs)

It's for the same sort of plebs who use browsers like Seamonkey and Opera. "Power Users" who have no idea what they need from a text editor, so they choose the one with the most buttons.

>this editor has plugins that support my use case but it also has plugins that support someone else's use case so I don't like it

The last thing I wanna do is shill M$ products but it boots up faster than sublime text and runs at the same speed on my computer so why shouldn't I use it again?

>install vs
>try to uninstall

Implying i want software that lodges it's tendrils on my computer

Because it still lacks the most basic, bare-bones functionality without resorting to poorly-coded extensions.

As opposed to the non source code?!? Don't edit non source code with vscode.

i am on windows, never used Linux and i do prefer Atom over VSC - then again, i mostly do HTML/CSS/JS stuff

Such as ... and ....

For example?

Outline view, show class hierarchy, even the most basic code generation suggestions (things like auto-writing includes), actual refactoring tools, and that's just what I can think of in 10 seconds. Like seriously have you guys never used another code editor before?

Not even once.

This, hate those fucking folders.

Tell that fag to fuck off

I actually like Eclipse. Use it for most of my languages

It's called installing an IDE you fagget.

>muh soros
What is with the alt-right's hate boner for a successful currencies trader? The man literally made $1 billion shorting the pound. If I had the dude's money, I'd be throwing that shit around the same way.

So is VSCode a reasonable replacement for Visual Studio? It has intellisense so it's looking decent.

>So is VSCode a reasonable replacement for Visual Studio? It has intellisense so it's looking decent.
If you don't open big files, maybe...

So basically no project files. It's more of a text editor than an actual IDE.

VSCode uses .net core

you can't make gui applications afaik

if he was just a businessman nobody would give a fuck

but he isn't

I usually take this for granted when the website says it's a text editor.

However, as far as officially supported languages are concerned, it appears to be able to open sln files.

Visual Studio Code collects usage data and sends it to Microsoft. The data is shared among Microsoft-controlled affiliates and subsidiaries and with law enforcement per the privacy statement.

Same with Atom and you can also switch that off.
Too bad it's opt out, though.

>based on javascript

>Free. Open source. Runs everywhere*.
>*Except Windows XP.

That's why.

Most people using this trash haven't even touched vim.

>Free. Open source
>mit license

While i agree that text editors written in javascript are cancer, learning to use vim is turbo autism

Gains from speed increase benefit only to 1% of people who program. It's MUCH better to spend time learning how to program more efficiently than learning all the shortcuts in vim

>choosing one trash over another
>running trash

>having to edit a shitload of ugly, bloated, undocumented json just to build a project
no thanks, vim just werks, starts instantly and it's easier to use than vscode shit

Hell, even Atom is at least gui driven, with menus and options that make sense instead of the vscode abomination

MS and MS shills are the fucking worst
If C# and .NET is so good and so cross platform as shills proclaim why the fuck is shitty vscode written in html+css+js


>vim just werks, starts instantly
unless you install a theme so it doesn't look like complete dogshit

Widows includes C support as a subset of C++ support.

You'd think Microsoft of all people would understand their own hidden file conventions, that have existed since fucking Windows 95 ($ sign and hidden attribute). Or just put it in AppData where it really belongs with a shortcut in the menu for text configs. But no, dot files are the hip thing these days (at least for half assed ports and derivatives of Linux-centric open sores software that creates them willy nilly).

>starts instantly
to someone like me, who starts and closes his text editor several times per second, this is indeed of great concern.

And by code monkeys, you mean archivers and non-NEETs.

>learning all the shortcuts in vim
Vimtutor takes 20 minutes and you're set for the basics. If you're seriously suggesting that learning vim is a detriment because it takes time out of programming, then I don't even want to know what kind of trash code you consider to be valid. You sound like you haven't even used vim in the first place.

>pure functional text editors

>you're set for the basics