IOS vs Android: The Facts

>Sup Forums always shits on Apple products
>Sup Forums has become a safe space for normie-tier plebs, Sup Forumsideo gamer manchildren, and autists who tinker with their Linux all day long
>I'm actually a Linux user and can appreciate both operating systems, but it's impossible to even begin to have a reasonable discussion about Apple products, even after the meme dust settles

>check out, a place where I expect there to be nothing but retarded fanboys and young children
>people there are actually rational and mature, occasionally recommending non-Apple products in circumstances where they're simply superior for the use case
"I just don't get it. Why is Reddit so even-minded while Sup Forums is so fanatical?"
>decide to look up stats to see who exactly I'm talking to

Wow, this is some interesting stuff. At a quick glance, iOS users are apparently...
- twice as likely to make more than $100k/year
- more likely to work in a tech or engineering field
- more likely to adhere to a regular schedule, using their devices mostly during the day and shutting them off at night
- significantly less likely to be black or of African descent

Android users...
- generally hold manual labor jobs
- are 30% more likely to earn under $60,000/year
- are 20% more likely to be divorced
- are significantly more likely to be black or of African descent

Android is also relatively more popular with Gen Z than iOS is.

Other urls found in this thread:






And the most important stats of all: pic related


>no QNX


>using mobile phones

I hate Android now grr

But seriously
>tfw to smart to earn six figure salary

This is one of the most half assed attempts to shill apple products on Sup Forums.

Is the pay really that bad OP?

Are there, or will be there any alternatives to those two?

Is Mozilla OS that appears on news from time to time based on Android?

>- twice as likely to make more than $100k/year
>- generally hold manual labor jobs
>- are 30% more likely to earn under $60,000/year

haha, you must be retarded to wonder why people who earn less buy cheaper products.

>oh noes! Somone on the internet doesn't like my fruit product!
>I will make a post about it to ask why people have different opinion than I do!

Grow up you manchild.

Firefox OS is dead.

>FACTS about Android vs iOS
>proceeds to post about demography
Totally not a shill, guys.

nice sunglasses dude.

Nobody said that iPhone users are smarter because they use iPhones. It just shows that smarter people prefer iPhones.

I don't use Android products because of other people that do, ergo I don't care how poor/stupid most of the users are.
I use them because they fit my needs better than Apple products, and also because I do not enjoy having my ass plugged with a 24 inch dragon dildo.

It was never alive to begin with.

> - 400k subs
> - 800k subs

You were saying, op?

The fuck is "female friendly"

>The fuck is "female friendly"
lots of kissing, sometimes lesbian, good/varied lighting, tenderness, more romantic plot or setting

it's god-tier if you're on nofap

In concentrates on what the man is doing with more shots of the guy. Also more romantic.
It's female friendly because it's straight porn for females. Most straight porn focuses on the woman's body and obviously a straight girl wouldn't like that as much.

My gf hates porn but has started watching a little since I showed her that there's stuff made for her.

iPhones are upwards $700 for the new phone. You can get an android for 200-400 dollars for whatever you need.
I thought no gap implied no porn?

Given how many android phones cost less than 200 bucks and are just fine for anyone, ranging from kids to grandparents who just want a smartphone that isn't overpriced, and how many african and chinese villages can't afford anything more this doesn't surprise me.
But, these "statistics" are meaningless and probably not true anyway. And alcoholism and drug abuse isn't something to brag about.

These also have a point
Ubuntu or Sailfish.

>I thought no gap implied no porn?
I don't think there are 100% established rules on what is objectively best, it's mostly speculative and anecdotal

>Given how many android phones cost less than 200 bucks and are just fine for anyone, ranging from kids to grandparents who just want a smartphone that isn't overpriced, and how many african and chinese villages can't afford anything more this doesn't surprise me.
>But, these "statistics" are meaningless and probably not true anyway. And alcoholism and drug abuse isn't something to brag about.
top kek, this is the mind of the typical Sup Forums user

>y-yeah because african villagers
>w-well it's probably false anyway

tfw to smart too get a high-paying job

>iPhones are upwards $700 for the new phone
but i got a new iPhone SE for $250
i mean i don't really care about this debate or what you guys think but your claim is simply false, you can walk down to walmart right now and pick up an SE for $150 and unlock it for $50 if you really want to save that extra $50
even msrp on is far less than that..
and don't just latch onto my last statement—anyone can buy one for $250

>Tfw an unmarried ginger in the labor field making less than 60k
>I own an Android

Oh shit I'm sorry

apple products are more expensive and only the rich are going to be able to afford it. also women are gold diggers and she is going to be more satisfied with a rich guy. I can see how that picture makes sense.

Are smartphoneusers just gay in general


Gingers don't have souls, thus aren't persons, and have no concept of "self". You're not fooling anybody. Be a good poster and use >infinitiveverb instead of >I presentverb

>iOS users
>take dick up their ass

>Android users
>stick dick in pussy

Checkmate iToddler.

Why does the average america care more iphones then their healthcare bills

>xe browses retarditt


>implying anyone here has a soul
God's light doesn't shine here bud

>>Android users
>>stick dick in pussy

>WOULD stick dick in pussy


I'd rather be a straight virgin than an experienced faggot.

that's gotta be very heavily skewed by the fact that there are Android pre-paid phones and not iOS pre-paid phones

Reminder that iFags STILL dont have adobe flash support

It's the current year, flash is dead
