I thought Ryzen would crush Intel??

I thought Ryzen would crush Intel??

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7 isn't meant for 1080p for the nth time, keep using selective memory and trolling just be neutral and non-biased


Ryzen is so fucking bad

Hello, welcome to Sup Forums.

Please use one of the 90 shilling threads active at this moment, instead of making yet another one.

Thank you, and sage.

I'd rather kill and unwanted thread, thank you :)

Nice quads

>7 is better when you introduce GPU bottlenecks


Sup Forums->

I'm in treats right now. Suck it, lard-asses!

It's made them competitive for the first time in about a decade.

Only a fucking idiot who bought into marketing and hype would...well, believing the marketing and hype.

god fucking dammit. would you buy a 6900k with a quadro for gaymen? fucking hell, just kill yourself

why would you benchmark a 10 year old game?

You realise that the same retard keeps spamming these threads because you keep giving him attention, right?


10 month*

you could just buy the one right below it for $320-300

are you retarded?

Holy fuck do AMDtards live in an alternate universe?

I know you're trolling me but
>Overwatch is a team-based multiplayer first-person shooter video game developed and published by Blizzard Entertainment. It was released in May 2016 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.
At first I actually thought you were memeing about how OW is just a TF2 clone but now I know you're just retarded or pretending to be


>when you realize that on March 2nd the Sup Forums servers fell into a dimensional wormhole and now exist in both our and the berenstain timeline.
>tfw for them Ryzen was a success for gaming but the price they paid for it was Hillary as president



>Using benchmarks where a 6900k is within margain of error of the 7700k as some kind of Bible of what modern CPUs are capable of

Why? Are you people retarded or just children who only play video games all day?

AMD shilled it as gaming chip to go. Blame their ceo and marketing team.

Shilled it as a gaming chip by comparing it to the 6900k? Thanks for confirming that you're retarded if you buy an 8 core 16 thread CPU just to play video games on.

We've all learned to expect one thing from AMD: cheap mediocrity.
But the guys in TEAM RED have spent years on R&D and now we're breaking new ground.

What AMD offers now is expensive mediocrity.

10 points have been added to your RedTeam+ account.
Keep up the good fight!

>march 2nd
>overwatch was released in 2016
>trump became president in january
Literally makes no sense. But still a good kek

>b-but its cheaper than 1k intel chip
>d-don't compare it to 7700k
>y-you'll totally need 16 threads in your gaming pc in the next 2-3 years we swear!

>check ayymd plebbit
>ayymdtards are buiding r1700+rx480

>if I make it sound all ironic and funny that will invalidate the argument XDDDD

AMD marketed their cpu as the best choice for gaming for 2017. The best gaming cpu is 7700k which is better priced than amd offerings. What's hard to understand?


Joker himself even made a video showing he fucked up with this graph and re-tested
Now it's COMPLETELY invalid

... and the tests at 720p low settings still showed it doing great. lol. Within 5-10% in most games, and that's with SMT enabled that everyone knows is bugged in games in Win10.
The games where it's not within 5-10%, it's still usually getting at least 200fps anyway. It'd probably get 250+ fine with SMT disabled in them.

was at 1080p with an OVERCLOCKED GTX 1080 at 2050mhz.

Joker is going to be running SMT disabled tests this week he said.

It's really hard to understand why you're focusing so much on gayyme performance. I think would be a much more suitable place for you to spout your shit.

It's called false advertising, RedTeam+ shill

You did? Really?

Or could it be that you're just pretending you did so that you can berate AMD for not offering THE BEST CPU EVER?

You'd have to be insane if you actually thought that they could catch up and overtake Intel in one product iteration. In reality, they've finally got an offering that's actually worth considering for certain applications again, which is something they haven't had for quite a long time.

>source: my ass

>false advertising
>"Hey guys, look at these handbrake and cinebench benchmarks. There's some gaming ones too if you want to game alongside your blender renders"

I'm 99% sure that they showed games just to show that it can game, not that it should, since bulldozer everyone thought AMD cpus simply couldnt game, this was a quick rebuttal to that. If they truely marketed for gamers theyd be cheaper and be benched in games vs 7500-7700 processors. Instead they showed it in games vs the 6900, to show that this workstation CPU can do games in the downtime between renders and what not.

>AMD marketed their cpu as the best choice for gaming for 2017.
What are you even talking about? Even their alleged shillmarks have been of stuff like Handbrake, Blender or Cinebench.

>call it an amazing gaming CPU
>have that shit even on your website
>delete it immediately after release

pics or it didn't happen

Wait so, 250fps isn't enough? There aren't even any fucking panels that run at that frequency. The shilling is ridiculous.

No longer on their website
Had to use waybackmachine

Min FPS on par with highly single threaded i3. Bretty gud.

>it's good enough- AMD

They had entire stream with allegedly ryzen+vega pc running sw battlefront shilling it as the second coming of Jesus for gaming.

It fucking is. Your monitor is probably a shitty 60hz panel. The CPU produces 4 times the maximum saturation frequency. You're not going to at all get any benefits, let alone perceive the difference between 270fps and 250fps. Fuck.

>all he has is a vague statement
It can be interpreted in any way. Marketing 101.
I might as well say that they delivered on that. It may not be up to par with intel's MOAR GHZ lineup but it certainly isn't lacking when it comes to gaming performance.

Since when did Sup Forums care about the inane bablings of marketing departments? How about you evaluate it for what it is instead of caring what someone told you about it?

Ryzen seems to be a pretty good CPU for many applications. Just because yours isn't among them doesn't mean it sucks.


>inane bablings of marketing departments
It was their CEO.


Are you implying any contradiction?


You may well argue that statement is entirely true. "Merging the worlds of gamers and creators" is exactly what they're doing if they're enabling better capturing/streaming while playing. Which they are.

But it is. Intel processors have ~40-50 fps variance between min and average. AMD only has 20.

Only an idiot would pick the Intel since its going to be fluctuating a lot more.

Denial of what? Marketing always cooks up some really vague statements so that they won't get sued for false advertising. Either way, you should look at it for what it is. Good for gaming, excellent for multithreaded workloads. Much like the 6900k, it has more than adequate gaming performance but it's a bad buy if you're going to buy it strictly for gaming.

Does that matter? Regardless of who she may or may not have said, that still doesn't change what Ryzen actually is. Which is, again, a pretty good CPU in quite a few domains.

So I can assume that Lisagook is full of shit now? After being hailed as the most trustworthy tranny on the planet here.


You can assume that the public face of any company is going to engage in marketspeak.

>four times the required rate

jesus and you guys act like intel shills are the evil ones for defending them
look in the mirror holy shit lmao

>replying to Sup Forums-tier shitposting
Have some standards, man.

>generic marketing slogan



This is actually accurate.

Ryzen R7 line up provides top tier workstation performance, while offering more then capable gaming performance. You no longer need a top end consumer i7 for muh max frames and a HEDT chip, you can buy one and get all around satisfactory results.

>just wait
shitposting but still funny

That one image you posted is vague enough to be true and untrue at the same time. No shit it's marketing. That doesn't change the fact that the majority of the benchmarks they've shown are heavily multithreaded applications like cinebench, blencer and handbrake alongside a few gaming benchmarks.

>they marketed it for gaming though

>Poo splash in the background
what did AMD mean by this

Can I have better quality shitposts? Wall of greentext is pretty boring.

>they marketed it for gaming though
Is still your source for this?

>y-you're just shitposting

Yes. You're just shitposting. At least do it better, this is not Sup Forums.

Jesus christ brand loyalty really does make people stupid


Wait, why does no one realize that the 1800X is just slightly behind Intel's Haswell 8-core i7 5960X? Wouldn't that just imply that FO4 is heavily clockspeed-bound and more than 4 cores is useless for the game, and it's not an issue with Ryzen specifically?

Marketing 101
It still delivers on that front. Nothing in that image says that it's better than the competition.


I almost got excited thinking we were moving into silicon metrics and architecture discussion before I realized you were talking about a game.

If I remember correctly, the same article has the 1800x at the top of the stack in the TW:WH benchmark. So yes, FO4 is a shit game

You need a separate thread for actual arch discussion with some kind of pleb filter in the op. I've seen two such threads in past few days.

Yes, that is what I've taken home from many of the benchmarks, too, which is actually pretty cool. I didn't seriously expect that they'd actually come so close to Intel in IPC with Zen as they seem to have.

What is all the more unfortunate, however, is that, at least according to the announced figures, the fewer-core parts aren't going to up the clockspeeds very much at all, which one could have been expecting with less heat generation on the chip.

I really do wonder why that is; if it is that Glofo's 14nm LPP process can't handle higher clockspeeds (yet?), or if Zen has critical paths that aren't optimized well enough. In the former case, one might perhaps expect upped clocks as Glofo tunes their manufacturing. In the latter case, it may be more difficult.


... well, this thread has a pleb filter in the OP.

>Not understanding that benchmarking is set up to reflect CPU performance, not real world use.
Doesn't matter what it's meant for when that induces bottlenecks. Why are AMDfags so fucking dumb?

>GPU Bottleneck
Even then, the 1700 is still a viable CPU if you're going to do 1440p gaming and considering how close those benchmarks are, I don't see any absolute lie in here.
Marketing 101.
Hide behind half-truths so you won't get sued. Every other company that produces consumer goods does this

Zeppelin is a server part first and foremost, they've chosen low power process deliberately.


Given how Ryzen compares to the 6900K, it looks like the server parts could be really exciting. If it scales well to the promised 32 cores, they really could have a worthy Xeon competitor.

but I thought amd are the "good guys"?

>it was never marketed for gaming
>it's a workstation CPU
>not a single mention of it on their workstation section of their website

No, it attracts shitposters.
It scales even better at low clock.