How do you deal with guests who hog up your internet after you give them access?

How do you deal with guests who hog up your internet after you give them access?

Tell them to fuck off with their stupid hentai torrents?

Internet isn't considered water yet, it's not a right, it's a privilege, especially one where it's on my dime.

Also, just throttle any devices that aren't yours. Any decent hardware should be able to do that.

Tell that to the Obama nigger that called it a basic utility necessary for living in a speech.

Replace every torrent video to gay porn.


That doesn't work well when their bittorrent client starts behaving aggressively about bandwidth

Just replace all videos with gay porn

Nestle greatly disagrees with you that water is a right. LOL

Separate, throttled, guest vlan. Also adds security

FCC disagrees with King Kong

Deny them access

Ugh, I absolutely despise Nestle. The entire executive board will definitely burn in hell when the time arrives.

The Upside-Down-ternet

Guest virtual access point.

Kill them.

How about just y'know, utilizing basic human communication and asking them to stop hogging the internet?

Assign their MAC address a reserved IP in DHCP, enable QOS

It works fine. There's nothing they can do about it.

this is classic

kittenwar is a 2nd

just put parental control on porn and torrents, always works.

Why would you give them access? They have a cell phone.

Ban their device's MAC Address

I've tried that and they just deny it.

That works with most people but there's one asshole who comes here with torrents already queued on his phone and it starts leeching as soon as he gets on the network.

I don't give them access. I have a very complicated password, don't feel like changing it after.

MitM them into thinking they are gonna get v& for downloading a car

It's a non-issue, browsing Facebook doesn't take up much bandwidth

modern facebook has autoplaying videos everywhere
it zaps that bandwidth

>ever having guests over

Sup Forums is not for norms. this must be what it feels like to live in a gentrified neighborhood

>he network setup does not have guess temp pass with limited band with and 6 hour lease

I'm sure it compresses the shit out of the videos just like it does the photos

user, this is hell.