Thanks for the data faggots

Other urls found in this thread:

>Less than 400GB

Hahahahahaahaha. I download more than 2TB Content a month

you're welcome

Okay? No one can force you to seed if you do not want to seed, but you should understand that if everyone shared your mindset torrents would have never succeeded like they have. The mentality of private trackers is autistic, but seeding to 2.0 is not so resource intensive that it should be avoided.

lol I Don't Give A Fuck

xD nice dude you got him haha

mad burn bro hahaha

t. Nigger

ok but you're an obese loser with no future or life, enjoy those shitty GBs, thats all u've got


>wen u downlodin music an u b cool n sheit hopin mom dont find out

frikkin legendary

>tfw trying to contribute back but no uploads happen because they are already being seeded

>389 GB
>torrents add: 68

>professional leecher

In any case most seeders are torrent sites.


>projecting this hard
>still less than 400GB


>a lot
pick one

Give the data back, Jamal.

>useing windows
Let me guess you are 14? and you think thats a lot of data
wew lad summer has already started

It's funny because the MPAA is saying the same thing to you.

"wooow mommy look I like downloaded a whole data base,389 gee bees thats like my exbax 1 hard drive,man im a haxer"
Its time to leave Sup Forums normie

so smart

lmao how will he ever recover

thanks for the seeding :)

Stop downloading shit.


>not windows
>confirmed pedo

I haven't downloaded much lately, but I don't bother to open the client lately...

No probs people like me who have a seed box and 5TiB of bandwith a month,dont care if you dont seed,There are people everyday that start seeding if you think thats hurting the system think again.

>seed box
...did u ever think about investing time in real life things...? like going outside and start real relationships with real people...? just saying

>implying I can't leave a seed box running while I'm out fucking bitches
>implying all technology enthusiast are shutdown manchild autists
>implying there is nothing in between of being a filthy normie and an autist robot

My fucking sides pathetic loser.


>a few month from now
>look for an a not super new or not very popular stuf
>can't find any torrent still alive
you will regret your action


>My fucking sides
>pathetic loser.
Calm down a little, you dont want to get too agitated, morbid obesity might kill you, please relax
>not posting Picard

>My fucking sides pathetic loser.

>I'm out fucking bitches
>here shitposting

Sharing is caring.

Have fun with botnet faget.

welcome faggot

its not 2001 anymore, inferior mongoloid

I wasn't expecting to get 3 replies lmao

>implying based Garek isn't the best Trek character
Someone hasn't watched DS9

And actually, I'm barely above pic related in obesity


There is time for everything, I have to give my dog some rest :^)

>30/5 speed with comcast surveillance and 3 people using it
If I could I would



this is the best my fantastic Aussie internet can do uploading at max speed, im sorry.

>seed so losers like OP can get free data
>don't even use the media that i'm seeding
It's a fetish


You literally paid for stuff I downloaded, thanks cuck

Thank you user.

That's a weird fetish desu.
Have a pig.

>It's a fetish


>be me
>torrent stuff and seed it back to a ratio of 1.5 because of 1Mbps upload rate
>hbo sends me dmcas and my isp gets annoyed
>find out i can rent a vps for dollars a week with 100Mbps upload
>seed a bunch of HBO's shit just for the sake of FUCK YOU
>most of the time i'm not even coming close to maxing out my upload. like 10-20Mbps
>upload several TB/month
>get an erection when i look at nload's Ttl: readout

a few more OPs and I could probably bust a nut

A true hero

give those bytes back, deshawn

my total upload is even lower considering my max upload is 81kbps


>tfw i almost never seed

lol is this your first time downloading using torrent?

Laptop, installed utorrent the other day, massive downloads on the other pc's

that's not how any of this works. everyone "pays" for torrents in that you pay for internet usage. that's about it.


>sit on some old obscure torrent for half a year

>suddenly a bro comes on and seeds it

damn I wish torrent clients had a tipping system

Unless you pay for each GB, the ones who loose are the ISPs, if you're not using your connection at all times you're wasting it.

I know that feel, sometimes i revive forgotten torrents by using shitty direct download sites.



Thank you, senpai.

When I get fibre in my flat, this number will grow larger.


if you torrent you are biting the hand that feeds you

>but you should understand that if everyone shared your mindset

they don't though so it doesn't matter


there'll always be cucks seeding :^)

>only 2TB
Literally third world


You're welcome, OP

why torrenting is so overrated, a few years old torrents won't have any seeders and will be impossible to download, it just confuses me why it's so used in piracy when we could just direct download?

You're welcome.

>but seeding to 2.0 is not so resource intensive that it should be avoided.
i can't do that for everything
my download is nearly 20 times faster than my upload, so to get something that took a day to download to seed to 2.0 would take over a month, and chances are i've downloaded more since then

one way or another, someone needs to host the data for it it be available
if noone wants it, noone will host it

Always seed like 3 GB for every 1GB I download. Are private torrents really good in terms off quantaty of content or is it better to pay for a UseNet and download from there?

What the fudge mate?
Let your torrents on when you don't uses your computer. Come on. It does it "automatically".

Besides, you don't need 2.0 ratio on each torrents.. I personally try to reach a 3 or even 4 ratio on a file if lucky before removing it from my seed list.

Just do you small share, even if it's .70 ratio the file.


>Want to share and download games
>In my place best net I can get is 20 Mbit/s down and 1 Mbit/s up

Life is suffering. And I live in a first world country.

i'm surprised it's even 0.10
i've only been downloading games from the late 90s so nobody ever needs data

Try blocking the outgoing ports on your firewall.

Gosh dude, I hope that your 100s are 100% and not 100x upload.

If that is, you're the man.

You must have antisocial personality disorder!

i have shitty dsl with 00.5 mb uproad.

i can't help it

>Let your torrents on when you don't uses your computer. Come on. It does it "automatically".
But if he downloads a lot, it's very easy to not still not seed enough.

My ex housemate torrented few tv shows every single day plus a movie here and there, plus games and we had 60Mbps/15Mbps down/up. There was no way he could seed enough.

Thanks but I don't want to have shitty laggy internet for the rest of the month

my upload speed is shit

Nope. He has social personality disorder.

Thanks for high speed porn.

no problem senpai

also this

Started 10 times
Uploaded: 9.48 TB
Downloaded: 883.3 GB
Ratio: 10.7
Duration: 338 days (29257782 seconds)

>400 GB
>68 torrents


You're a good man user. I hope higher beings reward you in the afterlife.

I used to be a leechfag but when Kat got taken down, I started to realize how dependent I am on torrents.

So I decide seed a bit now and try to make a change. Long live torrents senpai

>uploaded over 5MB
Spotted the cuck.

How do you know he seeded anything you were downloading?

Thanks anyway, I hope your contribution will be rewarded in afterlife.