Everywhere on all devices, including pc and mobile, this shit happens
Even my phone when I'm connected to wifi, and just using data, I have these exact problems
Could anyone help me fix this problem?
Tech support can't even fix this
Thumbnails and pictures won't show up on many threads and websites
Some threads on Sup Forums are, fine but some are like OP, where all the pictures aren't showing
install gentoo
It's not the OS
My phone also has the exact same problem, and the exact same threads like OP are fucked, while other threads are perfectly fine
Maybe its an isp problem. Charter serves me well
My wifi and phone data have different isps
They both have the exact same problems
Try changing your DNS to Googles & see if it fixes it.
What's this?
I don't know about DNS sorry
Could anyone itt go to /an/ and check if the same thing is happening?
Screenshots please
i thought that might be it but he said he has the same issue when using data
so idk
might be DNS related and then it doesnt pull the images cause the browsers has it cached
>Step 1: Change DNS
Use google how to do it ... its really simple you babbie
>Step 2: Clear all cookies and cache
If oyu dont know how to do it ... google it you fucking babbie
Sup Forums IS NOT YOUR TECH SUPPORT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm getting the same thing but it says the images are 404'd. Maybe there's an error and the thread has been marked for deletion, but it's still displayed on the front page.
Seems like every image on every board takes forever to load (if at all) the last few months since hiroshimoot downgraded the image servers.
Does /an/ look like this to you in the catalog?
Do your youtube thumbnails work?
None of mine do
had the same thing, fixed itself after a day or 2
I've had it for weeks though
Both on /an/ and youtube
/trv/ does this crap as well
I've had this problem as well. Might be related to various Amazon S3 and Cloudflare fuck-ups that have been occurring recently.
I'm in New Zealand though
How could someone in USA and NZ have the same problems with internet?
Sup Forums's servers are in the US, not New Zealand.
This problem plagues youtube as well
Are all of youtube's servers in USA?
Is that a yes to your youtube thumbnails working?
No, generally thumbnails on Sup Forums and Youtube are not working.
I hope this problem is fixed soon
I've had it for a long time now