/wdg/ - Web Development General

(they're the same)

>IRC Channel
#Sup Forumswdg @ irc.rizon.net
Web client: rizon.net/chat

>Learning material

>Useful Youtube channels

>Frontend development

>Backend development
[Gist] backendDevelopmentBookmarks.md (embed)

>Useful tools
pastebin.com/q5nB1Npt/ (embed)
libraries.io/ - Discover new open source libraries, modules and frameworks and keep track of ones you depend upon.
developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web - Guides for HTML, CSS, JS, Web APIs & more.
programmableweb.com/ - List of public APIs

>NEET guide to web dev employment
pastebin.com/4YeJAUbT/ (embed)

>How to get started
pastebin.com/pDT82mQS (embed)
pastebin.com/AL6j7GEE (embed)

>cheap vps hosting in most western locations

Other urls found in this thread:


why is wdg so fucking dead all the time

Because web development is fucking awful

The Discord invite seems to have expired.

there's not much to talk really

Hey, I have a memory test game, the user can add up to 6 grids and select
different cells in each of those grids, later they will be tested
(Is D3 on grid 2 highlighted).

In JS/JQ what is the best way to implement this, I have the grid highlighting
and adding/deleting grids part done, I just don't know what the most sensible
way to "Store" the info is to be passed on later.


How do we save webdevelopment

because wdg isn't full of neets. we have jobs and shit to do on the week ends. come back tomorrow

kek you replied to me and im a junior web dev with fuck all to do on the weekend but personal projects and imageboard shitposting. i thought people here were like me

Just.......... use.............. React.............................

How long does it take to learn though, I am going to have to overcome the same obstacles with react that I will with JS eventually won't I, React will just make some of the repetitive stuff faster and more manageable.

>mfw after I learned javascript and networking/hacking , everything makes sense now.

>How long does it take to learn though
If you're already reasonably familiar with JavaScript, you can do the official React tutorial in a couple hours (including tinkering around with stuff as you go, getting dependancies working, etc.). Redux and Webpack and all that will take more time, but the create-react-app utility takes care of all that for you. React itself is pretty easy.

Replace CSS with something not as retarded
Ban ad platforms from using JS

Also very easy to wrap your head around and makes complex projects very simple small steps.

Pic related, my new logo for my small agency, thoughts?

Doing a website with a lot of videos (provided by YouTube) that will probably watched on smart phones.

It a simple MVC framework (like Django or Rails) enough here or is there a certain advantage if I make it with something like Vue or React and use Django or Rails as API only? I'm not really good with JS though..

you should ask this in /gd/
i'm not sure logo quality for small shops is even relevant, most of them seem terrible to me but it doesn't prevent them from getting customers

Updated and on website now

Tell me anons
$a= new class() ;
a->func() ;

$a= class::func() ;

And why

first if the function is relevant to the object created
second if it's a general purpose function.

How often are algorithms and data structures questions asked in front-end interviews? I don't know anything about those, or design patterns (design patterns mostly seem to be related to OO-programming).

For real tho how to write css and don't have suicidal thoughts?

Get rid of the shittiest language ever made known as javascript

When will the js meme die?
You don't need a retarded front-end framework for 90% of shit on the web. Yes, Rails and Django are more than enough.

are some of you in Eastern Europe?

I live in Croatia and can't see myself doing webdev without a degree (even though there aren't real webdev schools here)

pls respond

help me Sup Forums Im new to javascript or programming in general , i have a good background in python

should i learn web development or Machine Learning? Im not new to machine learning , i know basic neural nets etc,but I heard its a fad and u cant find jobs that require ML only research jobs (need PHD for those) , so should i pursue ML or learn about javascrip and its frameworks?

>can't see myself doing webdev without a degree
why? just like make a few semi complex sites and show it to employers

because this is eastern europe.

people with multiple degrees cannot find jobs.

I know I sound like a newfag, because I am a bit of a noob, but doing webdev for an employer in eastern europe seems impossible 2bh

>eastern europe
profit off the fact that your country's currency is worth nothing when compared to usd. freelance for america if you really want to webdev.

>not learning both

Why is Sup Forums filled with sub humans?


I'm almost finished completing a book on vanilla javasript. The next book in the series is on Jquery. Should I bother reading it? I keep hearing that no one uses Jquery anymore. If not, what is a better library to learn?

This. Americans are generally fine working with foreigners as long as they can understand your weird accent, and you can make higher wages without the higher living cost.

How do you guys structure your JS? I find myself switching from the revealing module pattern to a simpler object literal, specially when working on simpler sites that just need a few animations here and there.

>I keep hearing that no one uses Jquery anymore.
Unfortunately that is still not true. There are newer, memeier options out there, but it's still pretty common. You should generally prefer to use vanilla js where possible and convenient, or at least use smaller, lightweight utilities if you're only going to do one thing e.g. to make an ajax request, just use fetch instead of importing the massive monolith that is jquery just to use $.ajax

>If not, what is a better library to learn?
You're almost always going to be better off mastering vanilla js over ${framework_of_the_week}, however some popular front-end options are Angular, React, and Vue. It would also probably be a good idea to dive into some backend stuff if you haven't already.

It's worth pointing out that one of the most powerful parts of jQuery (in my opinion) is Sizzle, which is definitely worth using on its own. Here is my really simple way of implementing the selector (which returns an array):

var ƒ = function(selector, context) {
var array = Sizzle(selector, context);
var el = (array.length === 1) ? array[0] : (array.length > 1) ? array : false;

return el;

//returns single result, if more, return array

//ƒ('.foo').className = 'bar';

Also, you can build leaner builds of jQuery containing just what you need from it: github com/jgallen23/jquery-builder

I am from croatia and I earn $3k+ from webdev a month. Dont be a retard, learn typescript+js+react/inferno+ node +html/css and go on upwork/freelancer and lowbail first few jobs,after that you can start charging more or just go on google.de and pick a small town and write town + pizza in search, check those sites, contact them (call or email) tell them you'll build a site for them for $500 + 50 eur a month maintenance/ or 100 if you got good website portfolio.

Use SCSS? Less? Stylus?

what exactly do you mean by

> networking/hacking

There are jobs if you know both lol.

Financial algorithm development requires a lot of machine learning as well as a couple common languages

I'm getting my portfolio ready and it uses php and I'm setting it up on a digitial ocean vps

What's the ideal way to actually host multiple php/laravel apps on one site?

Should Lua replace JavaScript?

Please discuss.

So I heard you can make a pretty decent living being a freelance webdev and by "decent" I mean at least double min wage. If I go full good will hunting and bust my ass studying can I start getting somewhere in let's say 3 months time?

pls I don't want to stock shelves anymore you guys.

I learned it on Sup Forums but I forgot it all. How do you do an HTML include without using javascript or other janky non-HTML stuff?


It can't, and no.

It was like a javascript include but it doesn't need javascript.

It might have been

but it doesn't seem to work locally.

Not the same user, but how do you find decent jobs on freelance sites?
Almost all of the ones I've seen either don't tell you anything, want you to do something shady, or something completely absurd...

Anyone got an idea how to solve this?

As I add overflow:auto, greenbox gets mangled.

I want to keep the formatting, but I want the autoscroll feature.

It's much easier to help when you provide a jsfiddle link. Maybe I know how to fix it, but I'm too lazy to reinvent entire structure of your page.

sorry for being an insufferable novice but

I have no experience with web development and I'm trying to make a website from scratch. Without any coding experience, I was using Dreamweaver for a bit but it's frustrating to use and clunky. I realize my best bet is to just learn to cote, but realistically how quickly could I pick it up and get to work on the actual website I want to create? What's the best course of action? I just want to know what are my options are here so any advice would be appreciated.

I want to make a website that looks something like Drudge Report just so I can post links.


I've been spending a few hours a day at Codecademy these past two weeks. Enjoying myself so far. My plan is to transition to freecodecamp eventually, I like the idea of basically doing work experience at a non profit.

Just wanted to say thanks for the resources in these generals and for shitposting enough to finally give me the motivation to start.

Is it fun?

Go to drudgereport.com and press f12

Yeah it is pretty fun. Just put some headphones on and play some music without lyrics so you don't get distracted. My girlfriend was in the kitchen doing dishes and the noise was distracting me.

Also, if you can't figure out what you've fucked up you probably either need to reread the instructions or you didn't format one thing correctly.

It is really easy so don't stress.

You need a degree to get accepted for working visa in USA.

>make a website that looks like Drudge Report

Unless you're some sort of brutalist adherent or just plain incompetent, you could shit out something better looking than DR in about two day with enough experience. Getting to that point requires learning HTML, CSS, JS, and some backend language (Python,PHP,Ruby,Node.js) and for your purposes, it would probably take about a month or two of study to get to that point. Take the time to setup a virtual machine/vagrantbox so you can test on your computer and go nuts in your own little environment.


Also, thread bump!

I'm either visiting family/friends on the weekend or building projects or making youtube videos or streaming.

I'm starting to tackle a CMS like wordpress with the accessibility of squarespace.

Also trying to figure out how to monetize other projects. I need to learn the PayPal API...

Basically I'm only here because I'm in the bathtub before work.

USA and got a web dev job without a degree or job experience.

Apachr virtualhost. Digitalocean has a great articlr on how to do it. It's just config edits and took me maybe 20 minutes.

Can anyone recommend me a beginner design book?

is wordpress /our guy/?

for better or worse

Give yourself about a year.

>Take the time to setup a virtual machine/vagrantbox so you can test on your computer and go nuts in your own little environment.

I appreciate the comment, but what does this mean? I'm not familiar.

Once you start using ES6's tagged template literals for non-trivial operations your code really starts looking like some ancient form of voodoo

This is sort of an odd question, but does anyone have good resources for breaking up large projects into smaller tasks? It's a skill I'm finding is harder than I thought, and I'm needing it for a club at my university, we're developing a decent sized Node.JS/Express website.

Sorry, what I mean is that setting up a virtual machine makes development a heck of a lot more controlled and easier, since it gives you a clean virtual computer on your computer to work in not tainted by what's on your main computer. While you can do dev directly on your computer, it's a lot easier once you get your feet wet to just set up something that hosts your website on the computer in its' own environment to make working on more complex applications more easier to manage.

It's probably a little while away assuming you know absolutely nothing about webdev, so just take your time and figure out how a web page is built before you jump off that pier.

The more files a project is broken into, the easier it is for more people to work on the same project, but also the harder it is for noobies to understand what's going on

>currently looking for a student part time job
>find this

How big a meme is WebAssembly?

its still years and years away

when doing requests with AJAX, is calling serialize() on my data enough to communicate with the server? or do i also need to do

xhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");

and if I do need to use the above code, do i need to call it for every ajax request i call?

serialize() on what?
XMLHttpRequest doesn't have a serialize method.

if your server requires POST data to be like that then yes, you need to do that every time you create a new XMLHttpRequest object.

i thought both serialize() and the setRequestHeader code did the same thing (take the dta and properly encode it to work with a POST request).

So looks like i'll need to do both then. Which is weird because at least locally, it does the POST just fine without the setRequestHeader function....

there's no serialize().

are you talking about jquery?

yeah my bad, im doing my POST with jquery ajax function

jquerys default content type is already 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8', so you don't need to set that.

your code is for a normal XMLHttpRequest object without jquery. (Though it does work with jquery too, you're better off just setting it using the contentType property when creating the request).

Kinda in the mood to learn hipster stuff like Angular, vue, react. I am familiar with closures and other shit from lisp. Should I just read js reference for starters?

ok so i have the dataType as "text", what do i set the contentType to?

dataType has nothing to do with the contentType.

dataType = type of what the server sends back
contentType = type of what you send to the server

so set it to whatever the server expects.

if my POST requests just updates a record, i dont need to set the dataType then right? since im not having the server send anything back. So remove that and set contentType to "text"?

Also, if i am just using ajax (no jquery) for GET response, i need to setRequestHeader in that case, right?

editComment(comment) {
let comments = this.state.data;
let currentIndex = comments.findIndex(item => {
return item._id == comment._id
comments.splice(currentIndex, 1, comment);
data: comments
//bgcolor: comment.color
document.body.style.backgroundColor = `rgba(${comment.color[0]}, ${comment.color[1]}, ${comment.color[2]}, ${comment.opacity})`;
document.body.style.transition = 'background-color 0.5s ease';
document.body.style.backgroundColor = 'white';
document.body.style.transition = 'none';

none of the css stuff at the bottom is firing off in my react app, am I doing anything obviously wrong? The idea is that whenever a comment is edited, the body background-color flashes the color of that comment (unique) and fade back to white after .5 seconds

if you don't send anything meaningful back, then you don't need to set dataType.
If your server accepts text, then set contentType to text/plain.

setRequestHeader sets a header that gets sent to the server.
so if your server requires a specific header to be present, then set it.
If you do a GET request, then you don't need to set a content-type header, since it's for payload only.

never heard the term payload before but thanks for the help user

the stuff you send to the server with POST requests

Is Flask a meme framework?


>unironically recommending this piece of shit

django or flask pls respond

more lightweight than Django

i dont use Python tho so idk. If you're 1337 then you'll just use vanilla Python

you put that rgba into a seperate string value to make sure output is correct

and you obviously tried it manually in chrome console, right?

this is react? why even use it? looks like vanilla JS, so just use vanilla JS. If you know how to program you don't need meme frameworks.

Is it worth it to migrate my session user authentication to jwt?

top rated, 60k+ earned


>tfw fell for one screen meme

wew lads live-reloading with sublime text on one screen
preview of site on the other screen
fast prototyping comfy as fuck

how did you first learn javascript? did you do CS in college.? are you from USA or from a third world shithole?

>using sublime text
>not using the superior webstorms

age 16~
started doing web dev at age 10 though, making neopets bots and weird autistic shit.

Canada, no education past highschool, just read like 20~ books about web dev.

I'm in the same situation. I'm American. Did info systems in college, started teaching myself JS in college. Hired as my first job out