Hey /gig/

Hey /gig/
I'm a hyuge gay faggot and I'm ricing my Hackintosh, what do you guys use to show a picture borderless? I have already homebrew and basic shit installed but i need that one, pretty please
pic unrelated

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get off Sup Forums now and go play with a mbp while combing your beard in a coffee shop..

An x220 with Sierra it's better


but I dont want a old thinkpad! they are so early 2000's

teach me master~

get the fuck out

do you even talk to people
i would shove you in a locker

no bully


im being serious
how do you hide your bullshit when you're in class?
do you go to class? maybe that's a dumb question, normal well adjusted people go to class; Not you
how do you hid your bullshit when you're at work?
do you go to work? maybe that's a dumb question, normal well adjusted people go to work; Not you

god i hate you

i use my phone at work baka not my desktop

how do people take you seriously, though?

how low are your testosterone levels?

im a girl u baka

wait, how do i install this? sorry for mac ignorance

compile it
if you don't know how i can do it for you

people don't take trannies seriously at work in any environment

yes thanks
that would help a lot

good thing im not one

fat chance ya reverse cocked faggot