It's finally happening. They're taking our memes and trying to make them normie.
It's finally happening. They're taking our memes and trying to make them normie
why can't you retards just stay in your containment board
even if this thread was about technology your post would be worthless
>Feelsman [sic]
>far-right terms
Hell, even "SJW" isn't really one. This shit is the new pic related.
this desu
I like how that piece of a shit sjw had to randomly add comments to enforce the articles true intention. Especially the 1488 part. Nigs are gonna nig.
Yes please shame discord into oblivion.
Let it burn.
>Bogdanoff meme
>Taking the bait this hard
That's hilarious
Not technology.
Why post this here?
>finally happening
It's always happened and it will always keep happening, it's the natural ebb and flow of this meme demimonde we exist in. Once those memes become normalized we will create new ones in reaction.
Half of these faggot memes already are reddit tier trash, fuck off.
Don't kid yourself, nobody makes OC anymore. They just take an old meme and completely sterilize anything funny out of it till it's ready to be reposted constantly.
We'll always have Milhouse.
Give it time for reddit and twitter to discover it.
Your pitiful memes are already mainstream. Before the dumb mobile posters and when had proper OC circulation that wasn't another batch of pepes with different hats normalfag sites would always use outdated memes compared to Sup Forums.
Now there are enough pepes dumbed on facebook as it is. And facebook is still a step behind reddit which is pretty much Sup Forums lite as it is.
That's what happens when you don't make anything new and just merge overused memes with real life political events.
Then dump another million on ctr and make memes yourself that fits your political view, shitstain.
I don't think you're smart enough to make any new original memes, reddit scum.
Who is this "our" that you speak of? Sup Forums is calling.
Back to your containment shithole stormweenie
Oh the great tumblrina, I grovel at your feet, please make original memes with your great intelligence.
Fuck you Milhouse isn't a meme
CTR boogeyman was literally about using pepes with different hats idiot.
You couldn't even single them out properly besides calling everyone with different views a shill, because you don't need to actually lurk nowadays.
Your passive aggressive faggotry only shows your butthurt.
>That irony
>he kinds of people who hang out in spaces like Sup Forums or cripple***chan tend to also be big anime fans.
Anime haters yet again BTFO
You're still deflecting. Reddit scum like you are only capable of reposting the same joke over and over. You'll edit it just slightly, but it's still the same joke. Even if you've beaten anything funny out of it, you'll still keep posting it because you can't think up anything new. Everything you love is loved by twitter, facebook, and even reddit. This site has very little left to call it's own thanks to you, it's just reddit and twitter plus anonymity.
>i am not capable of coming up with an insult therefore i call you redditor a repeatedly
>meanwhile i criticize your repetitive posting
Just end yourself already, its not even funny anymore.
Isnt incel a reddit term?
I don't know but I thought it was /r9k/.