You screenlets are laughable. If one side of your monitor is less than 1200 px, consider suicide. Even mobile phones are higher resolution nowadays.
You screenlets are laughable. If one side of your monitor is less than 1200 px, consider suicide...
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You nigger not now you tokin boot.
640x480 is the resolution God chose. Are you calling God a screenlet?
what's that diaper cancer on your bottom left?
>using 1080p ultrawide monitor
>well, better off myself because of those 20 pixels
Do people actually think like this?
>not a screenlet
get on my level faggotron
>less than 1200px
>grandma tier sized thumbnails
>furfag, pedo shit in left
U avin' a giggle m8?
at least he's not a Wintoddler
>buying a screen with a resolution higher than 1920*1080 pixels
>it costs twice as much
>now your GPU and CPU will perform worse and draw more power
>now fonts and other GUI elements are too small to be read comfortably
>now you have to upscale them so they can be usable
>enjoy your 1080p experience :∆)
1440p+ monitors are retarded, and you're retarded too for falling into such ridiculous marketing ploys.
My desktop has 2 1080's which scale everything perfectly. Surface scales everything so small it's nuts. Thing is it's great for pictures
What's the sauce of that furry pic?
Yep 4:3 is the only choice
>furry ruski
Don't they execute degenerates like you there?
1200p screens don't cost twice as much if you compare two same quality screens. Compare Dell Ultrasharps 1080p to 1200p, there is price difference but hardly 2x. Dells are overpriced as shit though but honestly I think it's worth it. Other than that I agree, I use 1200p myself because I honestly don't see much point in getting higher resolution screen. I use 1440p at work and it's cool for productivity but I don't give a crap about productivity at home. I don't work much from home and when I do I'm fine with lowered productivity and other than that I just play gaymes, watch anime and lurk Sup Forums. I don't need more than 1200p for any of those, and for some it's even not preferred (anime is 720p)
>GPU has power for much more than that
>being a poorfriend
>being a poorfriend who can't afford a mac with retina
it's a cute picture
> my small dick
Yet, you do nothing with it.
Your brain is so simple and easily overloaded, it cannot even handle a wallpaper.
The only needing to die here, is you, OP.
>tfw to smart for wallpaper
the only one*, you fucking fuck
He is that faggot who had a furry diaoer pic as the background
>daniel with the small d
cyka blyat
it was my fursona
oh it's danyisill, shouldn't you be in /ptg/ instead of shit posting here
What's the best ultra-short?
OP is a CIA nigger
It's actually a hackintosh.
Also not pedo
Pic related is my Hackintosh shitbox on a 1366x768 32in TV, fight me
>networking on TempleOS
Is this sanctioned by God?
>default icons in dock
>temperature menu item
>bloat in the menu
>a bunch of kexts
>2 languages
>1 desktop
>not pedo
Pretense for posting inflammatory furfag thumbnails.
So you are the famous hacker that hacked the US elections?
what the fuck is wrong with you
What am I missing in this article?
Nothing. He just likes anthropomophic dogs wearing diapers. It's harmless.
less than or equal to desu
uh i'm asexual
>have a hard time getting it up
>so I'm asexual
no i AM an anthropomorphic baby dog who needs nappies!
>using desktop icons
Consider bleach
Sacrilege Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
>needing more than 1366x768
>dog poster
>can't see the quality improvements
Opinions discarded.
Hurts my fucking eyes
I upgraded from a 24" 1920x1080 screen to a 27" 2560x1440 one and I'm already thinking I wouldn't mind an even bigger screen.
even my 2012 tablet has better resolution than most mainstream 2016-17 laptops, at least on my country.
It's laughable how normie laptops are STILL 1366p
>current year
>less than 2100 vertical pixels
What's it like living in a third world country?
This shit is why I fucking hate being associated with the diaper fetish.
Literally just for the plastic clothing, no age faggotry, no scat, just plastic clothing
& i don't want to be associated with diaper fetishists desu
That's nice. Retard.
>default wallpaper
>god-tier screen resolution
get on my level
tfw rejuvenile
>That xbox game cover
fuck me running that takes me back
By that i usually meant regression to a younger age and a slightly different different kind of nostalgia.
Your post really made me think.
I guess all gamers are rejuveniles in some way
What did he mean by this?
Fuck off nigger, maybe if Chinese jews felt generous for once we'd have higher resolution laptops as a norm. BUT NO we are stuck with 768p cancer. And my desktop PC is 1080p and I don't care to go higher cause video games.
I bet you have lots of fun compiling in Gentoo, repairing your arch installation, and programming scripts
нa cocaч, быдлo
>still gaming at 1080p
Do I smell VSR?
>le 1440p idiot
You should update your GPU drivers
get leet OP
I have a 1600x1200 monitor in the attic tho
it would be nice if they produced more laptops with 4:3, widescreen sucks for reading.
>using le and calling him an idiot because you're that mad at being poor
>screenlets with less than 14 million pixels