Does anyone use this? Why?
Does anyone use this? Why?
How else would you get news and website updates?
Before Facebook and social media, it was the only way to "follow" websites.
It still is the fastest and least cancerous and cluttered way to get your news.
I will probably stop using the Internet when RSS will be killed by big IT companies.
Because live bookmarks are the single best feature in Firefox. Strangely few people appear to use them. Plebs.
its great for torrenting shows
comfy Sup Forums browsing.
only proper gentlemen like myself use RSS feeds
selfoss, all in one place
>proper gentlemen
>cheap ass gamer
you mean children right?
Thanks for the memes dad but video games are the best hobby anyone could have.
>Does anyone use this? Why?
Because it puts updates to news sites, blogs, youtube channels, and webcomics I want to follow all in one place.
>video games are the best hobby anyone could have
Are you really saying this you fucking idiot? Kill yourself.
Yeah, I really am. You're doing life exceptionally wrong if you're not playing video games daily.
And record your gameplay and upload to YouTube xD
no, that's cringe
the time has come to terminate your existence fagmen
Like said, it's convenient and unobtrusive.
>live bookmarks are the single best feature in Firefox
how would they ever kill something like that ? :(
its easy
so i use it
The problem: on facebook you see what they select to you see.
Google removed the RSS icon from Chrome many years ago, then they killed Google Reader (it was around the time they were pushing G+ the hardest), then Mozilla removed the RSS icon from Firefox etc. More and more news sites don't have an RSS/Atom feed you could subscribe too, the only way to keep up with their content is by following them on Facebook and/or Twitter. And this is what they want, they want people to stop using RSS since they can't control it that well, (((fake news))) etc. Instead, they promote Facebook and other social media sites.
Comfiest blogging protocol after mailing lists.