My current browser is Firefox, now its dying though so im moving on.
Whats a better browser in terms of security, privacy and overall experience?
What browsers is Sup Forums currently using?
My current browser is Firefox, now its dying though so im moving on
Other urls found in this thread:
I use Firefox Nightly, works well for me
Its worth mentioning I'm using a few extensions too. Disconnect no script and ublock
sorry for spamming this image but fucktards like you make 10 more threads than needed so I have to post it too
Vivaldi on windows and linux, Safari on Mac
Vivaldi for personal use, Seamonkey for work use.
Has the speed of Chrome but I'm not connected to their botnet
There is no reason you shouldn't be using Comodo.
>mfw SeaMonkey on excelent tier
I know this image is a fucking meme, but feels good, just can't go back to any other browser.
Why? It's just Firefox, but crashier.
>in terms of security and privacy
stay with firefox or install ungoogled chromium. ungoogled chromium is superior to default FF but firefox is imo better after you configure about:config properly. In both cases be sure to have umatrix installed
>overall experience
Opera. Amazing browser as in fastest, most features etc. Just the best user experience, but it's closed source so privacy is meh
Btw can we have a sticky with some FAQ's like which browsers could i use and what linux distro is good for starters and stuff like that? Kinda useless to have a new thread about these things every day
You need to fix this shit. Midori should be two tiers down. Safari should be two tiers up if you hold WebKit in such high regard.
>b-but safari is Apple botnet
I never understand this, why is nightly safer/more secure?
Telemetry data gets automatically sent to mozilla with Firefox Nightly, but you have the option to turn it off with the stable builds, surely that makes them better for privacy?
Most of the time if a 0-day exploit is found in a browser it won't usually be fixed until next stable release while nightly would be fixed next day
Stay on firefox or switch to nightly. Firefox won't die, but we could see a new Mozzila browser written in rust soon. So look out for that.
It's not for "privacy", but features. Firefox had 64bit and multiprocessing for a long time before it was implemented in the stable release a couple of years ago.
Also this isn't true. Any important security patches are pushed almost immediately by browsers. But in case of a 0day it's better to have a browser which automatically updates.
what is unchromium about
Chromium without Google dependencies.
>but we could see a new Mozzila browser written in rust soon. So look out for that
They're actually implementing the Rust code into Firefox (
>Telemetry data gets automatically sent to mozilla with Firefox Nightly, but you have the option to turn it off with the stable builds
You can turn it off in Nightly as well. I think the difference is that telemetry is opt-out in Nightly instead of opt-in because well... the point of releasing a nightly build is so people can test it and then report back to the developers how the product works. If you choose to participate, you can see exactly what data is sent to Mozilla by going to about:telemetry.
OP here, many thanks to and I have decided to go with FireFox Nightly
Thank you all for the advice
how to download firefox nightly all google links are just shity softonic viruses
it's literally the first search result.
so from the sound of it you already have shitware
How is firefox dieing?
shrinking market share, been getting worse ever since they became a chrome clone
im such a fagget dumpass it was the first link but i could not be bothered to scroll down so i fucked up
Sure if you like funneling your info to China
OP here, I agree with Also firefox is moving to a new style of developing addons (similiar to chromes) causing all old firefox addon devs to leave
>Been worse ever since they started focusing on social justice initiatives instead of their browser.
Palememe but I'm sticking with Waterfox and seeing where that goes.
Can WebKit Knightly be installed on Linux? Specifically Ubuntu.
Only good part about Firefox it has over other browsers are the addons. Get shitty web extensions and I'm back to a chrome based fork.
I've been using Seamonkey for a while.
It's pretty alright, I like the interface, customization options and the overall feel of it, but I can't hide the title bar and it's bothering my autism something fierce.