/G im arguing with some complete imbecile on PLEBBIT about wikileaks
He or She thinks that wikileaks could have falsified DKIM verification which i guess *might* be true but please let me know some reasons why the hell wikileaks is technically trustworthy
the best part is this person claims to be a cyber security expert!!!!!!!
>Taking this much time to argue on the interwebs Quit being a fucking pussy and just kill him.
Mason Carter
don't fucking bother faggot
Grayson Taylor
Fuck off to reddit and stay there, idiot.
Bentley Ramirez
Jayden Allen
So you're arguing with someone about something you have no idea about? Good going my man
Nathaniel Evans
>im arguing on PLEBBIT you already lost
Adam Martinez
>tfw Reddit actually has some really good niche forums that offer far better discussion then you'd even find on Sup Forums >can't mention this or you'll derail your own thread
Liam Gonzalez
well i know DKIM is trustworthy and i just found out that google basically verified the podesta emails
Eli Wright
>debating on the internet 99% of people don't change their mind but only try to convince others they are right and 'win' the argument.
Tyler Evans
yeah i know but like i literally have done this about a hundred times and i have gotten people agree with me before
and even if they dont admit it right away.. a red pill sometimes has a delayed onset not to mention lurkers
Samuel Hernandez
Jaxon Harris
>He or She thinks that wikileaks could have falsified DKIM verification which i guess *might* be true
Research it first.
Hunter Miller
Fuck off to Reddit Shooting yourself is also a good alternative.
Brayden Sanders
well the guys is a paid shill anyway.. his entire post history is just trying to spread misinfo
i want him to admit who he works for or something interesting but he probably wont
Cameron Campbell
>guys look at this argument i lost on reddit isnt reddit stupid lol redditors are dumb i hate reddit so much lets talk aboutj reddit and why it sucks
this is why no one wants you people here.
Jonathan Bailey
hand= CIA wand= russia sign cat= goyim
Aaron Gonzalez
well i was just curious why people are so sure wikileaks is trusted but another user in another thread filled me in on the obvious.. You know googling only got me so far and I wanted to know if there was anything else besides what I had already read.. /g has helped me with stuff before including getting me an internship by helping me with an online quiz
sorry for taking up so much of your valuable real estate here
the guy is a paid shill anyway
Andrew Hill
Wikikeaks is only getting Russian information. Maybe some fringe player info, but they are locked out.
Jaxon Myers
>arguing >not a single smug anime girl in sight
Gabriel Barnes
Fake and gay
Hudson Cruz
They aren't trustworthy though, take everything with a grain of salt
Ryan Myers
Honestly I feel like america is cucking its self by showing the world our "hand" and what we are capable of. I'd rather be spied on and our enemies not know they can be spied on too, then have it all out in the open.
Brody Gomez
well you can thank snowden for that
>i got nothing to hide yeah but thats a shit argument because depending on your political view either a very very evil woman who is probably guilty of murdering dissenters almost became president or a russian dictator now is president
they could start going after whoever they want with the information they have on us
imagine the next time you go apply for a job your employer pulls up every shit post you have ever made on this website for example
pretty cyber punk desu not to mention trump is like BIFF from back to the future although i think he is great lol or at least i think he is a necessary chaotic actor
Parker Bell
i mean to post this as a picture but its proof we are in the cyber punk timeline
and the NSA is basically like biff's almanac
Anthony Allen
Everytime I see a new Wikileaks leak, I feel like Im in the cyberpunk future.
Eli Green
Gavin Robinson
>arguing with people at all people are emotional and not rational creatures user, if you want to get them to do something you manipulate them, not talk to them because they dont work that way
so really though I think its important to wade into enemy territory such as plebbit and to debate the shills and call them out on their BS
if everyone just took the time to post there once every 15 minutes we would make a large dent into their agenda
yeah you are right but i still think though that its good to waive evidence in their faces because even if they do not wake up right at that moment sometime in the future they might realize things and then they will remember your shitposts... i certainly do lol I almost thought clinton was better for awhile but thats because I was only reading and looking at propaganda
words are kind of hollow but real evidence like wikileaks does wonders for chipping away at people's ego because the main thing is that people who believe strongly about something usually have their ego attached to it and they hate to admit to themselves they were stupid enough to believe propaganda or just that they were flat out wrong.. its like when you tell someone they have been scammed by a nigerian prince they get mad at you and SHOOT THE MESSENGER!
art and movies and stuff like that does better than words but i think wikileaks is probably the best thing
so what i gleaned so far is that DKIM was able to verify through google that the podesta leaks were real.. i dont know any other technical ways to prove the wikileaks are real
then there is also that NSA and CIA employees have verified the codenames of programs and ofc that no single bit of information has been proven false from wikileaks in over 3 billion documents
Isaac Perez
"humans" do that, the things Is. 1: Everyone knows (Even if they don't say it) who is wrong in the argument. 2: The assholery is on your permanent rerecord. Other will come back and see it later on and laugh regardless if you got him to just say "fine " and leave.
Aiden Smith
bretty much
Leo Allen
People do this in real life too though, because most of the time politicians are not motivated by the ethics or morals supporting a policy but the reward they get given if they push it through
The if the argument holds some sort of moral high ground its just a bonus that makes it easier to win