Hey /g care to help a guy build a decent 500$ gaming pc?
Hey /g care to help a guy build a decent 500$ gaming pc?
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Grow up manchild
Why else would you build a computer? What, do you do it to "learn"bc something you faggot?
>Why else would you build a computer
Typical Sup Forumsirgin, back to your shithole
Don't like it leave cunt
here you go user, as good as it gets
if seriously, wait for ryzen R5/R3 and then build my nigger
Fuck off to reddit faggot
Wait for the 1300
It'll be the undisputed Game performance/price King
> decent 500$ gaming pc
> decent
you want decent?
then $500 should be most of your videa kard budget
>Why else would you build a computer?
there is ton of 500Dolaritos builds on youtube just copy one you like
He has a point... why else would you build a computer if not for gaming? If you're shitposting or writing the great american novel or whatever else it makes more sense to just buy a refurbished Optiplex tower than to go through the trouble of building a desktop
not one of you faggots with a dedicated GPU doesn't play games, quit acting like you're above gaming because you're a "programmer" (student doing homework)
John Carmack is a programmer
while it does go over the $500 budget, it has plenty of upgrade room, upgrade the cpu, gpu, add a hdd, more ram, more fans, aftermarket cooler.
Who the fuck pays $500 for a GPU? Computer part price diminishes pretty fast for that to be a good investment.
he said gaming PC, son
>building a pc without an ssd
I too enjoy the constant ticking sounds of a hdd in a metal box.
>gaming with a hard drive under 1 TB
enjoy being able to hold about 5 or fewer games
>intel processor
Holy fucking kek
Nope. 1600x or Skylake/Kabylake X
grow up
>the motherboard costs more than the CPU
absolute top kek
thats way too much for a cooler.
you should just slap a metal brick on it and tape it down.
sub the core 2 for a $60 Pentium and mobo for a new 1151 socket $45 one
yeah, that is one weakness, but you won't have to wait nearly a minute for some games to load.
>why else would you build a computer
Personally, I built a laptop and a desktop, both for the sole purpose of running Pro Tools near its audio channel capacity. When recording a symphony, you don't get a do-over if your shitty gaming pc cant handle the load and craps out.
Vir/g/il, my man, you clearly dont have a grasp of what youre even building if you cant conceive of another use for it beyond hurr durr vidyagames
go to Sup Forums this board is all about installing linux and using screenfetch
Why don't the feet sit flat? It's triggering me
Would it be possible to make like a 10 cpu motherboard that could run these 10 dollar processors in parallel?
KYS necrofags
Next on your purchase list?
>built a laptop
Isnt that wayy harder than building a desktop?
The 1200x will probably kill it because it completely avoids the SMT
>buying a console that has an x86 processor
What a fucking waste of money, are you retarded?