Rust or C?
Rust looks like Godmode version of C without all the C++ cucking
Should I read entire Rust source code and like 5k pages of books?
It looks so comfy, especially the macros.
Rust or C?
Rust looks like Godmode version of C without all the C++ cucking
Should I read entire Rust source code and like 5k pages of books?
It looks so comfy, especially the macros.
Just shut up and code.
comfort is the first sign that you're dying
C if you want a language that will still be relevant in 3 years. Rust if you want to be a cool memester.
C, always C. Rust might be "comfy" but if you're serious you have to write code that runs on the bare metal.
that pic made me rage somehow
probably because my uni teachers force me to come up with bullshit like this for 'extra readability'
>Rust looks like Godmode version of C
rust isn't turing complete
Its only relevant because in 3 years you'll be fixing your bugs from today.
>not return !(a)
well then
C if you think making shit software but being guaranteed employment is the right goal to strive for.
Rust if you think making good software that won't kill your clients is more important than being guaranteed employment because only you can repair the spaghetti mess you made with C.
>using a language so retarded that null and false are the same thing
I bet your language is so shit, it even manages to make false the same as null and 0!
No one cares what language you use because you're a memeshitting dolt and everything you write will be eyebleeding non-functioning garbage in lockstep with your total lack of independent thought outside of imageboard fads.
>Rust if you think safety is more important than employment
Fixed, friend. You're welcome.
>oh no my software that I wrote will run forever without fail, I've written myself out of a job.
Rust problems.
Reminder to stop bumping shill threads.
Are you memeing or do you actually believe this?
>removing features and abstracting away functions
>not being cucked
Rust code toddlers need to leave
Rust or Bust
If you want your applications less likely to have exploits use Rust
Fuck off C.uck
imagine a world where all the rust shills actually wrote code and made useful shit instead of competing with the amd/intel autism threads to be king of this garbage pile
Rust if security is important to you
can someone explain to me wtf is the point of all this extra code to check a condition?!
it's not a check, its an enforcement. Unless you're 1000% bare metal and have mathematical proofs your code is safe in C or something, you are going to be writing (sometimes more expensive) checks out the ass for the exact same thing in any language. That or it's going to just be shitty and will cause a massive shitstorm months-years down the line.
Oh and you can write balls to the wall bare metal stuff in rust too, it's just contained in a logically unsafe block.
Rust ,of course
more overhead = enforcement??
Because mathematical proofs worked so well in the past...
what's a good non-OOP, non-FP language that is not C or C++?
Could be more, could be less. It has overhead built in but so does the problem domain. These are checks that need to exist in any system software because it needs to be safe and reliable. If you don't write checks then eventually some idiot's going to submit a patch that ruins everything and nobody's going to notice until it's too late.
Yeah, that was supposed to make it sound incredibly improbable that safe C code exists but it's closer to impossible.
Just code in assembly why don't you.
Rust. Although it's inclined towards functional a little bit
>mfw Rust is the literal safe space of the computer world
Also all that code besides the first is garbage.
did you forget to take your autism medicine today?
Your computer isn't Turing complete, why does it even matter if the language is.
>Godmode version of C
>Not knowing about Common Core coding in 2017
> code
it's called programming you cunt
C > Java > *