How come there's no decent tree style tabs for Chrome?

How come there's no decent tree style tabs for Chrome?

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Because Chrome is only about muh 0.2s speed increase and shitty guis.

Because Chrome doesn't allow you to customize its interface.

The only thing that stops me from using chrome

For what purpose?

>open more than 20 tabs
>fucking tab bar now unusable

What's the point of having the fastest browser when it can't do what Firecucks could do 12 years ago?

>Close the tabs you aren't using
>Just scroll through the tabs with the mouse wheel
>Open a new window to group specific tabs


>Close the tabs you aren't using

Not a solution

>Just scroll through the tabs with the mouse wheel

>Not a solution

>Open a new window to group specific tabs;

And then end with a gazillion unusable windows.


Tried it for that feature but it's laggy as fuck and rapes my CPU when loading too many pages, while Chromium doesn't.

I have no issue with 6700K so far.

Because Chrome is for the most casual of faggots.

>And then end with a gazillion unusable windows
Virtual desktops senpai

Because Google sees its users as idiots.

They're not wrong.

And then end with a gazillion unusable desktops?

You must have hundreds of tabs in this increasingly implausible scenario. Hiw are tab trees going to help?

>Close the tabs you aren't using
If I wasn't using them they would be closed.

By offering collapsible groups of tabs in a vertical bar that displays more tabs than a horizontal one

Tabs Outliner.

webextensions doesn't support it.

Try otter-browser

>You must have hundreds of tabs in this increasingly implausible scenario. Hiw are tab trees going to help?
I have anywhere between 300 and 500 tabs open in Chrome at work. Maybe 50 to 200 at home.
Vertical tab trees help me see patterns and remember the reason I opened most of the tabs in the first place.

inb4 ">use bookmarks", they are set-and-forget, even more so than most of my tabs. When I'm working on something, doing research, I don't want to bookmark 50 pages for a project that I'm working on RIGHT now, but might not in two days.

that's not a tree, that is just vertical tabs.

Vertical tabs with tab stacks.

>i don't want to use a viable solution to my problem

Bookmarks aren't a viable solution.

Tree style tabs is a meme. The real problem is its shit bookmark management. If Google can implement a customizable new tab page that isn't shit, I will switch back to Chromium from Opera.

>TST is a meme

You're right, having more than 5 tabs open at once is a meme.


>not pinning tabs

I am and , I already do have a solution to my problem.
Now that I am no longer on mobile, I can finally shill some more.

I was on Firefox before because of Panorama (the original Tab Groups), Panorama gave me the overview of my tabs that I needed. Now the developer of the fork of the original Tab Groups functionality is calling it quits (
I decided to go back to Chrome, specifically ungoogled-chromium ( and I had this tab management problem for a few months.
I also searched for weeks trying to find a good tree-style tab addon for Chrome, to no avail.
At some point I found Tabs Outliner ( which solves all of my issues.

It keeps its own list of open tabs, so you don't need to have the tabs open. It automatically saves your session when you close Chrome gracefully, it's marked in a different color if it crashed.
Green X closes and saves the item, purple bin deletes the item. Collapse a group to perform the action on the entire group.
This tab-saving thing saves so much memory and doesn't kill my CPU when opening Chrome, as it only opens 20-30 tabs instead of 150.
The only downside is, because of limitations in webextensions, it has to be its own window. Firefox will soon have the same problems.

That reddit spacing tier.

>le reddit spacing meme XDDDD

Go back to KrippleKikechan.

First versions of Vivaldi were laggy for me too. But as of not version 1.8 is smooth AF and I'm really digging it.

I tried the latest version and it was laggy as shit with not even 5 tabs open. Meanwhile with Chromium, I can have 60 tabs opened and barely notice any performance hits aside from RAM.

It's totally a bug. Only occasionally (once in a few hours) I get a small freeze in my tab, but then again, my laptop is not the best one.

Report it to their team. This soft is quite a piece of work imo

What's your CPU? I admit, my i5 2500k it's old as shit but doesn't explains why Chromium can run just fine on it.


It might be due to it running on JS. First couple of versions used to have very noticeable lag when switiching tabs or opening new pages

Thanks! This extension is great.

This looks like a good solution to my dilemma. Is there a way to delete tabs using the middle mouse button like in Firefox?

Or sort tabs by domain?

Have no problem with Vivaldi since 1.4 or so.
The first versions were slow, new ones are fucking fast.

I use my 4700HQ without boost, and it's snappy. There is something on your side, son.

> tfw middle click opens a tab again
> tfw double click to open a tab

The idea is not so bad, but it's just horrible usability wise.

As someone who has never used any browser except firefox, is this Vivaldi any good? Can I still throw on my add-ons like no script and stuff?

It uses the Chrome engine, but yes, there is "uMatrix" that works like NoScript.

That fucking sucks, is there something similar without that annoying problem?

Well, I just use Vivaldi.
Just tried it, because I use sync.

>current year
>using chrome

There's literally nothing wrong with Chromium aside from the shit tier tab management.

should i even start?
just prove yourself wrong countless times and spare me the keystrokes

>should i even start?

Please do, and feel free to suggest a better alternative I could use.

you're one of those lazy faggots, aren't you?