AyyMD on suicide watch
AyyMD on suicide watch
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Sup Forums is so fucking embarassing. Fucking AMD weeb fangays holy shit.
Pure cringe. No wonder this board gets FLOODED with people on fucking AMD HOLY WAR. This is getting too religious.
In this day and age it actually is pretty normal to get death threats over the dumbest of shit.
Still the fact people are sending death threats over a CPU is funny, even more funny coming from AMD fanboys saying Ryzen was going to be the 2nd coming of jesus.
How many internet death threats, that weren't already localized and personal ever came to anything?
We all know that AMD fanboys will lose to nvidia fanboys in a fight, but what would be an Intel vs AMD fight look like?
Each camp does it, every die. Sup Forums is literally youtube comments and circlejerking.
Usually it's just the usual.
"You're an idiot kys"
And then they say that they are getting death threats. hen really, they are just triggered for realising they did something dumb.
>tell people that there are some unfortunate truths about race that we all have to accept if we're going to make sensible decisions based on correct premises
>get death threats and get called a "white supremacist"
>vote to elect the best presidential candidate
>get death threats because I voted for Donald Trump
>buy the best processor for my purposes
>get death threats because I bought Intel
I'm starting to notice a pattern
AMD fags are truly the worst.
Reminder that AMD is literally paying shills to do this crap:
Fuck AMD, they are the scummiest company in the universe
Even linus said "if you were expecting more from amd you're wrong and dumb" 2 days ago in his rysen video around 25 minute mark
AMDfags are the scum of the earth.
We need to wipe them all out for the good of humanity.
>post this video on my twitter with around 4k followers
>say "wow, this is great representation of modern day immigration"
>realise the mistake i made
>people commenting on my post saying i'm literally Hitler comparing poor refugees to rats
>was gonna reply "maybe they are actually rats." which woulda made more people angry
A few people unfollow but i don't care. I never even post anything worth following their
>what would be an Intel vs AMD fight look like?
>tfw have 10k followers but stopped using it because it's literally just a shitty leftist/nigger echo chamber
>deleted my controversial stuff and left it up for HR to find in the future, don't even log on anymore
Should have gone the other way with that one, something more like:
>you're a sick person for thinking that some people deserve death threats. Maybe you're just getting what's coming to you then.
Wow that video is literally this post in video form. What's the lady's name?
Seriously I think there's a lot in common with leftist cucks and AMD fans. They're the same kind of awful people that try to drag everyone down.
I think people are divided into two camps: people who move toward the truth, however slowly, and people who use their intellect to lie to themselves and to rationalize their otherwise emotionally-driven opinions
It's a short story by Albert Wass called The Conquest of the Rats
She just read it on youtube video
>alt right and intel have something in common
>they both believe fake news :^)
>change whole approach to testing CPU compared to 7700K when it came out
>expect people not to notice
>alt right
alt right doesn't exist, it's just some bullshit created by a few homosexuals/jews to make money and co-opt the old white nationalist movement (lol stormfags)
don't fall for this dumb shit user
>tfw AMD CPUs are still inferior but AMD users have alternative facts
sorry not sorry
>implying that without a doubt Sup Forums did it
Maybe you could start deporting them too? You're on a good streak over there, you good old boys!
>death threats
That's the life of a public shill
you forgot the word 'cuck'. it needs to be in there somewhere or it's not believable!
This is what people actually believe. Protip, Milo was never alt-right.
His example of getting a death threat is someone hopping he gets cancer.
Just a stupid babby millenial that doesn't understand words.
>you forgot the word 'cuck'. it needs to be in there somewhere or it's not believable!
>This is what people actually believe. Protip, Milo was never alt-right.
The people who determine who is "really" alt-right are just a bunch of liars and people of a certain chosen ethnicity preaching anti-semitism... I guess you could say they're up to their old tricks, heh heh heh...
>He reads antifaPol over on infinity chan.
Say hi to your nonwhite mods for me.
>muh collectivist meme ideology
>my entire worldview is based on a Hollywood strawman of racism
>my idols are Jewish individuals who preach hatred against Jews
Just stay on your containment board and keep waiting for Hitler.
>Just stay on your containment board and keep waiting for Hitler.
I'm not sure how you inferred any of that from my post.
meanwhile nvidia already got 1 confirm kill
I understand why people are angry, he didn't give full information.
Bashed minor details out of proportion and downplayed advantages that cheap 8c gives i.e. min-avg gap=smooth gameplay, counted longevity wrong etc. CPU is a compromise depending what you want, he and every other youtuber gave only one side.
His part of truth is the truth, but context is everything, copying his words.
Must have been a terrible review!
Well, when you review something that has a 'fan base' then you decided to put a microscope on everything bad you can find, then discount everything good the cpu has to offer, well there you go, you made your bed, you lay in it.
Granted, a month from now, a few of the issues will be resolved, the cpu will look stronger, and likely retesting, though not intensive till microsoft pushes an update, will happen.
Anyone who has used a 6 or 8 core cpu over the years already knows the advantages and are weighing potential disadvantages.
>Sup Forums-tier "death threat" shitposting
he is just clickbaiting his glorious review at this point, it has more view than his whole channel in two weeks
The fact that his channel has the word "gamers" in it should give you a clue as to how they're going to word their recommendations.
(I'm not a stormfag, I'm very much pro-israel but the image illustrates false flagging very well)
No, the real issue is once you become semi relevant you receive death threats.
Bitching about it is just a cheap ploy to garner more views (thus more death threats).
>""""""""""""""death threat"""""""""""""
Yeah but the Intel camp is right. That's what makes this MAD meltdown so delicious. They're foaming at the mouth and their savior chip is a dud.
ah yeah the god of reviews gamer nexus
does a bench against 6900k 1800x wins on 6 6900k wins on 8 in the conclusion instead of speaking about 1800x vs 6900k he talks about 1800x vs 7700k..
he says it has perfomance of an i5 despite the fact it shit all over them
he first said that amd told him to bench only on 2k and 4k and then on his last video he changed his pathetic attempt to "also"
he never did an intel review with oc what so ever till this day BUT on the ryzen review he felt the need to oc all 6 of the intel cpus..
you know this level of shit i expected it from tpu(which they actually was bashing amd without even having a chip to do benches) and toms shills hardware and NOT from them i guess they will loose quite a lot of a fanbase now..
That's because it's literally the same people. Look at how much reddit loves AMD.
While I think Steve Burke's review was dogshit, he was very objective and reasonable as a guest on Joker Productions channel where they discuss Ryzen testing methodologies
you obviously dont know what a hardware review guidelines is eh videocardz.com
its sad that he actually went so far on calling amd out just to get views but anyway there is a reason as to why no one takes him seriously
>Folks, that's not normal.
Yes it is.
Death threats have been the staple of Human activity since the days we lived in caves,
and will continue being such until our extinction.
Death threats are a perfectly normal and common societal reaction.
An average person makes at least 1 death threat every 2 days, whether in the mind or vocally.
This is an unarguable truth.
AMDrones are niggers. That's why they act like a nigger.
take a good look on the hardware review guidlines amd send to people
i guess everyone is a shill and GN is not
i want to buy amd now
>AMD users are dead! >AMD users don't have to be your audience!
R-right guis?
>Death threats over a review
>Not normal
8.8 would like a word.
Haha. What a cry baby pussy.
He needs to perm his hair straight some more after a hard day's work trying to slander a company for profit.
AMD fags are so fucking stupid. Just leave Sup Forums NOW
Reminder that Ryzen wipes the floor with i7 in 1440p and 4k.
This really doesn't surprise me, I honestly wouldn't have problem believing it. First 3 responses I got when posting this OC were along line of "KYS YOU FUCKING NIGGER".
Those people are mentally ill and they can't even take any criticism or bantz when they were shitposting Sup Forums for last month.
No it doesn't
What if I told you, most of the prolific Pro-Ryzen shit posters, are now some of the most prolific pro-intel shit posters?
And I hope your propaganda picture gets you at least one ass raping.
Good lord. This further convinces me that supporting AMD should be a bannable offense.
>bench 1080p low setting
This shit is so fucked up, they are telling reviewers to disable Multi-Core Enhancement and Multi-Core Acceleration on Intel processors.
>that's not normal
Yes it is, you fucking cunt.
It's not acceptable, but it's normal.
>literally the method used to test CPUs for almost 20 years.
>Buy a shitty Ryzen CPU as a gaymen
>2 years down the line upgrades GPU to something like 1180 Ti.
>Turns out Ryzen is as shit in 1440p and 4K as it was in 1080p when GPU suddenly can eat those resolutions in high fps.
Really makes me think.
>Inb4 they will fix it and future games will start using more cores!
No they won't, if anything DX12/Vulkan will offload CPU allowing you to run vidya at highest possible frames with your highly clocked 4 cores.
Good heavens. Time to buy Intel to show my support against hate speech.
There's nothing wrong about telling them to ALSO bench something else and give those data to the viewer.
Stock vs Stock, so why should Intel be allowed to OC to hell and back in those test while letting AMD sit on its stoc?
>He actually believes this nu/v/ shit
This isn't reddit, faggot.
I've posted on some threads as both an AMD shill and a Intel shill.
Is this the new Feminist Frequency?
except it's not true at all, 2.3Ghz Xeon runs 4k games just fine
alt-right is the same bullshit description we faced 10 years ago when anons were called a "group of hackers called Anonymous". Media still can't understand the structure of Internet communities, especially anonymous ones. Plus it's much easier to destroy your enemy if you can name him and associate his name with everything bad. There are no organized groups of "anons" that have meetings and secret discord discussions about which "left wing victim" to raid next. Alt-right was simply a term created by liberals to name their enemy if that enemy was bunch of unassociated shitposters from different countries, races and religions.
Yes yes you were just trolling, don't worry it was all in good fun...you fucking idiots
What kind of fucking GAMERS would benefit from a test that showcase an unrealistic situation?
Yes, Ryzen is slower in those UNREALISTIC SITUATION.
But at 1080p ultra, 1440p and 4k its pretty much toe to toe with what Intel currently have to offer.
Its a data that should be displayed to let the consumer know what they're getting and let the consumer made the decision.
The conclusion from those benchmark should be like this;
>If you play games on 1080p on low setting
>Do not buy Ryzen
What about a real world situation for US GAMERS?
>its pretty much toe to toe with what Intel currently have to offer
Are you retarded?
Ryzen is not even close to Intel.
It is so fucking bad that an Intel processor that costs half as much is beating Ryzen.
is he asking for money because of the threads
>disable HT on all of them and suddenly Ryzen within 5%
You just showcased Ryzen being 13% slower than 7700k while costing more. I don't see the problem here. 144Hz 1080p is nothing uncommon and in fact it's the cheapest way to get into high refresh ratio gaming since 1440p/144Hz monitors cost $600+, if anything 1080p is still the most dominant resolution on the market, not to mention that even in case of having a 60Hz monitor having higher frames helps reducing the feel of input lag and choppiness of controls and camera.
That's why I don't like discussing vidya with Sup Forums. For a bunch of supposedly smart guys you seem to pretty fucking clueless about games.
he asks for patreon money, so kind of
I was talking about REAL WORLD SITUATION.
Where a normal human being with GTX1080 play their game in the setting that they would play it.
Not some retard who claim that he is a gamer, then proceed to test those gaming benchmark in a totally unrealistic situation and make a conclusion and recommendation based on that ONE SINGLE FUCKING UNREALISTIC DATA.
stop using that fake chart you cunt
You dumbfuck, you are posting a benchmark that the author literally had to redo because it was proven inaccurate
Here is his redone review: reddit.com
The Intel processor is beating the Ryzen by 20 fucking percent, it's horrible
all I want is someone do full fcat graph of Ryzen vs intel parts to make my decision
whoever has smoothest line I will buy.
There are only a few of those that show that Ryzen has smoothest line, heck it almost flat, I want bigger sample.
HT does literally nothing with the exception of 5 games that use it in last 3 years. That's why 7600k is literally on average 2% behind 7700k and that's mostly coming from that lower clock speed in stock.
>$300 R7 1700 with SMT enabled and optimisation still in its infancy
>only 14 fps behind its intel equivalents (8C/16T) that cost 3 times as much
Yeah it's clearly such a failure of a CPU.
I'm out of the loop.
A week ago Sup Forums was going nuts about the Ryzen, now it's shit?
What happened?
This so fucking much. I giggle at AMD retards thinking HT will magically give them 20% performance boost outside of Witcher and Ashes of Benchmarks.