/mpv/ - vo_opengl <-> libplacebo

It seems haasn is working hard to externalize everything from vo_opengl to a totally new and portable library. It's truly AWESOME, I can't wait to play my shitty retro games on my 8K projector with the haasnsoft scaler.

Other urls found in this thread:


This is my kind of thread


Fucking this.

I look at Haasn's mpv repo and there hasn't been any active branches for two months or longer. He doesn't have any pull requests in mainline for this and I cannot see him mention this.

He did try to port vulkan to it, but half-assed it and gave it up and said that someone else should finish it.

how do i turn mpv into my main player on macOS?!

doesnt seem to work ..

>[13:38:21] haasn - well because they sort of capture the design I'm envisioning - basically a FIFO queue into which you dump your frames + timestamps
>[13:39:16] haasn - at the extreme end I would envision libultra even creating its own worker thread and running a render loop on that if you want it to (for example for vulkan)
>[13:39:33] haasn - well render loop in the sense that it queues up those frames asynchronously to the GPU
>[13:39:57] wm4 - I think I'm lost

You right click on the filetype, go to properties and make it the default player for the filetype? I don't think macOS has any automatic open with stuff to associate all filetypes with a certain player.

Doesn't macOS have something like Windows and Linux? Right click the file, change the default program to mpv.

yeah u dumbfucks .. the thing is it doesnt show up as an application on macOS for whatever reason

i can run it from terminal just fine but thats just annoying AF

>The thing is it doesnt show up as an application
It does if you download the bundle or compile it with the bundle in homebrew.

See the OS X section: mpv.io/installation/

Haasn is become more and more godly and wm4 can't keep up.

In all seriousness, this is just some form of idea he has. He probably haasn't (hoho) started working on it and probably won't either.

how about you learn to use your system mactoddler?


It's from IRC:
>[23:56:53] haasn - wm4: when we're designing the API for libplacebo (name confirmed) can we also work in design considerations that would be required to directly map the buffer objects into memory so the client can decode into them

libmadvr when?
delphi is now even more cross-platform so why not?

yeah installed it with "brew install mpv"

??? it doesnt show up .. thats the problem here

Will he write libplacebo in haskell?
I think modern c/c++ should be better.
We will finally get a proper image viewer with high rendering feature.

A doom9 fag will surely write a directshow wrapper to compete with madvr.

>] wm4 - I think I'm lost

Haasn, when fully re-motivated, is pretty hard to follow. :)

I wanted to test the NNEDI3 shaders but I'm a bit lost: github.com/bjin/mpv-prescalers/tree/master
> Pay attention that for 4:2:0 sub-sampled YUV video, you need an additional chroma-only prescaling pass to match the post-prescaling size of luma and chroma planes (they are still not aligned though):
Doesn't this affect basically _every_ video...? So do I need to do this anyway and the above listed steps (that apparently affect only luma?) are useless?
What if I don't use nnedi3 on chroma? Will mpv still align them correctly although their size differs by 4 instead of 2 now?
And what if I specify additional chroma pre-scaling and play a non-subsampled source?

Any mpv nnedi3 users here?

(pic not directly related, that's not nnedi3)

The nnedi3 algorithm is shit and the mpv shader is incredibly slow.

This. nnedi3 isn't even symmetric (if you upscale a dot the result isn't symmetric), and it removes aliasing that's actually present in the image.

Not what I asked. I can hardly assess the quality/result myself unless I can run it properly (without making possible alignment mistakes).

The Vulkan dream still alive?

The vulkan renderer is almost done but is it a dream, it's hard to say today.

Just use the new madvr and the new ngu anti-alias upscaler.

I came here because of this. I just updated madVR after a year or so and my weebshit looks fucking glorious under NGU. I've tried switching to mpv multiple times in the past but I never could configure it to match madVR's quality. For you mpvtards, what is a config that compares to the newest madVR using NGU for upscaling?

>What if I don't use nnedi3 on chroma?
mpv will handle the chroma upscaling itself.

>And what if I specify additional chroma pre-scaling and play a non-subsampled source?
mpv will be downscale it to match luma I suppose

Both are shitty normalizers. :(

How to mimic the potplayer tomsteady 32-bit floating point arithmetic normalizer with mpv?

I fell for this mpv meme last friday. It's really comfy and easy to set things up.

Colors are nowhere near as good as under madvr for me and I think it has something to do with the icc contrast. It keeps telling me the number is greater than 100000 so mpv reduced it to 1000 "for sanity". I don't know if that's why but colors look very washed out compared to how they look under madvr. What's the cause of this?

Don't use dxva2.

You mean this?

I'm not

That just makes the error message go away, the colors still look slightly washed out. This is mpv.

If you're using nvidia, this worked for me. archive.rebeccablacktech.com/g/thread/S59102701#p59149251

And this is madVR

That may have made a difference, I can't tell because it's so subtle, but the colors in mpv are definitely less saturated still. It's triggering my autism something fierce.

Looks identical on my monitor?

You can also try this setting

I think it might also be a tint issue, if you look closely at the blues they look a bit more purple in the mpv screenshot, and seem less saturated in motion.

My settings already look like that.

Is it the same with an empty config file?

you have a busted icc profile. also use printscreen for comparisons.

Where is your ICC profile from?

What's the best config for mpv?

Uninstalling mpv now


Thanks, seems to be showing up now. Look at the red in the logo and the shadows. This is mpv.

None, it's up to your own feeling and machine.

I have a P3 display how do I force anime to use all the colors?

This is madvr

Yes now its visible. It seems like borked icc profile like suggested? How does it look like with icc off?

Is it normal that I have a massive performance boost with SSimSuperRes.glsl? Now my hd3000 handles it easily!

Seems to be better, not sure if it's completely identical but it's at least not as washed out now!

Literally no difference senpai

Merged some settings from a thread last night. Anything else I need to change?

# Video

# Window

# Subtitles

# Audio

# Screenshot

# Misc

# Video profiles


lol. Well, that's the problem. ICC profiles don't work like that simply because there are variations between every panel even when they are from the very same batch. There's a reason there is dedicated calibration hardware and even worse: you have to re-calibrate displays periodically.
If it were that simple a manufacturer could just calibrate one of his displays (or one per batch) and include it with the display or offer it for download -> calibration industry goes bankrupt.
So, the simple and yet correct answer: your profile is bad, at least bad for your screen. There might've been one display out there for which this certain profile was once good but it certainly isn't for you.

How do you calibrate a display then, without fancy equipment?


human eyes > fancy equipment

Yes it was optimized

How is it possible?
The madVR one is 5 times slower when I compare the rendering times.
Is it possible/useful to increase the number of passes?

Yes, it is possible, just copy-paste the code starting from line 188 at the end of file.

>madVR v0.91.6
>added NGU Anti-Alias algorithm
>intended as a potential NNEDI3 replacement
Anime freetards on suicide watch.

Has anyone gotten any mpv client, such as SMPlayer and similar, to work on Wayland?

Is it done yet?

You don't, actually. There are ways to try doing this with a sequence/procedure of certain patterns and stuff where you have to adjust the result with your eyes, however, the result is usually rather inaccurate and these ICC profiles also are usually not "complete".

OSX has such a thing built in but you can do like 5 runs in a row and get 5 different results. It's just not reliable and far from correct.

who is this qt?



Is there any way to make the picture more sharp?


adaptive sharpen script

Post yfw new ngu-anti alias. I came buckets.


Thanks. Should be working, stdout gives no errors. One last question. Is there any benefit to enabling cache if you have a fast SSD?

>why mpv can't be this good

i don't fuck with meme shaders

>[vo/opengl] Too many hooks! Limit is 16.
Why do I get this? I added the adaptive antiringing shader (already running nnedi-nns16-8x4, KrigBilateral, SSimSuperRes and adaptive-sharpen.) Worked fine before.

how can I setup my mpc/madvr for this

What is NGU and where can I find some comparison pics?

Maybe you updated other shaders like ssimsuperres which now uses more hooks. Also why use more antiring when you have ssimsuperres?

Because I'm a retard and I didn't realize that.