/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread

old thread: What are you working on, Sup Forums?

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Second for Rust users shitposting because they can't actually get anything done

>be me
>write a single line of C in a file
>save it
>compile it
>link it
>run it
>my entire system is compromised due to C's unsafety

Employed Coq programmer reporting in.

What does an average C toddler do with their ultra sophisticated ANSII C with maximum undefined behaviors?

So how many concurrent routines are you running right now? 2? 3?

That book is actually one of the best java books I read compared to Head First Java, Effective Java, Thinking in Java, and all the other good ones.

>tfw Rusters try to justify their inability to program by attacking C

Wait till you have to deal with microprocessors. You have no idea if it is the hardware or your code.

>doesn't deny it
I don't use C at any rate, so I don't know

>know your libraries
This is programming for people who aren't dealing with actual problems. Seriously. When you're dealing with a problem in programming that demands engineering skills your libraries aren't 'solutions'. They're tools.

And in my experience woefully insufficient tools because they naturally aren't adapted to my specific problem. So you avoid them.

Write your OS

>inability to program
lol yea fucking noobs making noob bugs in the kernel and openssl amirite

That's not them actually, they would say C(ancer). anyone who says "c toddler" is most likely a pajeet who likes POO.

>be employed webdev faggot
>spend 8 hours adding 24 new external dependencies to my software project because I don't know how to write a fucking leftpad function
>pat myself on the back because I did my very best!

Jokes on you I use Redox

>The old thread lasted less than 2.5 hours
These threads have been too fucking quick lately, and the quality of the threads show that.
Stop shitposting so much.

since when did /dpt/ become okay with Java?

The jokes still on you my friend ;)

i rather have java shitposting than anti-C zealotry

>lol look at these FOOLS
>they're running the world and they're not even doing it perfectly
>how dare they do anything, the most bug free code is code that wasn't written in the first place
>lets never write anything of note to convert people to our language or anything, programming is for losers who want bugs

anti-C zealotry is actually java shitposting.

C stands for Cancer

no, those are rust faggots

are you using some sort of alternative version of /dpt/?

Compilers in RUST
Utilities in RUST
Programs in RUST

Linux is DEAD

The NEXT generation is HERE
WIPE your drives and INSTALL the NEW generation of SAFE, FAST, CLEAN, INCLUSIVE code

THE lingua franca is RUST now
FUCK OFF if you write C
FUCK OFF if you read C
FUCK OFF if you think C has any reason to be used anymore
This is the YEAR OF RUST

>Compilers in [Not Haskell]
but why


C apologists are NSA shills plain and simple. Rust makes it harder to produce vulnerable programs as it actually implements safety precautions like Bounds checking, dangling pointer prevention, data race prevention, lifetimes etc. This is against the interest of the NSA and so they are shilling C so that people continue to produce exploit prone, unsafe and vulnerable programs.

Ignore the NSA/C shills. Programming in C should be banned and outlawed.
Say no to security exploits, say no to the NSA. Your data and your privacy is worth preserving.

wrong. they don't say "c toddler". only POO faggots do that, so most likely j*va or c*

All me

the day has come where Java is no longer a meme language among /dpt/ feels good man

I suggest making a seperate thread just for C(ontainment)

Where, Inria? What did you do? How much did you fuck up?
t. OCamlfag

*klink* *klink* *klink* C coders... come out to pla-a-a-y.... *klink* *klink* *klink* C cooodderrss.... come out to playiyayyyyy!!!!


>let's prevent C rookie mistakes by enforcing autistic pointer lifetime limitations
>what's that? explicit pointer lifetimes are making your program needlessly complex???
>oh what's that? you know what you're doing and you don't need you be handheld by your compiler?

>You don't need tools to solve a problem

>running SCFT+Anderson acceleration in C++
>running odeint in Fortran
>running finite element in Go

I like Java and Rust myself, it's Darwin's language, everyone who can't do C gets trapped inside and keeps C community clean of retards. Thanks Java and Rust! :D

Akari loves Rust

>finite element in Go
what the fuck?

Why can do C again?

>Where, Inria?
>What did you do?
I'm not sure I understand the question. I'm just doing some work for CERN.

I want to FUCK Akari's mouth just like Rocco Siffreidi did with Nataly Gold!!

You don't need all tools to solve a problem. Not at once. Some tools can easily be replaced by others and give you a different result that may be preferable.

Most standard libraries is a box filled with hacksaws, sledgehammers and nails. Note the plural.

I like Lisp myself, it's Darwin's language, everyone who can't do Lisp gets trapped inside the parentheses and keeps Lisp community clean of retards. Thanks Lisp! :D

Delete this post you fucking pedo

I meant how did you end up there. Was it part of a PhD program or something? I don't know any other way to end up working with Coq..

>You don't need all tools to solve a problem.
riiight, so you are so 1337 you don't even import pre existing libraries

Sometimes being all fancy with your toolbox only hurts you. But if you have no desire to understand I won't force you.

>tfw finding inner peace and serenity thanks to the simplicity and elegance of imperative programming
Is it the one true way of dealing with dysthymia?

I've literally never seen a software project in rust.

How about I delete ur life kid
*deletes ur life*

>dealing with dysthymia
Seriously might think that at this point.
It's why I program so much.

>tfw the textbook your professor wrote is in the /dpt/ OP

>mfw waiting for my book on mail

*teleports behind you*
Nothing personal, kid.

Well that might be pushing it a bit far, there is that rustc compiler written with Rust.

your professor isn't Daniel don't lie

What book is it user-chan?

*lowers hoodie, revealing a second face on the back of my head*

No, I don't even have a formal education.

Now if only I could stay focused for more than 10 minutes on something. I'm more on the irritable/angry side of the spectrum during dysthymic episodes.


like,, maybe 5, or 6 right now. my dude

I took him for Object-Oriented Programming, Data Structures and Algorithms, and C++. Then I transferred out of that school.

I am using Alacritty right now

>Typical C toddler loves to live under rocks

Enjoy being stuck in the 80's

How is he as a professor? I am curious

Also, why did you transfer out of that school?


Any C programmers here? I wanna kick your ass.

Same here

*teleports behind you*

He meant projects with real use in the real world user
Enjoy your toy language. but this is an adult programming thread. See ya


Work as a JS developer mostly express js shit and some ng2.
Doing maintenance work on a federal gov crm

NSA agent*

What is the real world? Is there a fake world?

>adult programming thread.
Jesus Fuck these pre teen C fanboiis I swear

*safely teleports behind you with no risk of overflowing my teleport buffer*

Servo and firefox

*fails due to lack of feature and appropriate compiler support*

What is an adult programming thread?
And why are you referring yourself in third person?

>github shit
>github shit
>github shit

Enjoy your 2017. Please try to have an independent thought, the future depends on it.

Again, he meant applications with real world use. Chrome is written in C++ for example
You want to fuck pre teen bois? I guess it's not shocking coming from a Rust coder
Yes, the one Rustards live in

I promise I'll try Rust when I get some blue hair dye and a nose ring tho

Sorry I was just cumming handsfree and cleaning up my skirts. What seems to be the problem user?


Did a tripshit just reply to me?

Let's build the hardest C exercise possible, friends.
/* complete this function so that the output is the average of a and b */
uint64_t average(uint64_t a, uint64_t b) {
uint64_t c;
/* get to work now! :) */
return c;

You were so embarassed by your programming skills you had to project on me? Cute

>refers himself in third person again
C toddlers are getting desperate here

He's very impersonal. His lectures are mostly reading the book and going through its examples. You could probably pass his classes with minimal effort as long as you do the homeworks, which each drilled a specific topic without overwhelming you too much in other areas. The exams tested concept knowledge without kicking your ass about programming semantics.

I transferred to a better school in my state for a different major, and I feel like my programming classes here don't really teach the concepts as well as I learned in his classes. For example, I didn't get credit for C++ at my current school so I'm taking it again, and the assignments are much harder than his were, but I don't feel like they're driving home a specific concept or paradigm.

I took data structures and C++ with him at the same time and it was pretty much the same class but in different languages. Well, minus all the JavaFX shit he made us do in data structures.

What is an adult programming thread, C toddler?

some fucking tortoise pla- what? i must know the rest!

Average two integers in C and realize how shitty C(ancer) is

Why do you use Go for computational code?

Probably not, there are no tripcodes in this thread.

>calls me a toddler in an attempt to feel equal to me
I hope you'll be able to feel proud about yourself instead of trying to overcompensate user

How do you average two integers in Java, Pajeet?

Jesus Christ why are C tards so obnoxious?
>Javafags hate 'em
>FP fags hate 'em
>JS fags hate 'em
>C++ fags hate 'em