Make open source photo manipulation program that competes with Photoshop

>make open source photo manipulation program that competes with Photoshop
>name it Gimp after leather fetishists

......but why?

wtf has gimp to do with leather fetish

>have dumb sexual fetish
>invent your own words for things
>are confused when people in reality aren't constantly thinking about sexual acts and your vocabulary is misconstrued

tl;dr: grow up

gnu image manipulation program
close the thread

Should be named Ginp for Ginp is not Photoshop

Fuck you

Your post was three lines.

>nested recursive initialisms

That is not right. Gimp is mostly photoshop.

Because, much like the guy in your picture, it is incapable of drawing a circle.

you know how lazy the modern 4channer is

GIMP Is A Worse Paint.NET

They wanted to bring out the gimp, but the gimp was asleep, so they had to wake him up.

at least its not
gimp image manipulation program

I liked pulp fiction too, but your implication is false.

Some alpha (or was it beta) had furry bdsm as the logo

1. Use circular select with 1:1 resolution or predefined bounds - 2.5 seconds to do.

2. Shrink selection by n pixels to get exactly the desired line weight - 0.7 seconds.

3. Delete selectiom: 0.1 second.

3.3 seconds to draw the sexiest, most perfect circle you've ever drawn. GIMP is a dream I don't want to wake up from.



>not giving tl;dr on everything you write

tl;dr: imblying

freetards are fucking terrible at marketing, to the point where they actively sabotage potential crossover appeal to business & normie consumers.

tox has a fucking ponyshit icon in the screenshot on its front page


this would be the most accurate though lol

They wanted to call it Zed, but Zed's dead baby. Zed's dead.

It's an acronym, shithead.



I see no problem. Pony is just an avatar.

Marketing and art are hard to improve, even if you know that and everyone desires improvement, because of bikeshedding.

Ask people how they should build a shed, and they, recognizing their relative inability, say leave it to the expert builders. Ask how the shed should be painted and decorated, and suddenly every moron believes they're an expert on design and aesthetics.

This creates insurmountable barriers up for someone actually capable of design and marketing to step forward and course correct.

wrong kind of gimp uguu~

thank you for the word of the day

You're welcome, user

>make server client communication protocol
>names it after the power dynamics of sexual domination

You have to look at the origins of it. It did not start out as a general image manipulation programme. It was for manipulating one specific image for one specific purpose.

And that related to pr0n.

Not a single pepper reply, this place has gone to shit.

>make document markup language
>name it after the material people use for condoms and perverted onesies.

>make accessible 3d modeling tool
>name it after a fetish where people shit on each other