Why does Sup Forums benchmark CPUs with video games?


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Intel shills and Sup Forumsedditors who infested this place do.

Because many in V probably also play vidya.

The only retards who do that are Sup Forumstards that use windows and play video games past the age of 16

Because it triggers little special snowflakes like you who play victim card after shilling and shitposting for Ryzen for over a month.

>Focusing on nothing but gayyyming benchmarks


>merging the worlds of enthusiast, gamer, and creator
Isn't this exactly what Ryzen did?

because that's why 95% of people buy desktop CPUs?

Because it's the only thing they can focus on after Ryzen BTFO'd Intel CPUs that cost twice as much. See

Your 2500k is still good for that. You can literally buy a 5-yo PC, stick a new GPU in it, and game on it all day long. I don't think gamers have cared about any new non-GPU hardware release for a very long time.

And how many of those people have a high refreshrate monitor and/or give a shit about getting literally 10 fewer frames?

Sup Forums is nothing more than Sup Forums's tech support and purchase advice board.

because 90% of the people here are tech illiterates and also /vg/ is leaking

>replying to yourself
Getting a little pathetic there goyim.

It doesn't

Ryzen is garbage at games and everything


Sorry, try harder

>the benchmark that has been proved to favor willingly intel CPU back in 2010

>m-my shilling is better!
>muh video games

Why don't you post the other Anandtech benches, you cherrypicking faggot
