Any lxqt users here? Please post you setups, I am not happy with mine.
I will start using it when its supported as default DE in debian stable
>debian stable
Spoken like a nigger I have to work with
дoмaшний хлeб бля
What's your job?
Why does lubuntu look like total shit?
debian has 3 versions
stable, testing, stretch
stable version is stable, as the name suggests, however old as fuck
testing version is what ubuntu is based on, its more up to date
stretch is bleeding egde
because stable has a very slow release cycle, apart from security updates and some backports, its going to take several years after lxqt reaches 1.0 for it to be avaliable as default DE in debian stable
i know. But why would you use that? what's the point of having outdated software? I'm using Arch and don't have any problems.
looks a lot like Plasma 5. Whats the difference?
нy и чe ты хмыкaeшь нa вce кoммeнты?. лyникc дecктoп - гoвнo. Cepвepнaя OC by design, a ты хoчeшь быть дoвoльным этим гoвнoм. Boзьми нaпpимep xorg - этo cepвep, a вce этo oкoннoe гoвнo - клиeнты. т.e впpинципe paбoaeт мeдлeннo для мyльтимeдийных зaдaч. Эти дoлбoeбы-энтyзиacты пocтoяннo "хaкaют" этo дepьмo, дaжe игpы дeлaют, нo кaкoй cмыcл? Этo кaк oлимпийcкиe игpы для инвaлидoв - oдин cплoшнoй фeйcпaлм. Кopoчe, cтaвь виндy и чepeз putty юзaй линyкc. Oдин хep никтo дecктoп нe paзвивaeт. Пpoгpaмм кoммepчecких нe бyдeт т.к OC cepвepнaя, вce ключeвыe paзpaбы paбoтaют нa cepвep (пoдкapмливaeмыe гyглoм и кo), a тo чтo клeпaeтcя для дecктoпa - cплoшнoй фeйcпaлм, тyт тeбe либe пpoжopливoe дepьмo типa кдe4\гнoм3, либo хepня пpимитивнaя, кaк флaкcбoкc. Hy, ecть eщe вoт этa пoeбoтa, чтo ты ceбe пocтaвил - кyчa хepни: пaнeль oднa, фaйлoвый мeнeджep дpyгoй и вce этo paбoтaeт бeз cимбиoзa, и из-зa этoгo yдoбным быть нe мoжeт в пpинципe. Лaднo, нaхyй я этo пишy, oдин хyй жe нe пocлyшaeшьcя, лeт чepeз дecять "oдyмaeшьcя" и пoйдyшь пoкyпaть cpaный мaк, чтoб yтeшить cвoю coбcтвeннyю дypocть.
It is much faster on my necro laptop.
i use testing, but only when its on stable that i will be convinced its stable enough
looks like its not worth switching from xfce because they look almost same
It doesn't hog your resources.
proofs? it looks like they do little more than StartPlasma()
It satisfies autists like me who must use the objectively best toolkit.
the default theme in most DEs look like shit.
Pro tip. Disable composting in Plasma to speed it up.
Been using Linux for a couple of years. Much better than Windows.
looks like shit desu senpai
replace openbox with i3
install lxqt arch linux theme
install i3blocks or py3status
install rofi
ditch panel
configure i3 to your hearts content
it uses openbox as default windows manager. but you can use kwin which is slower.
sorry i am not a l33t hax0r.
stay bloated then
>using X11
lel. stay bloated
Wayland can rot with KDE
>using the Tiger Aqua Graphite wallpaper instead of the superior Panther Aqua Graphite one
This. it's only stable because it doesn't change, but actually everything is constantly broken and it's up to the user to patch everything.
When will i3 have a way to minimize and restore windows? Literally all that's needed is the ability to list all windows from scratch and to move them directly from scratch to the current workspace. Use dmenu to tie stuff together and voila. But nooooo, it has to be an ordeal, like having to strobe windows in and out of scratch until you find the one you wanted, at best.
>xfce works + has the best themes
>no reason to ever switch
It's a pain because that's no the point of i3, if you want to minimize windows don't use a fucking tiling wm you big dummy
>working with a full workspace, doing shit as usual
>now need more space for most windows and the other window is less relevant for the moment
>have to have a program running most of the time
>interface must be interacted with on a semi-frequent basis (to check progress or update states), in particular a program running in a terminal window
>no choice but to keep it always visible because ???????
Ask us again how we know you never use your computer for anything but browsing facebook?