Why isn't anyone talking about this?
Murifats, why do you spy on me and hack my devices?
Why isn't anyone talking about this?
I just went through the leaks and it appears to be nothing insubstantial.
Nice try CIA nigger
I just went through the leaks and it appears to be nothing insubstantial.
CIA nigger, pls go
Skimmed through it, literally nothing of any value, just the names leaked and some intro project stuff, it's nothing
Wikileaks insider here, I've spent multiple days reading through all the documents and there is really nothing substantial.
Please feel free to waste your time though if you think you are somehow better than a professional data analyst such as myself.
So would you say you went through the leaks and it appeared to be nothing substantial sadly?
Yes literally nothing
It's not "nothing".
It is revealing capability and how far reaching the scope of American intelligence agencies have infiltrated every facet of technology.
All those hacks and stolen data, all those honey pots and foreign break ins, just sowing the seeds of electronic breaking and entering in foreign and domestic computers and devices.
because nu/g/ doesn't know what a .dll is
Why do you rely on American tech?
>It is revealing capability and how far reaching the scope of American intelligence agencies have infiltrated every facet of technology.
If you weren't aware already you're a moron
Has Terry said anything about this yet ? He warming up his car to run some people over ?
>nothing insubstantial
I use Wire anyway, so I'm in the clear.
Enjoy your compromised FreeBSD and GNU/Linux.
Yeah Sup Forums is going pretty bat shit insane over this stuff.
>world's largest intelligence agency with the largest budget is good at gathering intelligence
Anything performed on a device written by your own code within your own private operated network will be safe from the NSA. Good luck.
If only there was a method of protections in place...
>implying there are not hardware/firmware backdoors
Stop talking about the CIA
>not a US citizen
If you are one you still are fucked unless you can catch them red handed.
They cannot hack your hardware if you do not connect it to the American internet.
>nothing insubstantial
I'm not sure what he meant by that...
>Why isn't anyone talking about this?
Probably because 90% of Sup Forums traffic is from shills (which are awaiting the email with talking points) and agents of misinformation from various states (which again are waiting until critical mass is reached on the topic until moving in to derail or do with it what their national interest deems best).
>Murifats, why do you spy on me and hack my devices?
Sad thing is EVERYONE is doing it.
When surfing the net I fell like Bomb #20 and no longer consider any comment or data real.
In fact you are probably a Chinese or Russian or even USA operative.
no, NO
>These techniques permit the CIA to bypass the encryption of WhatsApp, Signal, Telegram, Wiebo, Confide and Cloackman by hacking the "smart" phones that they run on and collecting audio and message traffic before encryption is applied.
CIA has infiltrated air gapped systems.
All it takes is one.
>Why isn't anyone talking about this?
Dude, it's all over Sup Forums
>This right motherfucking here. All you faggots screaming 'MUH PRIVACY! IT'S MUH FONE! THEY DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT!' Can shut the fuck up and stuff it up your asses. If you didn't think for a second the government has had these abilities then you're goddamned retarded
The leak also covers how they covered their ass even if they were caught.
"Wasn't me, that shit came from Russia/China/Cairo".
You may as well add Intel/AMD chips.
They must be amazed how could i enjoy the same porn movie more than 100 times.
Hence the red handed, you need internal CIA documents. It has happened before.
We're fucked then. I just don't understand why so many betas believe the internet is for everyone while it started as a US military project and even today plenty of critical infrastructure is still within the USA, and Trump vowed to keep it there.
As about any ARM chip.
>for most of the US's existence, European empires and later republics constantly mocked the US for being so shit at espionage
>finally, after being humiliating from 1776 - somewhere in the cold war, Europoors are crying about muh evil CIA
Talk shit get hit.
Cyberpunk dystopia when?
In terms of tech the Europoors are stuck in 1990. They completely rely on the USA for about anything ranging from the processors in their computers, to their operating system to the router they're using to receive American internet.
Too late. The Russian hackers won.
Is TempleOS the only secure OS now?
Suspect, and knowledge are different.
I can think Hillary is a lesbian all I want, but until.shes caught diving face first in Humas legs shit aint confirmed.
So much for those insane conspiracy theories amirite?
That was quick.
Why are there so many of these exact same posts across all boards discussing this?
>stuck in 1990
>rely on the USA
Really makes you think
If you don't think you're living in it already, then there is nothing I can say to.convince you.
It's a meme. Like the nuclear codes pasta.
Technically it started already in 2013.
its a copy pasta meme ... new to the internet or something?
Or in 2001.
Soon technology will be so good as to be able to fabricate video evidence in a way that is indistinguishable from the real thing.
Hi frankfurt
Sup Forumsack shitposters.
Internet is vital to US security.
They can track your paper trail even if you were offline. These are the same people who are suppose track to foreign terrorists that live off grid.
Thread theme:
Not gonna lie, former CIA supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching CIA crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this agency get the nuclear codes.
>That schizo was right all along
Forgot apple shit
I have an old Samsung phone, and we still use an old 32'' CRT-TV.
The only people who trust Wikileaks are rural and suburban retards.
City people all know they're Russians and hacked the election.
nothing substantial sadly
This is the new Sup Forums meta- they pretend to be spambots/shills to discredit the side they're pretending to shill for.
>trolls trolling trolls
>not an integral part of Sup Forums since its inception
How new are you?
The level of thought that goes into how much they shitpost is rather admirable.
Nope, this is the theme:
Is the Sup Forums ready to the fucko threads become real?
This is why the CIA and ShareBlue lost to Sup Forums at Meme Warfare.
They're terrible at memes, they're literal shitposting brony redditors.
>wi-fi tv
is dis a thing? lmfao
>He fell for the anonymous meme
But seriously, the nuclear codes.
>nuclear code
Trump will post them on twitter eventually. At least we don't have to worry about north-korea anymore.
I am genuinely scared.
I don't know what I should do, should I just bash my PC and phone then move on with my life?
They're useful tools but It scares me that my life could be ruined in a second because of something
It's ruined already. You are on Sup Forums.
So wait, what happened? What's been leaked? Why should this leak concern me? I haven't been online too much these past few weeks so I'm a little out of the loop.
Check wikileaks.
It just happened. Wikileaks has gotten a hold of the entire hacking arsenal of the CIA.
There's nothing substantial though.
Everything technological is PWNED.
CIA didn't surrender to IRA before December 25
Now they shall suffer the wrath of God
CIA memes are shit
>Wikileaks has gotten a hold of the entire hacking arsenal of the CIA.
Going the other way with it does not lend to credibility.
I hope they're at least contacting everyone affected by their tools to have them patch things up.
Should have done that to begin with tbqh.
Not that I look at it this way, it makes me smile. Thanks user.
Try stopping me from making nothing substantial out of it, faggot.
>tfw agent of the CIA and your shitposting folder gets leaked to wikileaks and anons start creating conspiracy theorys about it.
What did they mean by this?
Who wants to buy a Samsung TV on the cheap?
I will make you into nothing substantial, Jake.
That he was right again.
they're literally bronies
What is this supposed to prove exactly?
>implying they haven't compromised the entire world
Memetic divison is ran by bronie redditors