/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread

Feel Good edition

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The fuck is going on in that comic?

If I deleted my e-mail would I lose all accounts on the sites I used, or would I be able to change the e-mail for that account and keep it?


depends on the site

Pls explain.


does the "_" after the variables mean anything or is it just a space that was changed when copy pasted?

>Details pane in WIN10
How do I get it back, on the bottom.

I've had it there before, just forgot how.

I'm stuck with 10

Dudes that have a oneplus. how well supported is the offical OS? how long do they update their phones?

expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before ‘(’ token
node::node(string d) : data(d), link(NULL){

Am I retarded? I can't see what the fuck is going on with this error.

How do I use the screenfetch -o option? Say I wanted to make it say my OS is Gentoo instead of Ubuntu, or my WM Theme.

Which is better for a novice programmer, C# or VB.NET? They seem roughly equal in terms of capability

can you say redundant? that's why its not there anymore.

Nevermind, OldNewExplorer

It's retarded to put it on the side and not the bottom. Right clicking and selecting details on every file is also retarded.

How do I unlock the "Dimmed display brightness" option?

I know the GUID is f1fbfde2-a960-4165-9f88-50667911ce96. I went to it with regedit and changed the attribute to 2 so that it would show up, but I still don't see the option.

Why not use this view?

No drivers for it?
That's for laptops and you're on a desktop?

Is there a 64-bit distro that runs on the RPI 3? I know there's an evaluation version of it but I don't want to deal with the hassle after it ends, unless there is something that can be done to let it run indefinitely without messages or anything?

I'm fine with a *buntu or any debian distro, it just needs to be 64-bit.

I need to change the metadata not just look at it.

Hanners is acting super dismissive of having a cop around.

That is not Momo

Because your brain filters out stupidity well.

Is it possible to remove the "Open" entry on the Windows Explorer context menu? I have never use it since I always double click or enter-key to open things.

I'm on a desktop, yes. There has to be some drivers for it because I know that my lock screen is dimmed compared to my normal settings. I'm trying to find a way to stop that dimming for the lock screen.

Is there any way to update MPV on Windows without re-downloading the whole thing?

What's the point of really expensive motherboards? I'm looking at a bunch of z270's and they all pretty much do the same thing? Like what does a $190 MOBO have vs a $300 one?

Also, is going for an expensive MOBO primarily because it looks pretty to me a waste? I really like the look of the ASUS Tuf Mark 1 but the ASUS Prime A is just so much cheaper.

Does wireless HDMI/DVI exists?

Can I OC my 4mhz cpu to 4.8 mhz with no problems? It's at 4.2 now and runs fine, but one of my games recommends a 4.8 processor, looking to test my limits

Sadly no

Kek. The cop investigated Faye and a new girl for running an underground robot fighting ring.

What's a good data recovery program?
One of my folks removed his usb drive and now it's asking to be reformated when plugged back in. Checkdisk doesn't work as the drive is marked as raw.

Yes, but it's expensive as balls


>4mhz cpu
Stop running windows 3

hey, we're given the cards we're delt... i might try to upgrade my cpu in the near future but for now i have to OC

Why tho

Look for the features you want, not the price

>Is paying more for X because of how it looks a waste?

What kind of a question is that?

Low demand, high complexity, and the need to make HDCP work reliably/securely

if i change the volt source from 3V to 9V, would i then need to change the resistors? like if so, how would i compute for the new resistor values?

Well, fuck it then. Thanks


my bad. thanks buddy

Are these images of Win 10 enterprise ltsb activated with kms any good? Do any of you anons give them bare metal?

wtf are cuda cores

Are they just stream processors or like compute units in AMD terms

Can a site ban you from fetching its htmls too often? I mean like every second or even more frequently.

depends on the site, yes they can because that can be consider as a flooding attack. So depends on the security they have in place. To be fair they would have to set the flood protection low to block one second html requests.

Ideal free malware protection for my neighbor's shit Windows XP desktop that wont ask for 100 BUX LATER LIKE A JEW OR ACT LIKE MALWARE ITSELF?

The police officer, like other robots, is able to see visions by smelling the tea served at Coffee of Doom.

This is from the webcomic Questionable Content, by Jeph Jacques, and can be found at questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=3427. Go back one strip for the explanation of this joke, or like a hundred for the whole story arc leading to this.

Upgrade to win7. Just do it. Then bitdefender

>in general, a component that is switching uses more energy than an element in a static state. Therefore, as clock rate increases, so does energy consumption, causing the CPU to require more heat dissipation in the form of CPU cooling solutions.

What the fuck does 'in general' mean? Wouldn't this be true 100% of cases? Or are there exceptions?

that isn't an option, though I agree with you. Windows XP replies only plz

You mean gigahertz?

Why is it not an option? You're probably just not considering it properly.

Thanks. I'm getting htmls from google image searches. I've just tried the script and it did 900 searches no problem (each a second apart).
Wanted to see if i could increase the rate but I don't wanna risk it. Don't wanna make the Google angry ya know

Opening a new terminal in i3 makes the other terminals "urgent" until I select them. What's going on?

because it's an old man's resale shop pentium 4 that he uses to chrome the internet for 10 bux a month thru AT&T and he cannot afford/cannot run windows 7. Please suggest the best free spyware/malware protection for this geezer or stop replying.

Pentium 4 will run windows 7 no problem. You can pirate it with daz


or get a $20 key off of kinguin

Which ad block extension is best for the chrome browser? Is it necessary to have more than one ad block extension?

Ublock origin on all browsers that support it, and no.


where are your external 16TB hard drives, anons?

whats a good, reasonably cheap extended mouse mat?

5/10 boiler

Galvo is old shit.

I already have Linux via dual boot and I'm trying to install a new distro on my Linux boot. After loading up the USB, I notice the mouse isn't moving at all. After another look, the mouse on the screen is frozen but, it still recognizes mouse movement/activity. I can click on the menus but it the mouse on the screen won't move.

What could be the problem?

V=IR nigga

Is there any email around anymore that doesn't require you to give them your phone number (ever)? I think mail.com does now and yandex doesn't at first but eventually it does. Send help.

gmail asks you about phone but i don't remember giving them one
it might be different tho nowdays

It is, now they ask up front. I'm trying mail.com now.

>That is not Momo

how do i download mpd stream? i have a blahblahblah.mpd
i tried dash-proxy and it just downloads a manifest and a bunch of .m4 files and I can't play any of them

you could try a meme email provider like cock.li
i dont actually know what their policies are but the fact that the homepage advertises the fucking tor address tells me that it's probably aimed at an audience of privacy autists

What the fuck?

I've got a rather annoying laptop that my sister asked me to fix. It's an Asus X555LA and it is not booting to windows. Only the UEFI/BIOS. Its had this issue for a while now and thus far the solution was just to restore defaults, save and exit, then hoped it booted to windows. I tried a mint live CD and ran smartctl which said the drive was connected and pretty much ok.

Is this just an instance of windows shitting the bed or is it hardware related?

actually it's a 1TB drive that went nuts for no reason. after reconnecting it, it got back to normal

oneplus is made to be able to use custom ROMs so im not sure if anyone here uses the stock OS

What hobbies does Sup Forums enjoy outside of tech


weeb comic books

If I pass an argument to startx, is it possible to change it during runtime, i.e. without stopping the display server and then starting it again with the new arguments?

hey Sup Forums, so if i rent a vps and then run a vpn off it (openvpn) is there anyway that the vps host can see my traffic going through the vpn?

Gardening, Drugs, Gaming

So the pic is a very rough drawing of my PC, the black arrows are fans that are already there and their directions

I have an extra 200mm fan that I could put into the places of the red arrows, which spot would be the best choice and intake/exhaust?

Fucking soulseek, keeps aborting my shit, fucking soulseek, help please.
I swear to the gods, holy fuck, holy fuck.
help here please?

First off.
Second, you dont need any additional airflow

What's a good password manager that has Android app too?

I'm using this:


and juicessh

Requires some competence to not mess up and lose everything because you forgot digital files can be copied.

jiu jitsu, reading, rubiks cubes

good switch > bad static.
but in vast majority of cases, it holds true.

I already asked this in a previous thread to no avail: Anyone has any experience with Pulover's MacroCreator or AHK?
Basically what I want to do is the mouse double-clicking with the left button as long as I hold the right button down.
So far I was able to achieve pic related but I have to press and release the right mouse button every time to restart the script.

Any ideas?

Just got an Ipod 5.
Should I update it to 9.3.5 and jailbreak it or leave it as it is?
Will the 9.3.5 update actually take 1.5 gigs of space on it?

Put rockbox on it

Norton if youre feelin brave lol

My HDD makes this rumbling/grinding sound occasionally when I do something like scan it for files, is this normal?


gsmartcontrol or crystaldiskinfo if windows

>cant read from boot medium
>no bootable medium found

why arent vms working on my machine

Why is she sniffing it tho


For AM4, what's the optimal configuration for installing RAM?

Back in AM3, I remember RAM being fickle if it wasn't installed in the right dimms.

Turned off my desktop tonight and the fucking thing keeps on booting up again. Never ever seen this before.

What the fuck is this

dumbass here do i need isos too run vm machines for my aesthetics

the tea smells like blue horse cock

Trying to watch porn, but all of the sudden everything is prompting me to install adobe flash player. I thought it was all but phased out in favor of html5. Did anything change? I know that flash is a major security risk.