So, seriously

So, seriously.

Why does Sup Forums want AMD to fail?

We all saw what Intel did with no competition in the x86 sector. We got fucking single-digit performance increases, a new socket every revision, performance steps that doubled the cost for a couple more cores, "locking" their new processors and chipsets to need specific operating systems like Windows 10, and we still have no idea whats in the Intel Management Engine.

So, why do we want AMD to fail, and give Intel LITERALLY zero reason to advance? LITERALLY give them a monopoly on the x86 market, so they can fuck your ass to the tune of $1099 to eek out that extra little performance in some multi-threaded program you want to use. LITERALLY tell you at some point "oh, that kernal/package/OS is no longer supported. Upgrade or you can't use our new hardware."

Other urls found in this thread:,20.html

Lol if AMD wasn't so fucking incompetent we wouldn't be having this thread.

Hell Intel where and are just as bad


I don't want AMD to fail.

It's just shitposting. Ryzen is great at everything except gaming, where it's at Haswell level. Haswell isn't even close to obsolete for gaming but apparently this spells the end AMD.

I enjoy seeing people's disappointment

>Why does Sup Forums want AMD to fail?
AMD got themselves into this mess and they can't compete so why keep this company alive. make room for some innovation.

not only that, they keep lying to their userbase. ryzen is just another faildozer, and should not be defended.


DURRRRR let's make a head spreader with no paste, then fix it next gen

nobody wants it to fail.

just saying that intel > amd

Only in games now. And not by much, when the R3 and R5 show up if they post the same numbers as the R7 in games with the right price then intel is gonna have some shit to get in order.


but for what reason?

Nobody wants AMD to fail

But it would be stupid not to call AMD out on this bullshit

Do you really want to buy a processor with this kind of performance?

Ryzen is awful, AMD needs to get their shit together.

No way am I going to support a company that makes this kind of crap.


There's no room for innovation from any other company. It would be suicide to invest in not only licensing x86-64 for an exorbitant amount, then trying to catch up to Intel while maintaining two decades of compatibility. OEM desktop sales are slouching and the remaining audience (industry, content creation, gamers, servers, etc.) are all demanding and will call you out if your product or services are inferior. ARM is much more attractive to companies wanting to invest in new hardware. Unfortunately ARM has been difficult to scale up so x86 maintains it's monopoly in the workstation space.

So I don't have a reason to waste money on a new CPU/mobo every few years. Shit's expensive.

This. They didn't exceed expectations, but they didn't drop well below expectations (overhyped poojeet benchmarks notwithstanding). The chip was expected to have IPC lagging a few generations behind Intel's latest.

Its a good strike at Intel's HEDT segment, where most of the applications (video encoding, CAD, software development) are pretty decently threaded, and Intel's ridiculous margins on their 8c/16t and above offerings were child's play to undercut. Why retards think 99% of the enthusiast market for CPUs is just vidyas, I don't know.

>Intel doesn't care about gaming, or desktops in general anymore
>processors are by far the best at gaming
>AMD tries to appeal to gamers
>processors are good at everything except gaming
This is a weird timeline we've gotten into.

The best thing that can happen is AMD dies off and then Intel is forced to break up into multiple smaller companies due to monopoly laws.

Right now AMD is just a token competitor that stands no chance. Intel actually loves the fact that AMD is there to keep them being investigated for monopoly.


>amd marketed towards gamers, content creators, and enthusiasts
How are you surprised

See boards.Sup

I don't want them to fail, doesn't mean I can't laugh at their failure.

Is that fat samus?

Only 110 fucking FPS, wow unplayable

Intel is already doomed in the server market and Apple might ditch them.

With all the shody bios and slow memory, smt problems, windows scheduller hickups, I bet we will see a 4-8% improvement in Rizen performance across the board in the comming weeks.

AMD need to fix the high memory latency issue too. I think they are in the right direction and I'm pretty excited for the future. Lots of groth opportunity

>arch that beats intel at perf/watt
That's the real story of the day.

Once those server CPUs drop is when you can expect AMD to start wrecking shit.

>haswell level
try sandybridge level

Not that it's terrible, but I was expecting better than 2011 Intel IPC in 2017.

It also makes the X99 platform pretty much pointless unless you need 4 graphics cards.



They definitely bodged this release but I think getting everything perfect would have taken until late q2 or q3

Did someone say bodged?

Looking at the average score the 1800X gets within 5-9% of Intel's 8-core Haswell-E, so I guess that would probably be closer to Ivy Bridge-E. So basically a 4960X. (I looked at gaming benchmarks from when the 5960X first came out it it showed a decent bump in gaming over the 4960X for some reason, maybe like 5-10%.)

The fact that only R7 are out now and the rest of the lineup is coming in waves for half a year is pretty telling.
Mobo bioses were all fucked up and windows drivers aren't even finalised. It was a rushed release, maybe we'll know why in a couple months.

Yeah, they didn't release the mainstream processors because normies wouldn't want to deal with memory issues and they're sure as hell not going to flash a BIOS.

the 1800x is 25% better performing than the 8370, this seems in line with a decrease of 10% clock speed along with 52% increase in IPC

If you can't flash a bios how can you build a pc wtf

When you have a 120/144hz monitor and something that is similarly priced, or even less expensive can actually get you those frame rates. It makes a difference. Incidentally, if you don't want to pay the jew. Go with an older used Intel, and overclock.

People forget that there was a clockspeed drop with ryzen, yeah the IPC is way the fuck up but the clocks are down.

Zen+ will probably be a 5-10% IPC boost but also a 10%+ clock speed boost

Yeah it's pretty obvious they decided to improve the fuck out of performance per watt performance.

This is looking really really really good for the datacenter, the construction cores would have been mediocre except the fucking power usage.

yeah we get it

I'm hoping their next generation will at least get at least Skylake single-threaded performance, that would be a good result considering Intel is insisting on rehashing Skylake for the rest of the decade.

I think it is pretty obvious that we're seeing CPU performance asymptote, AMD just started first because of their R&D budget, but Intel is gonna hit a hard wall first since they are taking a straighter line to the end.

we're going to see a moar cores limit too as we're just a few node shrinks from single digit atoms.

What we'll see is Intel stay a bit ahead and then suddenly hit a completely impenetrable wall. suddenly we'll be waiting for 10 years then 20 years for die shrinks, then all we can do is make CPUs huge.


on a positive note, while semiconductors will basically just get more and more energy efficient, and we're basically at the end of performance leaps and bounds, there is still a fuck load of performance gains that can be gained through software optimization.

Yeah basically, if we did a Pareto analysis we just passed the point where we put in 20% of the effort to get 80% of the benefit, now we have to put a shit load of effort to get just a fraction of improvement.

i don't


Sup Forums doesnt want AMD to fail

intel shills do

and there are plenty of them here

Me personally im expecting Zen+ to be the actual strike at the crown, IPC improvements are huge on Zen but the clock speeds are just too far behind.


Kill yourself, queer.


I would fuck Momokun so hard... Thanks for this pic, I don't have this set.

post her mega link please


>make room for some innovation.

Monopolies don't innovate niggah

We don't, that's why everyone is so angry

Shitposting on Sup Forums isn't going to make amd or intel to fail or to succeed.

I don't want any company to fail, however i am just a consumer and i can't afford to change my cpu too often. For that matter i still own a 2600k and i am waiting for the situation to stabilize. I can't betatest AMD's cpu with my moneys and i want a good high end solution that can carry me for at least another 5 years. Those in my situation are still waiting because Intel was lethargic and Ryzen failed to impress me for a all in one machine.

>monopoly laws


I'm actually pretty satisfied by the Ryzen chips' performance. AMD has a good starting platform to develop a competitive processor family.

>wrinkles at the tits


Btw, i want both of them to succeed.
But the biggest problem is, the software we have now is not pushing the hardware as hard as back in the 2000~2010.

All thanks to the mobile platforms, everything is aimed at mobility and power consumption on how to run their facebook and photo performances.

Intel focused more on power efficiency instead of performance and AMD still can't compete, they're fucked, they're about a generation behind

Sauce on the pic?

post more momokun

amd failing is funny

People want to feel superior to everyone else, so they want parts as expensive as they can be, to be able to justify calling anyone that doesn't have them poorfag.

If I'm building a computer for the first time in years

For gaming

Do I want Ryzen or INTC?

>Why does Sup Forums want AMD to fail?

It makes no sense whatsoever.

AMD fanboys should celebrate any AMD advancements, for obvious reasons.

And Intel fanboys should celebrate any AMD advancements, because it helps put downward pressure on Intel prices.

And non-fanboys (such as myself) should celebrate any AMD advancements, because an advancement by one company is automatically an advancement of the whole industry.

because then amd will form a monopoly over cpus and gpus and it will all be locked down

Actually I'm pretty happy with what I've seen of Ryzen's performance.

The only problem is that the 8 core CPU is 12% behind in gaymes but more expensive which is fine for those who don't gayme. When they release the 4 core CPU for $200 or less it'll be worth it for gayming.

what if we weight those FPS by cost of CPU on some store that would have them all?

its useless to argue that X fps is enough, or that you're aiming for 120fps on your 4k 120Hz display for a certain gayme.

last time i bought a gaming rig about 5years ago, CPU+mobo was considerably cheaper per performance on the amd architechture, i just wasnt able to play the latest, but im not an anxious faggot... while at the same time voting against intel with my wallet for them being too greedy.

The problem is R7 is too expensive if you're JUST gaming, you need to do heavy workstation-type things for it to be worth it. If you want to see a better price/FPS ratio wait for R5/R3.

The 7700k is $350, the ryzen 1800x is $500.

AMD should have just ramped up TDP and increased clock speeds to 130W to match Intel's 6 and 8 core CPUs.

>Shoop her whole butt
>Cant shoop the disgusting tit skin looking like a scar

i dont want AMD to fail or bankrupt but i want AMD fanboy to realize how idiot they are.

There's a reason people only post F4's results,20.html

F4 - a game both Sup Forums and Sup Forums like to conveniently use as the litmus test for a card/CPU being good, inbetween using it as a litmus test for shitty optimization and scaling/Bethesda's failures as a developer

Frankly at this point I think x86 evolution is naturally slowing down not only because of Intel monopoly but the reduced interest companies have in desktop CPUs. ARM is growing at light speed levels because people are buying more and more smartphones but the PC market is actually shrinking.

So where are the server ARM CPUs? Oh right ARM is terrible that even AMD abandoned it.

There are billions of smartphones in the world and around 50 to 75 million servers. I'm not saying that ARM is better than x86 but the companies are more interested in whatever 7 billion normies buy not what 50k NEETs think is important.

It won't happen because x86 just isn't very important anymore. There's ARM, various MIPS shit and RISC-V at the horizon. Most people today do their computing without x86 and they're fine so whatever.
