/bg/ Browser General

Why are you not using the most Sup Forums of all browsers?

Why would I use the most Sup Forums browser when I can use the best browser?

Enjoy your botnet

Google Chrome Beta on Lincucks user here. I'm pretty comfy with it because it syncs all the shit with my devices, I'd like to switch to Firefox Nightly but I need all my passwords to be exported from Chrome to it
What to do?

>What to do?
Stop using a trip

K, then?

You're thinking of Chropera, I use Opera.

This senpai

Is using a portable version of Chrome ok? At least I don't have to deal with the auto update crap

>i fell for comodo dragon meme

Use Brave on my phone and Vivaldi on my computer. I'm happy with them.

so many people I know shill UC Browser & Baidu Browser in their social media it's probably botnet's doing

Next step is to kill yourself

Can't at the moment, I'll skip this part

Can I download FF dev from ftp? Where?

ungoogled-chroimum if you don't need portable. no auto update.

IceCatMobile is 100% botnet. One of our devs recently audited the source and found a few odd lines of code. We threw it on a phone and let it connect to a honeypot. Those packets were up to all sorts of no good. Some creepy shit. There's obviously quite a few vulns out there for Android we don't even know about.

0days flying in the wind..

So, what are the main differences between waterfox and nightly?

waterfox is ancient autism tier firefox. nightly is bleeding edge firefox.

Could you elaborate, user?

You didn't say nothing, actually. All you said is "waterfox is shit".

what else do you expect us to tell you? do something with your neetdom and try them out

I already did some time ago. Got some crashes/incompatibilities with nightly and almost no issues with waterfox. Still, I don't know the differences between them, just waterfox not having pocket.

Don't bother arguing with him he's just a stupid cat neckbeard shill.

why would someone use ungoogled-chrome over the others in the same category?

wanting to know this here too friendos

>opera best browser

Because they were chrome users who visited Sup Forums and now they think they are safe from the NSA because they have chrome with a new logo and the shitposters on Sup Forums said so.

Reminder that g thinks
>AMD is shit
>all browsers are botnets
>all programs are botnets unless Sup Forums pwrote the code
>emacs is better that N++
>GaYteX is better than any simple to use word processor
>chinks make good phones
>windows isn't a good normie browser, and that we should all use our own fuxking start prompt coding

Don't listen to g

Wait i thought unChromium still reported to Google anyway?

LaTeX is god tier u fuccn inbred

>Doesn't care about images

Comparing emacs and vim to N++ is like apples to oranges.
When will the Sup Forums extremely vocal minority drop this fucking meme and use a real code editor? Fucking NEETs.


Well it is