Can we have a shaving technology thread?
Why are you still using expensive cartridge shaving systems, when you can get a better quality shave from double edge razors that cost only 10ยข per blade?
Can we have a shaving technology thread?
Why are you still using expensive cartridge shaving systems, when you can get a better quality shave from double edge razors that cost only 10ยข per blade?
I'm not.
>Can we have a shaving technology thread?
I don't shave with blades, I just trim all the hair I have with an electric razor at 3mm, but from what I know the multiple blades spread pressure over more edges so youre not as likely to cut yourself
what i hate about multiblades is that hair constantly gets stuck in them, it's a ridiculous design flaw
Because I stepped my game up
What is a good safety razor I can get relatively cheap (student budget)? Cartridge razors are shit for me now
I'm afraid of accidentally killing myself with that.
Now wouldn't that be wonderful
WEISHI Long Handle Version Butterfly Open Double Edge Safety Razor is the one i've been using for a couple years. It's a little over $15 on amazon. Blades, soap and brush are the important part, not so much the safety razor.
You're fuckin brave bro. I've watched too many mob movies to have those things around my neck. How long did it take you to get proficient at it?
There is no rational reason to shave
unless you need to wear airtight respirator masks.
Other than that, shaving is /fa/ cancer.
Going to a job interview with a scruffy beard isn't what many would call ideal.
t. numale neckbeard
I know several developers with jobs and beards.
What is the best way for removing underarm hair?
>being so insecure that you have to shave to please others
I have really sensitive skin, so when I don't shave I get breakouts more easily.
quite the contribution
Wife hates facial hair
About three shaves.
The blade is so sharp and your movements so gentle that you know when the blade sticks, again so sharp you don't feel the pain.
It takes finesse for sure, but don't be afraid to try. A starter kit with replacement blade inserts is like $25.
How often do you the sharpen the blades and how long does it take? Because simply replacing the blades like in a safety razor seems easier.
I absolutely hate facial hair but razors absolutely kill my neck. Ideally I'd like to be baby smooth every morning, no stubble. But shaving gets the skin on my neck so raw that it's all red and bumpy for 2-3 days.
I use cheap disposable razors and conditioner as a lubricant. How badly am I fucking up?
I have this amd I cam confirm that it is a fantastic product. For like a total of 35-45$ you can shave for like two years.
Would recommend
Shave every other day instead of every day. Lotion n shit
Jesus Christ at least get some shaving cream or gel.
I'm 23 yet I don't need to shave. I just use small scissors to cut the 3 hairs that may sometimes pop up on my face.
>conditioner as a lubricant
Your dad is a deadbeat
which they shaved (or at the very least, groomed) before being interviewed.
I guess you wouldn't know of any of this, though, being a NEET.
I use this. Really saves you unnecessary spends on (((shaving soap))), (((safety razors))), (((aftershave lotions))), it cuts head hair, trims pubic hair, and is actually a technology with precise microelectronics inside, not some 200 year old hipster garbage.
It is easier.
You know, you could also sharpen the blade on a DE razor, but very few people CBA.
Use Shave Secret
Thank me later
>shave at 5am
>already stubbly by 2pm
I don't want to be a neckbeard, but shaving is such a chore.
Use dollar shave club and stick it to the man. Keep it real.
This, niggers!
Shaving cream and aftershave
>Using manual shavers
We get it, you're a millennial hipster dipshit. How about you get a job and stop pinching pennies?
Grow a beard
Keep it tidy
Shave your neck with an electric trimmer every day
Takes 20 seconds, looks fine, no more fuckery
Lel, I shudder to think of what you look like
Shaving sucks.
Why isn't there a pill or cream that permanently removes body hair yet?
I'm not.
I moved from disposable shit to DE to electric.
Shaving with a double edge takes more time and the shave is only slightly better than electric.
I can smell you from here.
Shaving in the shower?
I have had my ear, nose, and back hair permanently removed through laser treatment.
I've been using that electric fusion pro glide or something. really small and runs on 1 AA. Used the closest attachment so much I wore the plastic down and cracked and now the 2nd is starting to do the same thing.
I like having stubble so any good electrics that won't break in a year?
Are you sure all you manlets are on the right board?
I have those Astra Platinum blades. $10 for 100 of the second-sharpest blades ever.
Why would anyone remove their nose and ears?
I have a bottle of it but I am afraid of putting it on my face. It smells like rancid meat and I think its going to have adverse effects on my skin. Its made for people with course beards and i want to use it to get rid of remaining stubble.
I assume when you list ear and nose you mean only the outermost visible hairs?
>having a beard longer than the hair on your scalp
because I'm too cool to shave
t. stallman look Sup Forumsentooman
Thoughts on Astra vs Shark blades? Or any other good blades. I've only tried the Shark Super Stainless and the newer Shark Chrome and Shark Stainless won by a long shot.
body hair is disgusting
also if you're an athlete, you have no choice but to shave your whole body for peak performance
Every morning I wake up only to see the face I'd grown to loath stare back at me in the mirror, whiskey still lingers on this fool's breath from another night wasted.
Blacked out.
The way it should be.
The only solace I find on these mornings is the cold, hard steel of my classic straight shaving razor. A fine blade with a dangerously sharp edge that I've honed to a mirror sheen for the closest shave of my gnarled face. Now I may have a self-destructive streak, but I have never been the suicide type. You know, the ultimate self-destruction. However there is a certain, power, a feeling you get when you handle a classic straight shaving razor, especially one as fine as mine, of riding that cold hard steel edge like a bull. A massive steed that cares not what direction you give it, you're just glad it hasn't gored you yet. The exhilaration of passing such a blade, a fine sharp classic straight shaving razor, mere millimeters from your carotid artery where one slip would mean certain death is unlike any other. Any shake or quiver and your throat is wide open spraying in every direction, and you will be found lain on a crimson red sheet on your bathroom floor. That will give that asshole landlord quite a surprise next time he comes around. No rent this month boss, heh.
I've been using an epilator. If I can go a day or two without shaving (ie weekends,) I'll use it to pluck the hairs, then use an electric shaver the rest of the week to manage the ones that didn't get pulled.
On your face?
You must not have much facial hair.
That shit would literally tear your skin off if you had any amount of man beard.
He is, they're his razors and he uses bar soap. I figured conditioner would at least be better.
i use an electric shaver because it doesn't cut the hairs clean meaning you don't get sharp stubble, it tears the hairs.
might as well cut your balls off while you're at it
I had a Van der Hagen, which is a knock off Weishi. Pretty good, not terribly aggressive, and a very good starter.
Beardliness is not a manly quality for pasty computer nerds
>better quality shave
Not in my experience.
Cartridge and safety give about the same shave.
But it is a lot easier to 'feel' what is shaved and isn't while you do it. I find I miss less with a safety razor. It is also pretty much just as hard to cut yourself with a safety razor as it is with a cartridge.
Safety razors are also considerably cheaper, though the good blades are $1 a pop here (merkhur).
Electric razors are trash though.
On my face. I've never grown things to beard length. And I know well enough not to use an epilator on any hair than a few mm in length.
>on Sup Forums
slight annoyance but i wish their long handled razors had the same plastic case as their short handled ones.