Tfw web development is chrome development

>tfw web development is chrome development
>app development is google development
>or apple development
>or windows

>See this pic a while back
>Instant panic mode
>Overnight a carbon monoxide alarm
>Spent like $120 on a nice one that's connected to my phone

Triggered My autism real good


>27 people like this
>generators ads


>couldn't afford to pay the electric bill
>bought a $500 generator that killed them all

niggers aren't the brightest bulbs

unless you're in some nigger country, you should have one by law

My house is very old
1930s I believe
I don't even have grounded plugs.
Fucking doors are all 6ft high
Have to duck just to walk through

i mean that if you don't have one and you get inspected, you could get fined.

if something happens to somene because of CO, insurance will say "where was your CO detector?" and then you go to jail and/or get raped in a lawsuit

if you're in north america then it's surprising that you didn't have one since it's been a thing for about 20-25 years now.

KEK! you found the joke!

was the previous owner a hobbit?

>literally buying into the life meme.

>Not being a manlet

>the one black father that sticks around
>does this

>tfw you will never be fortunate enough to accidentally die painlessly in your sleep

Why do niggers get all the nice things?

>what oh wow that city needs a law suite like no other

CO detectors give off a lot of false alarms. Causing me to freak out when painting or sealing anything.

It's fucking April, usually the electric company can turn off your power if it's above freezing outside at night.


Oh, did not see that you were just quoting the fb post.

This post tickled my sides in a schadenfreude way

I rent this house so I guess the owner would get fined.
All the 3 prong plugs(USA) are also not grounded, a clear violation.

Idk maybe
The shower is about 24in wide and 5ft 9in high.
I have to duck and turn sideways to fit.
>Feels bad man

>tfw you will never live in a comfy hobbit hole


>the electric company can turn off your power
Do you live in North Korea? In what other country does the power company turn off your power if you are paying for it?

But the nigger WASN'T paying for it, you fucking retard. That's point.

>not a single post has anything to do with what OP said
>mfw OP derailed his own thread
Poor image choice, OP.

Also, is that a fucking ping pong paddle?

It's a fan. Very ironic when you think about it.

>See this pic a while back
>Really makes you think
>Overnight a gas heater
>Spent like $120 on a nice one that's got gas and shit
>Plan to "accidentally" let gas leak while sleeping
>Set off hidden CO alarm
>Now in mental institution

You're a big guy

Is that a ping pong paddle? A fan?

Are you a retard? A fucking retard?

Is it a peel?

Are you haiku-ing?

Rip to the famalams but there are things that made me cringed more than the ads; the way Rodney named his kids

that advertisement should have capital punishment?

>8 coons m-m-m-multi-kill

Are gas heaters /our guys/ ?