Can silicon valley exist without Indian intellectuals?
Why can't white""engineers"" create, invent and manage companies on their own?
Why do we have to help them with everything?
Can silicon valley exist without Indian intellectuals?
Why can't white""engineers"" create, invent and manage companies on their own?
Why do we have to help them with everything?
Another company saved from bankruptcy by Indians
They busy suing and bribing everyone
Half is Silicon Valley is made up of Indians. Whites are too stupid to innovate. We're taking all their tech jobs.
I get it that most white people buy degrees from diploma mills but it's not that hard to innovate ( or it might seem easy to me since I am an Indian)
>shilling the same shit on 2 different boards
how much do you get paid to do this?
Name one processor or a decent video game white people made.
did you manage to invent a toilet yet?
Witcher series
stay triggered poo in loo
don't you have some streets that need to be shit on?
You should check old games for that, all new games made by whites are shit
silicon valley mentality is seriously cancer. this happens when alpha males stop managing autistic code monkeys.
The sad thing is indians think they are better than whites despite whites using toilets and having better food than poos.
Poles are not white
There are Indians in that game too. Nice try white boi.
Worked as an intern in a silicon valley company. It's funny when huffpost etc. writes an article about silicon valley being too white. Everything i saw where chinese and indian co-workers. It was hilarious.
well, huffpost and SJWs won't be satisfied until there are no whites in silicon valley
Liberals have an anti white agenda. The fucking NBA is being criticized by libshits for having too many whites in management or coaching despite the fucking league being like 70 percent black. Also the George Zimmerman case where they kept labeling him a white guy should be the biggest hint of the Liberal's agenda.
Yes, but why would it? To satisfy your ethnopolitical hangups. Sorry, but these are businesses, not hugboxes.
Most of the white people are too busy in their liberal arts programs
Three main phenomena
>diversity hiring
>H1B/cut-rate hiring
>Indian nepotism
Silicon valley is full of Indians because they are less costly, and they will ruthlessly prefer other Indians if they get even a smidgen of input on a hiring decision once they're in the door at a company. You hire one Pajeet and they're not stopping until their entire hometown is over here on an H1B.
Not to mention, Pajeets are serial cheaters. Schools in India will fudge transcripts to get their students into US schools. They coordinate cheating to pass traditional drop-out courses in college, they cheat on technical interviews. Its fucked from top to bottom. The only thing you can do to stop it is to start your own company and have a strict but unwritten "no pajeet" policy.
Nigga please.
US-born Pajeets btfo whitey in academia as well. Not just the ones born in India.
Your time is up whitey.
Fuck off you retard Sup Forums shitstsin
My question is where does Hispanic ethnicity fit into tech?
anywhere that isn't between the hours of 1pm and 5pm
>better food
An-cap alt-right logic:
>Free market means big gov won't mess with our choices, fuck off Russian communists (99% are still white, though)
>The freest most liberal industry in the world is hiring more capable people of color and achieving bigger economic growth because of it
>"It's all big gov's fault!"
He had many projects with indians, that's why he's called shit wrecker
They're just upset that Indians are smarter than them. They shit their pants in the store.
imagine if all the least efficient and effective employees that thrive on nepotism and affirmative action disappeared.
that's silicon valley without indians.
US born pajeets hate fob curry niggers too, dumbass.
The jews undermined the white family and so white people are no longer as effective because we don't have the support of our families. So they import workers from classic patriarchal societies in which masculinity has not been eroded where men have the support of their wives and surprisingly they make better workers when they don't have to worry about being arrested for minor rape allegations or slight domestic abuse. Not to mention the estrogen they put in our water, and I can't even imagine what kind of worker the white man will be when they make our children gay libertines addicted to pleasure. I guess maybe white women will fill the void with the testosterone in the hpv vaccine.
because whites poo in the loo
>we must ensure the sanctity of our precious bodily fluids
because most of them are scared of it, and they're always told by idiots they don't need the minutiae they should really be paying attention to, that they don't need to make their products high quality, that they don't need to worry about optimization, good code or manufacturing costs. i'm white, and I always see it.
they suck because they're told its the best way, and this is furthered by them not caring enough.
Spanish,Italian, and French destroy your fecal matter stews.
White people invent nearly everything, build the companies, create everything.
Once the growth period is over they are promoted to upper field or leave the company because work there is becoming boring/there is better wage somewhere else.
Then poos are hired to maintain white mans code for years, one could even say they are cleaning the white mans toilette, because this seems the only thing they can do.
A better question would be, Why cant indians do anything on their own?
None of which are frequently made or eaten by white americans. Continue to spice your chicken with water, you fucking uncultured faggot.
By white people do you mean jews?
I noticed tht as well.
Are you an idiot? Italian might be the most consumed food here. French i the style most found in high class restaurants and spanish is found in the west and southwest. Go wipe your ass with your naan bread and call it a meal.
Jews dont create anything, because they dont need to.
They throw money at companies in return of getting in charge of the company and then are either silent owners or sit in the board of directors.
While AMD is filled with pajeets now, Jim keller did most of the work for ryzen. Also as others said witcher, minecraft, Heavy Rain, crysis games, Metro, EVE, stalker. French studio Arkane doesnt employ any pajeets from what ive seen, so Bioshock, dishonored.
I'm starting to realize why so many games are shit nowadays... too much poo in the loo.
Indian "engineering" led to the Bhopal disaster. Shit literally hit the fan that day.
How do you cheat on a technical interview?
The interviewer is a pajeet also and wants you in the company instead of a white guy. I can't wait til some nog sues an all pajeet company claiming discrimination. Patel and Rajeesh will be perplexed about how the US doesn't have a caste system like the motherland.
white ""engineers"" these days are really social engineers and con artists that are only good for spreading codes of conduct and banning eggplants
as much as it pains me to say it, hindus do get more actual coding done these days
Computer engineering? I would not trust a pajeet doing mechanical or architectual engineering.
You had me till you brought up the food. I'm sorry my man but you're wrong. Their food embodies the spice road that the ancient worlds trade was largely based. It is rich and deep. White people couldn't afford spices in the same quantities, that's why white food tastes like wet toilet paper except on holidays when they finally break out some spices, but whites are too dumb to use anything but cinnamon or nutmeg. /ck/ represent
>Taking /ck/'s opinion as if its worth anything
Literally the place for /fit/ to talk about their bulking and /r9k/ about mummys tendies.
>Whites couldn't afford spices yet can afford toilets
>Pajeet spent his income on peppers imported by the portuguese instead of investing in an outhouse
The first sentence in this thread is "Can silicon valley exist without Indian intellectuals?"
So yes, we are totally talking about mechanical engineers and architects.
Thief: The Dark Project
Silicon Valley is a worthless meme propped up by retard venture capitalists
also poo in loo
>Having to refer to food from three different regions to beat the fine cuisine of one
top kek
Actually, from all European countries they make the worst food.
>Indian intelectuals
i work in a multinational it company. the fact is, indian scrum teams have about half the velocity of european ones.
>dub dubs
Try chucking them out of a higher window
Setting all race conflicts.
It makes sense that Indians in America are generally extremely smart because the immigration laws only allow the smart ones to immigrate.
What happened bros? I thought we were all friends.
*conflicts aside
The insecurity is strong. Have fun being cheap fill.
> Jim keller did most of the work for ryzen
so that's why ryzen sucks on intel pajeet's dick
>Another company saved from bankruptcy by Indians
Then why is their stock tanking?
OP you have no clue what intellectual means, these are workers that are employed in a system which is designed to produce and send back cash through remittances instead of reinvesting in the economy and promoting stronger integration as part of values of the nation that the company is based in within the structure that isn't obligatorily self-serving.
Spice your shit with another curry-flavored poo and call it a Indian cuisine
>being mad over the fact that literally every other food is better than french/italian/spanish
>being butthurt over the face that your kinds failed to save AMD
Why can't indian """engineers""" even invent toilets?
I'm not even indian, user. I just don't like rancid crustaceans, vinegar prestage, smelly, cumlike shellfishes, bad cheese, tomato shit, rotten cheese, fried frogattos, mixed trimmings and the TV running in the background.
AMD got BLACKED -> Ryzen!!
nice try ahmed
Are they designated indian intellectuals?
nice try frog muncher
>Half is Silicon Valley is made up of Indians. Whites are too stupid to innovate. We're taking all their tech jobs.
Say that to the white guy suing your company for parent infringement, Sudheer.
By the way, a friendly tip. Operating a tech support office from Varanasi does not make you silicon valley.
They clean up the poo covered keyboards.
>Insults italian food
>Probably eats pizza and spaghetti
Yes. Murrican pizza and nippon spaghetti.
>Whites too stupid to innovate
Yet white nations are the ones leading tech while India is world famous for no sewage infrastructure within buildings and the greatest engineering disaster in human history.
>You hire one Pajeet and they're not stopping until their entire hometown is over here on an H1B.
Can confirm.
We had a company of mostly whites, Chinese and a bunch of LOCAL Indians (i.e second/third generation). The moment we got one foreign Indian up in management, he started hiring Indians from outside in bulk.
The company went bust 5 years later but I was long gone. Sad
the world would be better if all indians suddenly die
Cheap labor, biotch!
>greatest engineering disaster in human history
What are you referring to here?