You ARE using BSD..r-right user?

You ARE using BSD..r-right user?

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I have a vm but I never use it

yes :)

What would I use BSD for? Text processing?

Yeah. Took a month to set up though.

Right after FreeBSD's Cinnamon gets stable. I find Linux to be more comfy because I got used to Linux only tools like networkmanager, pulseaudio, appimage, electron app like skype and wire etc

can I play games on BSD?

I like to play games and develop games

I used FreeBSD in a VM and it had nothing once I got it up and running.
Is there an image I can download that has a DE, and other stuff for the everyday person?

No, they can say they're a workstation OS all they want, and that might've been true in the past, but now it's all server use. It runs my git, CI, media and IRC bouncer, but it's not coming onto my desktop because there's no point.

The closest thing is macOS, and then Linux after that, because Linux isn't real UNIX.

No. Other than whatever crapware Minesweeper comes with whatever DE of your choosing, literally nothing. Linux isn't even there yet in terms of gaming, and it's a tiny niche market. FBSD is much smaller and will never get anything mainstream, and even the community acknowledges this.

Look up TrueOS. It was previously called PC-BSD, and it's essentially a FreeBSD install with a DE and other stuff for the everyday person. It's backed by a cool company too.

What about GhostBSD?

I don't because my old raggedy i7 can't support bhyve

I assume you're talking about I haven't used Ghost before, but the more niche you go, the more time you're gonna have to spend on issues that will most likely come up, and it'll definitely drive you nuts.

Although coming with MATE by default is pretty nice, you can just grab FreeBSD and install MATE along with it and have a better experience.

So I should stick with FreeBSD?

If you are really serious about wanting a BSD workstation, then FreeBSD is the way to go, or TrueOS (prebaked FreeBSD).


Can it emulate the linux steam fairly decent?

I'm running a 980ti

No relevant use cases for me.

I use pfsense as my router/firewall
does that count?

FreeBSD does let you emulate Linux binaries, but I wouldn't bet on it running anything impressive. I tried using it for a Half Life Dedicated Server (GoldSrc, not Source) and it was too confusing with ezjail so I just ditched it.

I wouldn't count on it running anything complex though. Last time I read the handbook, it's guaranteed to run binaries a 3.6 kernel could run or something. Then again, the handbook could be outdated.

There's this
But if anything goes wrong, or if you get banned from the service, you really can't do much about it.

Last thing I read was it could emulate 4.10

Since 4.0

>>Linux isn't real UNIX.
Nothing else is real UNIX. BSDs would count as descendants of UNIX, but not real UNIX.


BSD is trash. There's a reason it has an even smaller market share than Linux.

macOS is UNIX, but nothing else modern is

I feel like FreeBSD distros like TrueOS and GhostBSD are a bit of an oxymoron. To find something as obscure as BSD, someone would probably be capable enough to just use a direct minimal one.

no it's not you retard.

Dragonfly BSD FTW

don't call me names or else you will be sent to hell for sinning

>To find something as obscure as BSD, someone would probably be capable enough to just use a direct minimal one.
>To find something as obscure as BSD
>as obscure as BSD
Are you serious? Maybe in the present, where some normies are so ignorant and brainwashed by the big names in consumer tech that they genuinely believe that the only operating systems out there are Windows, macos/ios (they can't distinguish the two), and Andriod, that's just a consequence of how computing has changed between now and ten years ago. But just a few years ago, when desktop computers were more relevant than smartphones, pc-BSD was pretty much right up there with Mandriva and Ubuntu. Even my tech-illiterate friend knew what a BSD was. If you read the pc-BSD handbook, it's blatantly obvious that they were catering to the laymen crowd--not the tech enthusiasts.

You can play plenty of gaymes on macOS, which is a BSD ;^)

BSD is irrelevant in the modern world.

GhostBSD is literally FreeBSD with a gui. It's true that TrueOS is really close to FreeBSD, but there's a lot of features that distinguishes TrueOS from FreeBSD, including a rolling release model, which wouldn't be practical for FreeBSD users, who are mostly using FreeBSD on their servers, but perfect for people who want to use BSD on their desktops. Furthermore, TrueOS, in addition to being configured with its own specially-made DE, Lumina, has many things preconfigured for desktop use, such as flash, which, were you to use FreeBSD, would require you to download and configure the Linux plugin and emulate it using Linuxulator.

Yes, OpenBSD on my laptops and a few desktops

No I have a tv tuner