Give me one reason to buy a laptop bigger than 13.3"

Give me one reason to buy a laptop bigger than 13.3"

And why would I do that? 13.3" is already in the grey zone when it comes to portability

Now that I'm used to a 15" w530 I just can't go back to pleb 13".

no reason

integrated graphics and 15w CPU's are slow af.

Not being a manlet pleb

Full size keyboard.

>Large display
>Number pad
>Feels sturdy

13.3 macfags can fuck off

because not everyone wants a desktop? either way i fucked you mother and now she has crabs.

maybe you want to slide down a snow covered hill on it?

when your boobs are big enough for 15" or even 17"

you should probably just kill yourself instead

Whachu smokin user?

Why are the 3 of these threads?

the screen is bigger

If you are buying something that big and bulky already, you might as well get a 17" gayming laptop.

>need to compensate for your lack of size with bigger electronics
>calls others manlets

>it's about compensation
>not about whats objectively better for people who are physically taller and larger
How's the weather down there?

>His 15 watt dual core i7 doesn't match a stock 2500k

How many of these threads do you need you micropenised spastic?

There are only cringy laptops that feature both a screen


>distracting from the fact that you lost
>having the audacity to pretend otherwist
Seriously, drink bleach.
I want you to suffer before you die.

>Comes to anonymous image board to receive admission.