Post a picture of the smartphone you are currently using.
Pictures of your smartphone
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For what fucking reason?
But how am I supposed to take a picture of my phone without a phone?
Imagine: a flat slab of glass covering a touchscreen with a little plastic as well
Best phone ever created reporting in
I'm at work and I didn't bring a second phone to take a picture of my own phone
you retarded don't know the use of google images
Next level shit posting right here.
How the fuck is videogames
Good phone, shitty price
there is nothing special about this phone, kindly fuck off with it. it's not even fucking waterproof
I'm pretty sure only government agencies have those. Mine only reflects things in them, but can't record things.
Well, thanks for the advice anyway.
iPhone 5 is literally the best phone ever.
> 5 year old
> running the latest iOS really smoothly
> Still thin and light for today's standard
> Battery died, got a new one for really cheap and this thing is alive again
Thanks Applel
totally agree
is there a major difference between a 5.0 screen and a 5.5 screen?
Here a comparison
well shit those are the exact phones I was looking at
Much appreciated m8
How is 5S not better in every regard?
Well, I can tell you that the difference between 4.7" and 5.2" is huge, so I'd assume so.
I've got one too. Hope I don't get cucked by the bootloop issue
You seem to be a little upset about my choice in phone models. Is everything okay user?
About .5 inches
oukitel k10 000
playing pokemon go never was this fun
>oukitel k10 000
is that a real phone?
My nigger.
>the only one in the moto g4 family that doesn't overheat, is phablet size or has screen burn-in issues
>removable battery
>dual sim+dedicated sd slot
>$100 on most stores, $139 if ordered directly from motorola
Rocking the latest official resurrection remix N build on mine, it's great.
taco taco tortilla wall frijoles
Same here ! 5x Master Race
>sjw team fortress wallpaper
>no custom launcher
>no nougat theme+goodlock
>google bar on homescreen
>social media
kill yourself
Yeah, pretty neat. I only use it to whatsapp and watch porn.
i just never got what the big deal about it is, and why would all reviews praise it for being more than a plain phone, ESPECIALLY when there's no waterproofing
>inb4 chinkshit
>>sjw team fortress wallpaper
Clearly DOTA
It's an LG
>>no custom launcher
Using Apex
>>no nougat theme+goodlock
Nougat is disgusting, caramel is better
>>google bar on homescreen
How else would I search
So I can be doubly sure when to pick your mom up for our afternoon shag
>>social media
For getting into contact with your whore mother
Nigga if your phone isn't chinshit and your laptop isn't a ibm thinkpad you don't belong here.
It's fast, damn near no bloat, has literally one of the best cameras on a smartphone. Don't get me wrong, I fucking hate that it has no waterproofing but at the same time I know how to keep it away from things that will break it
i got wrecked by boot loop, just decided to pick up one of these sexy babies so that girls would stop making fun of my green messages
with colorOS?
OK fuck you I have 3 clocks not 2... learn to count
no, it's just a battery with a screen on top
You're poor.
Again... it's 3 clocks.... can you not count too?
This came with a Chink ROM but I don't give a shit at this point anymore. SoT is GOAT.
That's not a third clock asshole. It's a timer for how long it takes your mom to cum
still 2clock/10, learn your image board lingo son
>he got the manlet version of the cuck phone in the gay meme color
10000 mha that seems a great phone. Pardon my first words.
My burner phone's camera is shit
Priv! Is that a good phone? Lags?
does it work in 2017? no apps, no software updates..
>not using custom firmware
it runs android, you stupid cunt. who knows what the baseband does, though. you've heard what a fucking cockhead jew the ceo of blackberry is
Well, my phone before this was a Z10 and after a year I think this phone is better hardware-wise.
I really like the grippy back, and it occasionally gets really hot and literally gives me a pop-up with something along the lines of
>You device is getting hot, the system is taking some steps to return to normal temperatures. You may experience reduced performance during this time
Keyboard takes more getting used to than the Classic or Bold, sometimes I wonder if I'd use it more often had I gone with a Passport.
Why would it? As I understand it, this phone is on-par with 2015 flagships and the BB provided rom near-stock so no, I haven't had this phone lag. There was one rhythm-matching game I downloaded on the playstore that managed to crash it, but I stopped playing it and uninstalled it.
I will say, having bought this unlocked and using it on T-mo it was reassuring that BB fought to make OTA updates available through a software patch. This is still on 6.0 but BB doesn't fuck around with monthly security updates
tell me
np my man
it's a fast enogh to browse web and social, can do music/movies without care about battery life + possible to charge other stuff with it, saved some people a couple of times
bonus points, it made my fingers super strong
used the shitty camera from a feature phone i have around
okay now I want to buy one!!
What model? too many xperia out there
what is it? 6? SE?
That's a Thinkpad X220s
Dude, the model badge is right in the picture
"X220 Tablet"
6s 64 space gray (main)
xz forest black (backup)
z5 (useless cause sony fucked up the sim reader)
shit looks flee as fuck. the SE has better battery life than the 6s cause of the smaller screen. rose gold is a great color way. might you be jealous? potentially
Z5 Premium silver and M5 gold
the Battery on my SE is eternal. jesus, is this even an iphone?
we get it, you're gay
Mah nigga
Works great. Just got a software update last month and there's at least one more coming. As for the apps, it can run Android apps too.
You're retarded
>fucking SD810 with 4k screen and 3400 mAh battery
>Mediatek with 2600 mAh
Pretty but holy shit those specs, sell them both and get the superior in both looks and specs XZ, or wait for the XZ premium.
Why should I
the Z5 premium lasts 5 days with my usage habits
the M5 lasts even longer cus i only use it for calls to a different country
I'd only lose money by swapping
>Not having a phone with 9 hours of SOT, 48 hours of normal usage
What's wrong with you user?
I have this exact phone.
It's really, really, really fucking fast. Holy shit. That forced GPU no bloated Android GOOOO FASSSTTT
Seeing all the jailbroken shit
just get a real phone tit
Read my lips: 4100mAh
Eight year old Nokia 5530 + 32gb micro sd card
>budget LG
>LG in general
Do not.
All iPhones have good battery relative to their capacity.
Well when you have a god tier cpu and only need to power a sub 720p screen of course even 1500 mAh will give you SoT on par with other flagships, it's still ridiculous to charge 800 dollars for a product as shitty specs wise as an iphone, i wouldn't buy one even if the seller sucked my dick and swallowed unless it had an SD slot.
Only that much eh?
I regret nothing!
Is that with the standard ROM or with LineageOS.
Currently running CM13 and can't be bothered flashing a different ROM because I don't want to lose apps, app settings, etc.
Xperia Z2
iPhone 5s with the special lockscreen I designed.
I wanted it to look like samaritan ui from person of interest.